ALL INDIA DEPARTMENTS Departments 48 Results Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade DETAILS Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) DETAILS Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) DETAILS Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare DETAILS Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying DETAILS Department of Biotechnology DETAILS Department of Border Management DETAILS Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals DETAILS Department of Commerce DETAILS Department of Consumer Affairs DETAILS Department of Defence DETAILS Department of Defence Production DETAILS Department of Defence Research & Development DETAILS Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation DETAILS Department of Economic Affairs DETAILS Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities DETAILS Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare DETAILS Department of Expenditure DETAILS Department of Fertilizers DETAILS Department of Financial Services DETAILS Department of Fisheries DETAILS Department of Food and Public Distribution DETAILS Department of Health Research DETAILS Department of Health and Family Welfare DETAILS Department of Higher Education DETAILS Department of Home DETAILS Department of Investment and Public Asset Management DETAILS Department of Justice DETAILS Department of Land Resources (DLR) DETAILS Department of Legal Affairs DETAILS Department of Military Affairs (DMA) DETAILS Department of Official Language DETAILS Department of Pension & Pensioner’s Welfare DETAILS Department of Personnel and Training DETAILS Department of Pharmaceuticals DETAILS Department of Posts DETAILS Department of Public Enterprises DETAILS Department of Revenue DETAILS Department of Rural Development DETAILS Department of School Education and Literacy DETAILS Department of Science and Technology DETAILS Department of Scientific and Industrial Research DETAILS Department of Social Justice and Empowerment DETAILS Department of Sports DETAILS Department of Telecommunications DETAILS Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation DETAILS Department of Youth Affairs DETAILS Legislative Department DETAILS