
West Bengal Government Notifications related to Admission into various courses in different departments e.g. School Education, Higher Secondary Education, Higher Education, Health etc.

·         Modification in Reservation Rules of EWS in Admission

The District Magistrate and the District Reservation Commissioner shall be the authority in respect of Higher Educational Institutions within their administrative jurisdiction for approval of filling up of the unfilled reserved seats for Economically Weaker Sections.

·         Reservation of EWS in Admission in Higher Educational Institution

SUBJECT: Reservation of Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in admission in the Higher Educational Institution in the State of West Bengal.

·         Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs)

Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) in direct recruitment in civil posts and services and admission in the educational institutions in the state of West Bengal.

·         Issuance of NOC for conducting Degree Programmes

All the State-aided Universities are directed that they should desist from providing NOC to any Institution without obtaining prior approval/ clearance from the Department of Higher Education, West Bengal.

·         Online Admission into PG Courses for Session, 2023-24

No Charges shall be taken from the students for (i) scanning/ uploading of documents for online admission and (ii) providing/ making available the application form/ prospectus of admission in all PG level programmes like last year.

·         Admission in Teachers Training Programmes, 2023-2025

State Government in the Higher Education Department has advised to start the procedure for admission in Teachers’ training programmes for the academic session 2023-2025 wef 01.09.2023.

·         Online Admission into UG Courses for Session, 2023-24

On-line admission process should be done strictly based on merit. Prospective students should not be called for counseling or verification of documents during the process of admission.

·         Guidelines for Issuance of EWS Certificate

Modifications in the guidelines for issuance of certificate and strengthening of reservation system for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).

·         Re-Opening of Online Portal for Admission to D.El.Ed Colleges

Non-enrolled students of D.El.Ed colleges can submit their admission forms through online portal of the Board with requisite processing fees and late application fees of Rupees 3000/-

·         Admission Procedure in Elementary Classes for Session, 2023

This form is applicable for all Government/ Government Model Schools/ Integrated Schools/ Government Sponsored/ Aided Primary/ Upper Primary/ High/ Higher Secondary Schools.


·         Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for Session, 2023

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government/ Government Sponsored/ Aided Primary/ Upper Primary/ High/ Higher Secondary schools including SSKs/ MSKs for the academic session – 2023.

·         Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2022-23

Guidelines for admission in MCA Programme through decentralized Counseling (Institution Level) process for the academic year 2022-23.

·         Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses, 2022-23

Guidelines for admission to the vacant seats through Decentralized Counseling (Institution Level) in Degree Level Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy courses after completion of the e-counseling in 2022 for the academic year 2022-23.

·         Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses (2nd year), 2022-23

Guidelines for Admission to vacant seats in 2nd Year (3rd Semester) in the Degree level Engineering, Technology and Pharmacy courses through Decentralized Counseling (Institution Level) process under Lateral Entry Scheme of AICTE in the academic year 2022-23.

·         Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2022-23

Admissions to all Under Graduate (Honours and General) and Post Graduate courses in the State-funded Higher Education Institutions in West Bengal for the ensuing academic session 2022-2023 will be made online in Standalone mode.

·         Admission in Teachers Training Programmes, 2022-2024

Procedure for admission in Teachers’ training programmes for the academic session 2022-2024 with effect from 1st September 2022,

·         Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2021-22

Guidelines for admission in MCA Programme through decentralized Counseling (Institution Level) process for the academic year 2021-22.

·         Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for Session, 2022

The admission procedure (distribution and receiving of admission forms of lottery, draw of lot, admission of candidate etc.) shall be done strictly as per COVID-19 protocol issued by the Government of West Bengal from time to time.

·         Admission Procedure in Elementary Classes for Session, 2022

Guidelines for admission procedure in elementary classes including pre-primary class in all Government/ Government Model Schools/ Integrated Schools/ Government Sponsored/ Aided Primary/ Upper Primary/ High/ Higher Secondary Schools for the Academic Session- 2022.

·         Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses, 2021-22

Guidelines for admission to vacant seats in degree level engineering, technology, architecture and pharmacy courses after the e-counseling in 2021 through decentralized counseling (institution level) and also for admission under Management Quota Seats and other relevant issues for the academic year 2021-22.


