Precautionary Technical Measures to be taken by the Owner/ Builder/ Developer

Guideline on specific precautionary technical measures to be taken by the owner/ builder/ developer(s) of building as well as by Urban Local Bodies before construction/ demolition/ alternation of any building or part thereof within various Municipalities/Notified Area Authorities and Municipal Corporations.

Leave Rules for Re-Employed Contractual Executive Officers of Municipality

For availing leave for more than 7 (seven) days at a stretch, the concerned Executive Officer shall apply before the Chairman concerned and the Chairman shall forward the same to the Department of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs for obtaining No-objection.

Guidelines to Impose Penalty upon Defaulter Owner/ Developer/ Builder

Municipalities may decide to issue advance notice to the defaulter owner/ developer/ builder and thereafter to impose penalty as per section 440 of the West Bengal Municipal Act, 1993

Guideline on specific precautionary technical measures to be taken by the owner/ builder/ developer(s) of building as well as by Urban Local Bodies before construction/ demolition/ alternation of any building or part thereof within various Municipalities/Notified Area Authorities and Municipal Corporations.

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