Online Module for Submission of Declaration of Assets in PWD

Governor is pleased to introduce the facility for submission of Annual Declaration of Assets through on-line mode starting with the year 2024 i.e. Declaration of Assets as stood on 01.01.2025.

Online Submission of Declaration of Assets for Engineers

To switch from the offline to online mode of submission of Declaration of Assets, preparation of a data base of the officers as per the proforma supplied by the P&AR Department is a mandatory requirement.

Declaration of Movable Assets exceeding Rs. 10,000

While submitting a return of movable articles in the Declaration Form of Assets, articles costing less than Rs. 10,000/- for each item need not be mentioned.


Declaration of Assets and Sale/ Purchase of Property

Articles costing less than two months Basic Pay (Band Pay + Grade Pay) as on 1st January of the concerned year for each item, need not to be mentioned in Assets Statement Report.

Submit Asset Statement Report before April 30


Every Government employee shall submit to the proper authority an annual return of the movable and immovable properties owned, acquired or inherited by him on or before 30th April each year.



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