·         Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2021-22

Admissions to all Under Graduate (Honours and General) and Post Graduate courses in the State-funded Higher Education Institutions in West Bengal for the ensuing academic session 2021-2022 will be made online.

·         Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for Session, 2021

Children seeking admission for pre-primary class shall be 5 years of age or above and below 6 years as on 01.01.2021, all children of the age of 6-14 years shall be admitted to their age appropriate classes.

·         Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses, 2020-21

Guidelines for admission to vacant seats in degree level engineering, technology, architecture and pharmacy courses after the e-counseling in 2020 through decentralized counseling (institution level) and also for admission under Management Quota Seats and other relevant issues for the academic year 2020-21.

·         Inclusion of Class V in all Primary Schools in West Bengal

In conformity with the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, Government of West Bengal in School Education Department has decided to include class V in all primary schools of West Bengal in phased manner.

·         Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for Session, 2020

District Inspector of Schools (PE)/ District Inspector of Schools (SE) shall ensure that no child in the above age group in the district is left out of the process of admission to his/her age appropriate class in a school nearer to his/her residence, as required under the RTE Act, 2009.

·         Admission to Degree Level Engineering Courses, 2019-20

Guidelines for admission to vacant seats in degree level engineering, technology, architecture and pharmacy courses after the e-counseling in 2019 through decentralized counseling (institution level) and also for admission under Management Quota seats and other relevant issues for the academic year 2019-20.

·         Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2019-20

The results of the West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination 2019 are expected to be announced shortly. This Department has received queries from different colleges regarding the admission modalities to be followed by them for the ensuing academic session 2019-20.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Schools, 2019

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government Sponsored/ Aided Primary/ Upper Primary/ High/ Higher Secondary schools for the academic session – 2019.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Schools/ Model Schools, 2019

All children from 6-14 years shall be admitted to their age appropriate classes in neighbour-hood schools, and elementary education including pre-primary education shall be provided to them free of cost.

·         Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2018-19

Guidelines for admission in MCA Pragramme through decentralized Counseling (Institution Level) process for the academic year 2018-19.


·         Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2018-19

Guidelines for admission to vacant seats in degree level engineering, technology, architecture and pharmacy courses after the e-counseling and Mop-up round of counseling in 2018 through decentralized counseling.

·         Filling Up of Vacant Seats of UG Courses, 2018-19

Fill up the vacant seats in the undergraduate courses from the applicants who have already submitted applications or those who may apply for the vacant seats through online portal of the institutions.

·         Online Admission into UG/PG without any Physical Presence

On-line admission process should be done based on merit and prospective students should not be called for counseling or verification of documents during the process of admission.

·         Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2018-19

Admissions to all Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses (Honours and General) in the State-funded higher education institutions were made through online, merit based system.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Schools, 2018

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Govt Sponsored/ Aided Primary/ Upper Primary/ High/ Higher Secondary Schools, 2018.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Schools/ Model Schools, 2018

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Govt schools including Model schools and integrated schools for the academic session, 2018.

·         Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2017-18

Guidelines for admission in MCA Programme through decentralized counseling process for the academic year 2017-18.

·         Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2017-18

Guidelines for admission to vacant seats in degree level engineering, technology, architecture and pharmacy courses after the e-counseling and allotment in 2017 through decentralized counseling and other relevant issues for the academic year 2017-18.

·         Intake Capacity of Higher Education Institutions, 2017-18

Intake capacity of UG and PG courses in State-funded Higher Education Institutions (HEI) for the Academic Session 2017-18; seeking confirmation thereon.

·         Age Criteria for Admission in Govt. Aided Schools, 2017

Children who have completed any class at a lesser age as per prevalent rule in force at the material point of time in any Govt. Sponsored school may be allowed to proceed to the next class.


·         Age Criteria for Admission in Govt. Schools, 2017

Children who have completed any class at a lesser age as per prevalent rule in force at the material point of time in any Govt. school may be allowed to proceed to the next class.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Sponsored /Aided Schools, 2017

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government Sponsored /Aided Primary /Upper Primary /High /Higher Secondary Schools, 2017.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Schools /Model Schools, 2017

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government schools including Model schools and integrated schools for the academic session, 2017.

·         Guidelines for Admission in MCA Programme, 2016-17

Guidelines for admission in MCA Programmes through decentralized counseling process for the academic year 2016-17.

