Aadhaar Enrolment Programme

SED has been allowed to become registrar to state Aadhaar Enrolment and update for School going Children mainly in classes IX to XII of the institution, The department is going to launch a Pilot Project of Aadhaar Enrolment Programme in each of the Educational District in West Bengal from 1st October 2021 to 8th October 2021 on weekdays only i.e on 1st, 4th, 5th and 8th October 2021 from 10: 00 am to 5:00 pm.

  • AadhaarLink up to March 2024, download Notification.
  • Extension of relaxation in fee charge through SSUP (myAadhaar) portal for document update, F.No.HQ-16027/1/2022-EU-I-HQ Date:08.06.2023.



                              Aadhaar Enrolment for School going Children

                                          The Secretary, School Education Department, Government of West Bengal

                                                              No. 846-ES/Admn/10M-56/2021   Date: 20.09.2021


Vide Memo No. 443-Home(NPR) dated 01.09.2021 of the Home and Hill Affairs Department, Government of West Bengal, the School Education Department has been allowed to become Registrar to state Aadhaar Enrolment and update for the school going children (Mainly in classes IX to XII) in this state.

To operationalise the Aadhaar Enrolment programme successfully, School Education Department is taking various steps at different levels. As a part of proper execution of the programme it has been decided that DI/S (Secondary) of the concerned district will act as District Nodal Officer. Concerned SI/S will act as nodal officers at the Block/Municipality level.

In this connection, I am directed to inform you that this department is going to launch a Pilot Project of the Aadhaar Enrolment Programme in each of the Educational District in West Bengal from 1st October 2021 to 8th October 2021 (on weekdays only i.e on 1st, 4th, 5th and 8th October 2021 from 10: 00 am to 5:00 pm). List of proposed Aadhaar Enrolment Centres (one in each district), as submitted by you, is enclosed. The catchment area of this Centre would be the concerned Block /Municipal area, as the case may be, wherein this Centre falls. The date wise target number for the pilot project has already been discussed in the video conference held on 19.09.2021. In this regard, the following steps are requested to be taken at your end:


                                 Important steps of Aadhaar Enrolment

  1. The Aadhaarnumbers of all target school students (who areAadhaar enrolled) of classes IX to XII of the pilot area may be uploaded in the Banglar Shiksha Portal immediately, This, in turn, would generate the list of students who are not having Aadhaar.


  1. The application from for Aadhaar is enclosed. This may be circulated to the HOIs of the (Pilot stage) target schools. Instruction from your end may be given to these HIOs to get the forms filled up for the target students on the basis of valid documents (list of documents and instruction for filling up the forms already circulated). Form fill up should be done class wise at separate times to avoid crowding. These filled up forms will be deposited to the concerned SIs (Nodal officers at Block/Municipality level).


  1. Every target student and guardian must know beforehand when they have to come to their school (with documents) for filling up the form. The forms should be verified with documents /school records by the HOI of the school. On the day of such form fill up, students/ guardians should know specific date /time when they have to go to the Aadhaar enrolmentCentre. The date wise/ School wise programme may be displayed through banners (Model is being provided from this end) in the Enrolment Centre, concerned school premises, SI Offices, BDO offices etc.


  1. Aadhaarkits and operators for  the pilot project will be provided by the UIDAI authority. The logistic arrangements at the Enrolment Centre (Space, tables-chairs, electricity, internet connectivity etc) may be arranged from your end with the help of HOIs/ SIs.


  1. On the days of Aadhaar enrolment(Between 1st and 8th October 2021 as mentioned above) the HOI of the enrolmentCentre and concerned school/s (whose students are coming for enrolment) must remain present at the Enrolment Centre for maintaining discipline, assisting the operators reading entries in the forms, etc.


  1. COVIDprotocols, particularly wearing of mask and keeping reasonable distance, must be maintaned at all levels and unnecessary crowding should be avoided.


  1. All communications /reporting from your end should be mailed to adssed@wb.gov.inwith cc to sarkarchimay71@gmail.com.


  1. A date wise chart of work in this regard is enclosed.


The main programme of Aadhaar enrolment of students (Primarily of classes IX to XII) will commence after the Puja holiday. Detailed guidelines in this regard will follow.



School Education Department, Govt of West Bengal    

                                                                                                                          l                Date: 20.09.2021                                                                                                         

                                                                             Download Notification (Click here)


                                             Notification of Aadhaar Link

                                                                                        New Delhi, the 17th June 2022

S.O 2803(E): In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (5) of Section 23 of the Representation of the People Act 1950 (43 of 1950), the Central Government hereby notifies the 1st April 2023 as the date on or before which every person whose name is included in the electoral roll may intimate his Aadhaar Number in accordance with the said section.

                                                                                                                                                   (F. No. H-11019/4/2019-Leg.II)

                                                                                                                    Diwakar Singh, Jt Secy. and Legislative Counsel


                                                                           Ministry of Law and Justice

                                                                              (Legislative Department)


                                                                        Download Notice (Click here)

New Delhi, the 17th June 2022

S.O 1359(E): In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (5) of Section 23 of the Representation of the People Act 1950 (43 of 1950), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Law and Justice (Legislative Department), number S.O 2803(E) dated the 17th June 2022 namely:

In the said notification for the words and figures ”the 1st April 2023”. the words and figures, the 31st March 2024 shall be substituted.

                                                                                                                                                   (F. No. H-11019/4/2019-Leg.II)

                                                                                                                        Diwakar Singh, Jt Secy. and Legislative Counsel


Note: The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) vide number S.O 2803(E) dated the 17th June 2022.



                                   Aadhaar updation September 2023

                             Aadhaar updation (document update) in free of cost is extended up to 14.09.2023

            Extension of relaxation in fee charge through SSUP (myAadhaar) portal for document update

                                                                          Office Memorandum (Click here)


                                                          ➤ Go to Official Website of Aadhaar (Click here)













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