Labour Department is dedicated to the cause of the toiling masses, and for providing them better standard of living through various laws and schemes implemented by different wings under its control.
Labour Department
West Bengal Migrant Workers’ Welfare Scheme, 2023
Scheme for the Migrant Workers of West Bengal, who face different types of challenges in their course of employment which include death, accidental injury, medical emergency and other unwanted situations.
Reservation for EWS in Model 100 Point Roster of Vacancies
Governor is pleased to incorporate 10% reservation for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) in the “Model 100-Point Roster of Vacancies”.
Reconstitution of West Bengal Tea Plantation Employees Welfare Board
Governor is hereby pleased to reconstitute the West Bengal Tea Plantation employees’ Welfare Board in cancellation of the previous Gazette Notification.
Reconstitution of West Bengal Labour Welfare Board
WHEREAS the term of office of the members, representing employers and employees in the West Bengal Labour Welfare Board.
Services by Labour Department under Right to Public Service Act
Mandatory Online Registration of jobseekers in Employment Bank, Mandatory Online Validation of registration of job-seekers in Employment Bank
Online Application to Obtain Certificate for Trade License
Governor is pleased to allow single online application & issuance of registration certificate of Enlistment (commonly referred to as the trade license) after payment of require fees.
Online Registration/ License/ Renewal for Contractors
Governor is pleased to introduce and allow “Auto generated Registration/ Amendment/ License/ Renewal through online system”, where the certificate is not issued within stipulated timeline of 30 days.
Provision of Compasionate Appointment for Married Daughter
The Governor is pleased to bring about the following changes in the existing guidelines to dispose of the cases in a just and equitable manner:
Minimum Wages for Employees in Meat and Meat Products and Feed Plants
Governor is pleased to revise the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in respect of the employment in ‘Employment in meat and meat Products and feed Plants’, in the State of West Bengal.
Grant of Puja/ Eid Ex-Gratia Relief to all Workers under FAWLOI Scheme for 2022
Governor is pleased to grant a one time Puja/ Eid ex-gratia relief of a sum of Rs. 1500/- per head to all workers for the year 2022 who are covered under the scheme for ‘Financial Assistance to the Workers in Locked-out Industrial Units’ (FAWLOI) including those of the closed tea gardens.
Payment of Bonus should be completed by 23.09.2022
All payments of bonus should be completed by 23.09.2022 and in respect of Muslim employees/ workers before Id-Ul-Fitre of 2022.
Modified Checklist to deal with Prayers for Compassionate Appointment
Governor is pleased to approve a modified proforma Check List in course of dealing with prayers for employment on compassionate ground in die-in-harness/ retired incapacitated cases.
Minimum Rates of Wages in Construction/ Maintenance of Roads/ Building
The minimum rates of wages for those in the employment of CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OF ROADS OR IN BUILDING OPERATION in the state of West Bengal.
PARIJAYEE SAHAY Scheme for Migrant Workers
The new scheme called PARIJAYEE SAHAY will provide some relief to the Migrant Workers in the form of dry ration and other benefits who can not avail themselves of food grains under the Public Distribution System in West Bengal.
West Bengal Tea Plantation Employees’ Welfare Fund Act, 2015
An Act to make provision for the constitution of a fund for promoting activities connected with the welfare of the employees employed in tea Plantation in West Bengal and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
West Bengal Special Economic Zone Act, 2003
An Act to facilitate the development, operation, maintenance, management, administration and regulation of Special Economic Zone in the State of West Bengal so as to accelerate economic reforms and to promote the rapid and orderly growth, development and operation of industries in such Special Economic Zone, and to provide for the matters connected therewith or…
Financial Assistance to Distressed Workers of Locked Out Jute Industry etc.
Guidelines for providing financial assistance to the distressed workers of the locked out/ closed Jute/ Other Industry of the State of West Bengal where suspension of work have been imposed.
Governor is pleased to introduce a new and consolidated social security scheme for the unorganised workers namely, SAMAJIK SURAKSHA YOJANA, 2017.
West Bengal Regulation of Recruitment in State Government Establishments and Establishments of Public Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Government Companies and Local Authorities Act, 1999
An Act to provide for the regulation of recruitment in State Government establishments and establishments of public undertakings, statutory bodies, Government companies and local authorities in West Bengal.
Gatidhara Scheme by Transport Department
WBTIDCL is the active agent of this project. In case of Commercial cars the State Government shall provide 30% of the price of car or Rs 1 Lakh maximum as subsidy.
Appeal to Employers for Payment of Bonus/ Ex-Gratia
Government expects that the employers in the unorganized sectors shall also pay bonus/ex-gratia to their workers before commencement of Durga Puja, 2017.
West Bengal Unorganized Sector Workers Welfare Rules, 2008
The officer authorized by the Board shall register the name of the worker as a beneficiary under any scheme under the Act, if such applicant workman has complied with all the requirements as laid down in these rules and shall issue an Identity card.