·         Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2016-17

Guidelines for admission for Degree level Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy courses through decentralized counseling process and other relevant issues for the academic year 2016-17.

·         Mandatory Documents for Admission to Class V

Documents needed for Admission to Class V in all Schools under WBBSE:- a) Birth Certificate with Birth Registration Number and b) Primary School leaving Certificate.

·         Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses for Session, 2016-17

All the procedural and administrative modalities which were stipulated for online admissions for the academic session 2015-16 shall be followed in toto for the ensuing academic session 2016-17.

·         Prayer for Excess Admission of Students to WBCHSE

Prayer for Subject introduction, introduction of Co-education and excess admission of students should be submitted to the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education within 30th of June positively.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Schools/ Model Schools, 2016

Methodology for admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government schools including Model schools for the academic session, 2016.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Schools, 2016

Methodology for Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government Sponsored/ aided Primary/ Upper Primary/High/ Higher secondary schools for the academic session, 2016.


·         No HELP DESK in Universities and Colleges during Admission

No HELP DESK shall be allowed to be setup by anybody/ Association/ Union/ Council, on the campus of State aided Universities and Colleges during the online admission process.

·         Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2015-16

Guidelines for admission in Degree level Engineering, Technology, Architecture & Pharmacy courses through decentralized counseling process for the academic year 2015-16.

·         Vacant Reserved Seats in Admission to Colleges, 2015-16

Representations from different colleges have been received seeking advice/ clarifications on the issues as to whether the vacant seats can be filled up through off-line mode and the vacant reserved seats can be dereserved or not.

·         Online Counselling for Admission in B.Sc Nursing Course, 2015

Only female candidates who have secured 50.00% or above in case of UR candidates in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English and pass mark in each subjects in H.S. (10+2) or equivalent.

·         Last Date of Admission into 2 Year D.El.Ed. Course, 2015-17

Last date of Admission to Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (Face to Face/ Regular Mode) for the session 2015-2017 is hereby extended up to 22nd July, 2015.

·         How to prepare Merit List for Admission in Self-Financed PTTI

In case of Vocational Category, rank immediate next to the last cut-off, and so on in descending order of the Merit List of Vocational Category will be selected from the Vocational Category Waiting List only.

·         How to prepare Merit List for Admission in DIET/ Govt. PTTI

If any seat under General Category falls/remains vacant after the last date of admission, the candidate with rank immediate next to the last cut-off rank and so on will be selected for admission from the General Waiting List.

·         Rights of Transgender Community in Indian Society

The judgement has upheld transgenders’ right to decide their self-identified gender i.e. male, female or as Third gender as a way of safeguarding and enforcing appropriately their rights under the Constitution.

·         Reservation in Admission to Higher Educational Institutions

For OBC-A (10%) and OBC-B (7%) seats, implementation will be done over a six year period and the exercise has already commenced from the Academic year 2014-15.

·         Preparedness for On-line Admission to UG/PG Course, 2015-16

Principals/ Officers-in-Charge/ Teacher-in-Charge of all Govt./ Govt. aided Colleges are to attend the meeting on 09.04.2015 at 13.00 hours in the Derozio Hall of the Presidency University.


·         Admission to B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. Colleges, 2015-2016

Counseling for admission to self-financed B.Ed./B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. colleges for 2015-2016 will be done centrally by the affiliating University and may be done through on-line or off-line mode.

·         Registration for 6 months Training of Primary School Teachers

Six Months Special Programme on Elementary Education Training of In-service Primary School Teachers of West Bengal, having B.Ed./ B.Ed. (Special Education/ D.Ed. (Special Education).

·         Universities will conduct On-line Admission Process, 2015-16

Admission to self-financed B. Ed./ B. P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. colleges/ courses for the academic year 2015-2016 will be done by the affiliating University through centralized on-line system.

·         Two Year Course on “Diploma in Family Medicine” by Health Dte.

Two-year Course on “Diploma in Family Medicine” to be conducted by the Institute of Health & Family Welfare collaboratively with Kolkata Medical College, R. G. Kar Medical College and Calcutta National Medical College.

·         Online Admission into UG/ PG Courses from Session, 2015-16

From the Academic Year 2015-16, admissions to Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses (Honours and General) in West Bengal shall be through an online, merit-based admission system.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Schools, 2015

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government Sponsored/ aided Primary/ Upper Primary/ High/ Higher secondary schools for the academic session-2015.

