
There are different types of allowances for West Bengal Govt. employees e.g. Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Medical Allowance, Compensatory Allowance, Hill Allowance, Spectacle Allowance, etc.

In case, Scanner is a part of the multifunction Printer/ Photocopier, separate cleaning charge is not admissible for Scanner other than that for Printer/ Photocopier, since the Printer/ Photocopier scans documents with the same machine.

Revision of rates of Administrative Allowance/ Special Allowance for the field level WBCS(Exe) officers e.g. Sub-Divisional Officer, Additional District Magistrate & District Magistrate has been under consideration of the Government for sometime past.

Governor has been pleased to enhance the benefit of cash allowance in lieu of Ration Allowance from Rs. 900/- to Rs. 1500/- per month in respect of uniformed officials of Correctional Services viz. Warder (Male and Female), Head Warder, Chief Head Warder, Assistant Controller and Controller.

Governor is pleased to allow the members of Divisional Accountant Cadre viz Senior Divisional Accounts Officer, Divisional Accounts Officer Grade-I, Divisional Accounts Officer Grade-ll and Divisional Accountant, the benefit of Children Education Allowance.

Governor is pleased to accord approval towards payment in one lump of Cash Compensation to all the Block Development Officers of the State which will be equivalent to 30 (thirty) days of their Pay and Dearness Allowances for every completed year of service.

If the pay fixation memo has been issued for the earlier college, the college from where the employee is transferred will issue a non drawal certificate on the basis of an application of the concerned incumbent and send to the college where the employee is transferred to.

Introduction of new TR Form No. 73 for Drawal of various allowances etc which are not drawn through regular Pay Bills.

Vice-Principal of a Government-aided College appointed shall be eligible for a special allowance of Rs. 1500/- per month in addition to his regular pay and allowances.

‘Administrative Allowances’/ ‘Special Allowances’ for Block Development Officer, Sub-Divisional Officer, Additional District Magistrate is Rs. 1,200/- per month.

Court Staff who are deputed to attend Lok Adalat work shall be paid Compensatory Allowance @ 5% of their basic pay if they are deputed during general holidays.

·         Additional Transport Allowance for RSBY Beneficiaries

The eligible RSBY smart cardholders will be entitled to receive Rs 600 as transport allowance at the time of discharge from all Medical College hospitals & teaching hospitals in the State.

·         Sanction of Incentive to Forest staff posted in remote areas

The rates of incentive are as follows: (a) Rs. 500/- per month for officers and staff of Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ of Gr. Pay Rs. 4700/- (b) Rs. 400/- per month for staff of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’.

·         Expenditure incurred by Officers i.c.w. Travel outside State

List of officers and expenditure incurred by them during the period from 01.06.2014 to 30.11.2014 towards travel and other expenditure thereon for undertaking tours outside the State.

·         List of Beneficiary Schools for Library Grant, 2014-15

List of Beneficiary Government aided/ Sponsored Schools of West Bengal for Library Grant, 2014-15. Library grant shall not be provided to any unaided/ private Schools.

·         List of Beneficiary Schools for Laboratory Grant, 2014-15

List of Beneficiary Government aided/ Sponsored Schools of West Bengal for Laboratory Grant, 2014-15. Laboratory grant shall not be provided to any unaided/ private Schools.

·         Uniform Allowance and Maintenance Charge for Excise Personnel

Governor has been pleased to allow a ‘uniform allowance’ @ Rs. 2000/- per head per annum along with a ‘maintenance charge’ @ Rs. 400/- per head per annum in lieu of supplying the same.

·         Discontinuation of Assistance to Political Sufferers Scheme

Assistance to Political Sufferers Scheme, launched to provide State allowance to the Freedom Fighters and Post Democratic Political Sufferers, shall be discontinued with effect from the 1st day of February, 2013.

·         Reimbursement of Water and Electricity Charges to Judicial Officers

Reimbursement of water Charges and Electricity Charges to the Judicial Officers of the West Bengal Judicial Service including erstwhile West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and West Bengal Higher Judicial Service.

·         DA to Employees of Municipal Corporations, 2014

The rates of Dearness Allowance to the categories of employees who are drawing their pay in the pre­revised scale of pay shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 115% to 127% with effect from 01.01.2014.

·         Revised Rates of Remuneration of the Staff of Ashram Hostels

The questions of revision of rates of remuneration of the staffs of Ashram Hostels for SC/ ST students run by Backward Classes Welfare Department in West Bengal was under active consideration of the Government for sometime past.


·         Payment of Dearness Allowance to All India Services Officers

Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure raising the rate of Dearness Allowance to 90% with effect from 01.07.2013, from the existing rate of 80%.

