Online Module for Submission of Declaration of Assets in PWD
Governor is pleased to introduce the facility for submission of Annual Declaration of Assets through on-line mode starting with the year 2024 i.e. Declaration of Assets as stood on 01.01.2025.
No: 30-E (Vig) Dated: 29.01.2025
In terms of the provisions of the rule 3(6) of WBS (DRO of the Govt. Employees) Rules 1980,Officers and Employees other than Group-D employees of the State Govt. are required to submit their annual return of assets (Declaration of Assets Statement) to their respective Cadre Controlling Authority/ Appointing Authority by 30th April every year. The form as prescribed in the annexure to the West Bengal Government Servants’ Conduct Rule 1959, are being used by the State Govt. Employees for submission of their annual return of assets in physical mode as directed in F.D. Memo No. 3571-F dtd. 30.03.2001 read with their further Memo No. 1853-F (P) dtd. 02.03.2012.
Officers of WBES & WBSES Cadre, irrespective of their place of posting, submit their Annual Return of Assets in physical mode to the P.W. Department at Vigilance Cell, Khadya Bhavan, being the Cadre Controlling Authority/ Appointing Authority. Such Officers under WBES and WBSES are generally posted at different far flung locations of the state which makes it difficult for them to submit the annual Declaration of Assets (DOA) to this Deptt. in person or through messenger or through postal services within the stipulated time. Proposals for introduction of on-line submission of annual Declaration of Assets (DOA) to leverage the facility of digitization was under active consideration of the State Govt. for some time past.
In consideration of the matter, the Governor is now pleased to introduce the facility for submission of Annual Declaration of Assets through on-line mode to leverage the benefit of digitization to the officers of WBES & WBSES Cadre starting with the year 2024 i.e. Declaration of Assets as stood on 01.01.2025
Salient Features of the on-line submission of Declaration of Assets Statement:-
After clicking the link provided for on-line submission of Assets in the Departmental Portal https://pwd.wb.gov.in/ incumbent officers will have to register themselves by using their HRMS ID and through OTP authentication. For this purpose, Aadhaar No. & the phone numbers linked to HRMS & Aadhaar (which may be same or different) should be kept handy.
The form as prescribed in the Annexure to the West Bengal Government Servants’ Conduct Rule 1959 has been adopted.
Incumbent officer will fill data (description of movable & immovable assets) in the respective field of the said form.
After submission of such Declaration of Assets, the incumbent officer will be able to download e-receipt of acknowledgement which will be in printable format.
No one other than the incumbent officer will be able to see the submitted Declaration of Assets.
Only in the event of vigilance case, the relevant asset data will be accessible to the custodian under due approval of the Cadre Controlling Authority.
For Assets as they stood on 01.01.2025, all Officers of WBES & WBSES Cadre are required to submit their Annual Declaration of Assets both by on-line & off-line mode, i.e., in addition to submission of on-line Declaration of Assets, a sealed and signed hard copy of the same (print option available in the on-line module) is to be submitted to Vigilance Cell at Khadya Bhavan. Such submission is mandatory.
The link for on-line submission will be available for use in due course and all concerned are requested to register themselves.