·         Admission of Children in Govt. Schools/ Model Schools, 2015

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government schools including Model schools for the academic session-2015.

·         Admission to Male GNM Course for Dec, 2014 to May, 2018

Applications are invited from Male candidates for admission to three & half years G.N.M. Training Course in Nursing Training Schools under the Govt. of West Bengal. The last six months of the G.N.M. Course will be for internship.

·         Authority to Issue Caste Certificate for Admission in School

A Member/Pradhan of a Gram Panchayat, Member/Sabhapati of Panchayat Samity, Member of Zilla Parishad, Commissioner of Municipality, Councillor/Chairman/Mayor of Municipal Corporation, Member of State Legislature, Member of Parliament, and any Group ‘A’ Officer of State Government.

·         Admission to Multi Skilled Male Health Workers Diploma Course

Applications are invited by the State Medical Faculty of West Bengal for admission to MULTI-SKILLED MALE HEALTH WORKERS DIPLOMA COURSE: 2 Years + 6 months (Six months) stipendiary compulsory post examination training.

·         Nodal Officer for e-Counseling, 2014 by WBJEEB

The Nodal Officer will be responsible for overall supervision for the smooth conduct of this entire e-Counseling process i.e. setting up of Help Centres, Reporting Centres etc. at District, Sub-Division and Block level; liaise with the WBJEE Board for all such arrangements and report to this Department through the Board.

·         e-Counselling & Admission by WBJEEB for 2014-15

Guidelines for e-counselling and admission process by WBJEEB for admission to Degree-level Engineering, Technology and Pharmacy courses as well as MBBS/ BDS courses in the State of West Bengal in the academic session 2014-15.

·         Acupunture Course at Dr. B.K. Basil Memorial Research & Training Institute

Applications are invited for Certificate in Acupuncture course at Dr. B.K. Basil Memorial Research & Training Institute of Acupuncture (under Government of West Bengal) affiliated to Council of Acupuncture Therapy, West Bengal.

·         Admission into Diploma Course in Pharmacy, 2014-15

Applications are invited for admission into 2 years’ Diploma Course in Pharmacy in the Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani, Jalpaiguri and Bankura. A pass in Higher Secondary (10+2) examination in Science Stream or equivalent examination as recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India can apply.

·         Admission Procedure of Higher Education Institution, 2014-15

Notification dated 28/2/2014 (Introduction of Online Admissions into UG courses of General Degree Colleges affiliated under State-aided Universities for the Academic Session 2014-15) stands withdrawn.

·         Admission of HIV Positive Students in School of West Bengal

All the State government and private schools are directed not to deny admission to the HIV affected children and also to treat them at par with other children and not to suspend or expel them from schools solely on the ground of their own or their parents/guardians’ HIV status.

·         Format of Seat Matrix for WBJEEB 2014-15

All the participating Institutions are directed to submit the ‘SEAT MATRIX’ as per the specified “FORMAT” within the 06th. June, 2014 so as to enable the Directorate to prepare the necessary ‘Seat Matrix-2014’ for onward communication to the Joint Entrance Examinations Board.

·         Implementation of Reservation Rules in Admission to University

Reservation applicable to each reserved category (SC-22%, ST-6%), shall be in commensurate with the overall number of seats being increased in each course/ faculty. For OBC-A (10%) and OBC-B (7%) seats, implementation will be done over a six year period commencing from 2014-15.

·         Reservation in Admission in Colleges of West Bengal

All Principal/Officer-in-charge/Teacher-in-charge of Government and Government-aided colleges of the state are advised to implement the total percentage of reservation i.r.o the Scheduled Castes (22%), the Scheduled Tribes (6%), the Other Backward Classes Category “A” (10%) and the Other Backward Classes Category “B” (7%).

·         Admission to GNM Course for Sept, 2014 to Feb, 2018

Admission to the General Nursing & Midwifery (G.N.M.) course for the Session September, 2014 to February, 2018. Last date of receiving applications by the respective institution is 30.04.2014.

·         West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Rules, 2013

The reservation norms shall apply on and from the Academic Session 2014-15 to all Universities, Government colleges, colleges and other institutions receiving aid from the State Government.