·         Enhancement of Washing Allowance of Nursing Staff

Governor has been pleased to enhance washing allowances of Nursing Staff from Rs. 25/- (Twenty five) only per month to Rs. 150/- (One hundred and fifty) only per month in respect of washing charges of the uniform with effect from 01.08.2013.

·         Monthly Allowance to Freedom Fighters & their Family Members

Scheme for providing monthly allowance to the freedom fighters and their dependent family members who were receiving such allowance under the Assistance to Political Sufferer Scheme.

·         Increment of Untrained Assistant Teachers in July, 2013

Untrained Secondary School Teachers shall be allotted annual increments on condition that such untrained teachers will have to get themselves trained.

·         Un-approved Scale of Pay while preparing Salary Bill – Caution

Many of the teachers are enjoying the Higher Scale of pay without taking approval of the undersigned, which is not in accordance to GA Rules. Stop this unauthorised Higher Scale of pay and intimate it to the undersigned immediately for further course of action.

·         Fixed Monthly Honorarium ASHAs

Payment of monthly fixed honorarium to the ASHAs at the rate of Rs. 1300.00 only per month per ASHA with effect from 01.04.2013 until further orders in addition to their monthly performance based incentive received by them as usual, from NRHM fund.

·         Additional Remuneration for Gr. D Employees Operating Xerox Machine

Gr. D employees, who are attached to office where there is no post of duplicating machine operator and are operating the same in addition to their normal duties will get additional remuneration @ Rs. 80/- per month.

·         Enhancement of Contractual Remuneration of MGNREGA Employees

Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE) engaged for the purpose of making data entry who are paid on pro-rata basis, the Department makes an ad-hoc increase of 30% in respect of data entry charge in respect of all existing data entry interfaces.

·         Increase of Grant and Pension rate under IGNWPS and IGNDPS Scheme

Government of India have since increased the rate of pension from Rs. 200/- to Rs. 300/- per month under IGNWPS and IGNDPS with effect from 01.10.2012 as well as increased the grant from Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- under NFBS with effect from 18.10.2012.

·         West Bengal Rural Employment Guarantee (Procedure for Payment of Unemployment Allowance) Rules, 2012

The unemployment allowance payable shall be paid to the applicant of a household subject to the entitlement of the household at a rate equal to one-fourth of the prevailing wage of the scheme for the first thirty (30) days during the financial year and at a rate equal to half of the wage rate for…


·         Sanction of Laboratory Grant to Schools of West Bengal

Governor is pleased to sanction and release a total amount of Rs. 3,30,00,000 (Rs. Three crore and thirty lakh) only during the financial year 2012-13 as laboratory grant to 165 Schools @ Rs. 2,00,000 per School.

·         Monthly Rate of Cleaning and Servicing of Telephone

Rate of cleaning and servicing of office telephone is enhanced from Rs. 7/- per month to Rs. 11/- per month. (No. 7223-F, dated 21.09.2006).

·         Capital Grant to Govt. Aided Schools

To apply for capital grant to govt. aided schools, a detailed statement on existing number of class room, condition of school building with photographs, details of power supply, availability of furniture, laboratory, library, student strength status of the school, along with the audited report of the school’s accounts for last 5 year.

·         Compensation to Family Members of Polling Personnel dies On Duty

The employee viz Polling/ Counting Personnel who will die a natural death out of strenous work while in due performance of election shall also be paid a Special Compensation of Rs 5,00,000/- only.

·         Cash Handling Allowance as Additional Remuneration

Senior Accounts Clerks or the Divisional Offices posted in the Public Works Departments and performing duties of handling cash may be allowed additional remuneration @ Rs. 100/- p.m. for amount of average monthly cash disbursed upto Rs. 75,000/- p.m.

·         Rates of Deputation Allowance after ROPA, 2009

For normal deputation, 5% of the basic pay being sum total of the pay in the pay band plus grade pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 1000/- per month when transfer is within the same station.

·         Invigilation Duties of Teachers of Secondary Schools

The authority has decided to pay Rs. 5/- as remuneration per Answer script, Rs. 90/- for each half of the invigilation duty and Rs. 20/- as Tiffin allowance.

·         Exemption of P. Tax for Physically Handicapped Persons

Salaried or wage-earning physically handicapped persons who are not liable to pay Income-tax under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) are exempted P.Tax.

·         West Bengal Payment of Subsistence Allowance Rules, 1971

West Bengal Payment of Subsistence Allowance Rules, 1971 is applicable to employees in certain establishments during the period of suspension.

·         West Bengal Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act, 1969

An Act to provide for payment of subsistence allowance to employees in certain establishments during the period of suspension.

·         Availability of Discounted Air-Fare Tickets for Official Tours/ LTC

The touring officials, may please check availability of discounted air-tickets, while booking their air tickets for official journeys or check the same from the internet directly for the airlines concerned in case of direct booking.




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