পরিবারের কাকে WBHS এ BENEFICIARY হিসাবে রাখা যাবে ?

স্বামী বা স্ত্রী যদি চাকরি করে এবং তাদের অফিস WBHS র facility না থাকে তাহলে enrollment করা যাবে কি না ? বাবা, মা যদি অবসর প্রাপ্ত স্কুল শিক্ষক হন তাহলে রাখা যাবে কি না ? শাশুড়ি , শ্বশুর কে WBHS এ beneficiary হিসাবে রাখা যাবে কি না ?  সামান্য পরিমার্জন করে তুলে ধরছি অর্ডার সহকারে –
1. Spouse can be added unconditionally. If s/he receives medical allowance ( MA) owing to service in State Govt/ central govt/ autonomous body/ UT agency where MA is given then s/he has to forego that MA. Order no 7287-F, 19.09.2008 and 9205-f(med) 11.05.09
2. Parents can be added upto monthly income of Rs 8500/- per month. For this purpose income declaration has to submit once in every two year from June/july 2023. Order no 126-f(med) 24/6/22. Therefore parents served in Govt sponsored school, college can’t be enrolled as the pension is higher than 8500/- .
3. The parents who were serving in state Govt ( who PPO s were issued from AG except the Grant in aid college) will be added irrespective of their income. For this purpose they have forego MA from pension. Order no 222-f(med) 30.12.22
4. Dependent son/sons till their attainment of 25 yrs or starts having monthly income Rs 5000/- p.m whichever is earlier . Son suffering disability physically/ mentally will be considered dependent without any age limit . Order no 3474-F, 11.05.09 and 126-F(MED) 24.6.22
5. Unmarried daughter is eligible till starts earning ( irrespective of age ) . 3474-F, 11.05.09
6. Dependent widow / divorced daughter having monthly income upto Rs 5000 p.m Order no : 6722-F, 9.7.09 and 126-f(med) 24.6.22
7. Minor brothers/ minor sisters ( 6722-F, 9.7.09)
8. Dependent unmarried/widowed/divorced sisters having income upto Rs 5000 p.m order no. 6722-F, 9.7.09 and 126-f(med) 24.6.22
9. Father in law / mother in law can’t be enrolled as beneficiary in WBHS.


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