·         Online Admission into Under Graduate Courses for Session 2014-15

From the academic year 2014-15, admissions to all UG courses (Honours and General) in State-funded higher education institutions in West Bengal shall be through online merit-based admission system.

·         Nurse Practitioner in Midwifery (Post Basic Diploma) Course

Applications are invited from the B.Sc (Nursing) qualified personnel belong to Gr.I(ii) of W.B.N.S. Cadre for undergoing Nurse Practitioner in Midwifery (Post Basic Diploma) course for the academic session 2014.

·         Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for Session, 2014

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government Sponsored/aided Primary/Upper Primary/High/Higher Secondary schools including Model school for the academic session 2014.

·         West Bengal State Higher Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2013

An Act to provide for reservation of seats for admission of the students belonging to SC, ST, OBC to certain Higher Educational Institutions in the State of West Bengal which are established, maintained or aided by the State Government.

·         Permission for Co-Education in School as per RTE Act, 2009

Heads of the Secondary Institutions recognized by the Board in West Bengal are informed that the Circular issued by WBBSE vide memo No. N/S/192 dated 01.02.2013 is hereby withdrawn.

·         Application Invited for undergoing Cardiothoracic Nursing Course

Applications are invited from the eligible nursing personnel of WBNS Cadre for undergoing Post Basic Diploma course in “Cardiothoracic Nursing” for the academic Session January 2014 to December 2014 at the Govt. College of Nursing, NRS MCH, Kol-14.

·         Application Invited for undergoing Psychiatry Nursing Course

Applications are invited from the eligible nursing personnel of WBNS Cadre for undergoing Post Basic Diploma course in “Psychiatry Nursing” for the academic Session January 2014 to December 2014 at the Institute of Psychiatry, 7 D.L.Khan Road, Kol-25.

·         Application Invited for undergoing Neonatology Nursing Course

Applications are invited from the eligible nursing personnel of WBNS Cadre for undergoing Post Basic Diploma course in “Neonatology Nursing” for the academic Session January 2014 to December 2014 at the School of Nursing, SSKM Hospital, Kol-20.

·         Online Counselling for Medical and Dental Admission to State Quota

Health department constituted ‘on-line counseling committee’ during undergraduate medical and dental admission to State Quota in collaboration with NIC.


·         Online Admission System for B.Ed ODL at NSOU – Last Phase

The online last phase of data capturing and admission process in respect of B.Ed. ODL Programme of Netaji Subhas Open University for training of In Service Upper Primary Teachers in terms of RTE Act will remain open on and from 30th September.

·         Admission through Decentralized Counseling for MCA Program 2013-14

MCA seats, which may remain vacant after JECA-2013 counseling, in different AICTE approved participating Colleges of the State, offering MCA programme, be opened for admission through decentralized counseling for the JECA-2013 qualified candidates who fulfill the AICTE norms.

·         Registration of Un-trained Upper Primary Teachers for B.Ed

Admission in B.Ed Course of all the registered candidates as well as candidates who will be registered during the period 30th August, 2013 to 6th September, 2013 may be done with effect from 4th September, 2013 to 14th September, 2013.

·         Problems regarding Admission and Fees in Elementary Education

Collection of fees in addition to Rs. 240/- per annum is punishable under RTE Act. Further, taking loan from guardian or any other authority to run the educational institution is not permissible. Head of the institution shall be personally responsible for the same and disciplinary action against Headmaster/ Headmistress will be taken it they are…

·         Provisional List for Admission into Pharmacy Diploma, 2013-14

Notice along with a copy of the Combined Provisional list of eligible candidates for admission into Diploma Course in Pharmacy for the session 2013-14 published at

·         Admission Notice for B.Sc. Nursing Course for 2013-2014

Admission to the first year B.Sc. Nursing Course in the Nursing Colleges in West Bengal will be available from 16th July 2013 to 29th July 2013 from the office of the Central Selection Committee (Nursing) at West Bengal Government College of Nursing, Kolkata.

·         Trainee Reserve of M.Sc. Nursing and P.B.B.Sc. Nursing

Selection as Trainee Reserve will be strictly on the basis of merit, i.e. marks obtained in concerned Entrance Examination. Candidates should apply for obtaining No Objection Certificate in the prescribed format enclosed together with this.

