Benefits for One-Time Termination for Contractual and Casual Employees
One Time Terminal Benefit for Casual/ Contractual Workers
The amount of one time terminal benefit for the contractual personnel on attaining the age of 60/65 years will be enhanced to Rs. 5.00 lakh from 2.00 lakh/ 3.00 lakh
Revised Comprehensive Incentive Package for ASHAs in FY 2021-22
A detailed guideline on the revised comprehensive incentive package for ASHAs is being issued in Bengali (copy enclosed) for further dissemination at all levels.
Fixed Monthly Honorarium ASHAs
Payment of monthly fixed honorarium to the ASHAs at the rate of Rs. 1300.00 only per month per ASHA with effect from 01.04.2013 until further orders in addition to their monthly performance based incentive received by them as usual, from NRHM fund.
Revised Training Strategy for ASHA
As per recommendations of MoHFW, GoI, a Revised Training Strategy for ASHAs has been adopted by the State with effect from 1st September 2012.