·         Admission to Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Architecture Course, 2013-14

Online Counselling Order for Admission into 1st Year Undergraduate-Level UG Engineering/ Pharmacy/ Architecture courses for the year 2013-14. Revised West Bengal Free-ship Scheme to be effective w.e.f. 2013-14.

·         Continuation of Arts Subject after Up-gradation to H.S. Level

A number of schools have approached School Education Department for continuation of Arts subject in addition to Science subjects on the basis of local demands after up-gradation to H.S. level. Governor is pleased to issue direction that the schools which have initiated course on Arts subject may continue admission for next 3 (three) years.

·         Selection of Trainees for GNM – Guidelines to Selection Committee

A Selection Committee is constituted and a Guideline relating to selection of Trainees for the G.N.M. Training Course, for the session September, 2013 to February, 2017 is issued as per West Bengal state Nurses’ Training (Admission of Students) Rules, 1979.



·         Admission to GNM Course: Session – Sept, 2013 to Feb, 2017

Applications are invited from female candidates for admission to the three & half years G.N.M. Training Course in Nursing Training Schools under the Govt. of West Bengal. The last six months of the G.N.M. Course will be for internship.

·         Permission for Co-Education in School in light of RTE Act, 2009

It has certainly lost its relevance in the light of the fact that no child should be denied admission to schools irrespective of his/ her caste, creed or gender.

·         Admission of Children in Elementary Classes in Schools, 2013

Admission of children will be started from Pre Primary class in place of class I from the academic session 2013 and the minimum age of admission of such children shall be 5 years + as on 01.01.2013.

·         Admission of Children in Pre-Primary Class for Session, 2013

Age while admission of Children in Pre-Primary Class should be appropriate as per RTE Act to provide universal elementary education to all children of the age of 6-14 yrs free of cost.

·         Process of Admission of Children in Elementary Classes, 2013

Admission of Children in elementary classes shall be done through the process of lottery if number of candidates seeking admission to a class is more than the number of available seats for admission.

·         Free Pre-School Education for Children in West Bengal

Government may make necessary arrangement for providing free pre-school education for all children until they complete the age of six years to provide early childhood care and education.

·         Admission Procedure in Schools for Elementary Classes, 2012

If there is a primary school in the same premises of the Secondary school they are to be treated as the same unit and students of the primary school will get automatic admission to the secondary school even if they run under separate management.

·         Rules and Regulations for D.El.Ed Course, Session 2012-14

A Candidate applying for admission to the Two Year D. El. Ed. Course in an institution, recognized by the NCTE, and affiliated to the WBBPE should pass the H.S (+2) Examination.

·         Revised Lottery System for Admission in Elementary Classes, 2012

In case where a school has both Primary and Secondary section, there will be no lottery for students already admitted in the primary section. In case there are any excess seats only then there may be a lottery at class-V for filling up the additional seats.

·         Lottery System for Admission in Elementary Classes, 2012

At first a general lottery from among all applications irrespective of any category to find out the selected general candidates. Then, a second set lottery for left over candidates in each category i.e. SC, ST and OBC candidates.

·         Age for Admission in School to Appropriate Class

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education has notified about the age for admission in School to appropriate Class as per definition in West Bengal Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Rules, 2012.

·         Admission into PG: 40% Seats Open for Other University

State Aided Universities is requested to open up 40% of seats for open competition among the Undergraduates from other Universities/ Colleges.

·         Increase of Intake Capacity in Class XI for Session 2012-13

School Education Department hereby allows to increase the intake capacity of enrolment of students by 20% of the existing strength in Class XI.

·         Admission in Respective Higher Secondary School (Science)

A student, who has secured at least 70% marks in the aggregate and 75% marks in Science subjects and Mathematics taken together in the Madhyamik Examination.

·         Admission Procedures in Schools as per RTE Act

As per Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, following are the guidelines regarding Application Procedures in Elementary Classes (I to VIII) in Govt./ Govt. Aided/ Govt. Un-Aided Schools for the academic session 2012.

·         Competent Authority to Issue SC/ ST Certificates in West Bengal

Deputy Director, Backward Classes Welfare, West Bengal and Commissioner, Backward Classes Welfare, West Bengal in case of candidates claiming to be Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe residing in any part of West Bengal.

·         Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009

Special provisions for children not admitted to, or who have not completed, elementary education, Right of transfer to other school.


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