West Bengal Unorganised Sector Workers’ Welfare Act, 2007
An Act to provide for social security and welfare of certain unorganised sector workers and to provide other measures connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Rates of Daily Wages of Daily-Rated Workers, 2016
Rates of daily wages of daily-rated workers under the Government whose wages are not regulated by any of the Statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc. for 2016.
Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers
A scheme in the name of “State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers” (SASPFUW) was introduced by Labour Department in 2001.
Compassionate Appointment: Revised Provision
Governor is pleased to revise the provisions of existing guidelines to dispose of the cases of compassionate appointment in a just and equitable manner.
Scheme for Skill Development for the Registered Job-seekers
Providing training for registered job-seekers through selected Institutions, certification thereof and disbursement of subsidy for such training programmes upto a maximum amount of Rs. 5000/- or 50% of the course fee whichever is less.
National Career Service Portal – A Job Matching Service
Job seekers, job providers can register at National Career Service Portal ). The portal provides job matching, career counselling content, Local services etc.
Employment on Compassionate Ground – Checklist
If any application for Employment is made in plain paper, the applicant will be requested/ supplied the Prescribed Proforma for making the application.
West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1976
Employer of every establishment shall pay to Welfare Commissioner the employer’s contribution and the employee’s contribution before 15th January and 15th July every year.
West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1974
An Act to provide for the constitution of a fund for promoting activities connected with the welfare of labour in West Bengal and for matters connected therewith.
Scholarship/ Book Grant from West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund
West Bengal Labour Welfare Board invites application for awarding Scholarship/ Book Grant to the sons and daughters, who are contributing to West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund. Last date: 31.01.2015.
Yuvasree for Completely Unemployed Job-Seekers
In the Resolution No. 175-Emp. Dated 29-08-2013, under para-5 titled ‘Eligibility Criteria’, replace the word ‘Unemployed’ with ‘Completely Unemployed’ in Clause-5(A) (1) of the Scheme.
West Bengal Employment Scheme Loans (Recovery) Act, 1992
An Act to provide for the recovery, as public demand, of the loans advanced by banks, other financial institutions and the State Government to unemployed persons in West Bengal under employment programmes of the State Government for providing employment to such persons.
Policy of Compassionate Appointment in the Undertaking of Labour Department
Before notifying the policy, the administrative Department shall obtain the concurrence of the Labour Department and the Finance Department.
Principles and Procedures of Appointment on Compassionate Ground
Governor has been pleased to lay down the following principles and procedures to be followed in dealing with the issue of appointment on compassionate ground to the dependants of employees who die-in-harness, or who retire prematurely on being declared permanently incapacitated.
Samajik Mukti (Social Freedom)
State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers (SASPFUW), Buildings and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare (BOCWA) and West Bengal Motor Transport Workers’ Welfare (WBTWSS) Schemes
Scholarship for Employees of West Bengal Labour Welfare Board
West Bengal Labour Welfare Board will allow Son’s & Daughters of the employees, Scholarship/ Stipend for the course from Higher Secondary, Post Graduate, Medical, Engineering & Diploma Courses approved by this Board.
West Bengal Scheme for Compassionate Appointment, 2013
This Scheme for Compassionate Appointment shall apply to a dependent family member of a Govt employee who – (a) dies while in service; or (b) is disabled permanently.
Yuva Utsaha Prakalpa, 2013 for Job-Seekers of West Bengal
The objective of the scheme is to provide unemployment assistance to the enrolled jobseekers of Employment Bank to enable them to upgrade their level of skill in order to make them employable.
Procedures for Filling Up the Vacancies Reserved for Exempted Categories
Governor is pleased to prescribe the following procedures for filling up the vacancies reserved for the Exempted Categories as specified under sub-section (a) of section 3 of the West Bengal Regulation of Recruitment Act, 1999.
Clarification on Some points regarding Compassionate Appointment
Governor is pleased to direct that the principles and procedure as laid down in the following paragraphs shall be followed in the matter of appointment on compassionate ground.
Exempted Categories under West Bengal Regulation of Recruitment Act, 1999
A near relation of the deceased employee may be considered for employment on compassionate ground only when the son/ daughter/ wife of the deceased employee cannot be considered for employment owing to minor age or oilier disabilities.
Employment Bank – An initiative of Government of West Bengal
Job seekers need to visit nearest Employment Exchange within 30 days with all certificates in original for validation of Enrollment no. After validation by Employment Exchange a User Name and a Password will be sent to the Mobile Number and email address.
Rates of Daily Wages of Daily-Rated Workers, 2013
Rates of daily wages of daily-rated workers under the Government whose wages are not regulated by any of the Statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc.
Reservation in Direct Recruitment – Model 100 Point Roster
Model 100-Point Roster showing the points reserved for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Persons With Disabilities, Ex-servicemen and the Exempted Categories.
Revision of Scales to the Sub-ordinate Labour Services
On the basis of unrevised pay in the unrevised pay scale under W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 1990, pay is to be fixed in the revised scale as is allowed vice Finance Department Memo No. 2540-F(P) dated 05.04.2010.
Compliance of Labour Laws like Contract labour Act etc.
Trade Unions and Organisations alleged the Government for violation of various provisions under Labour Laws particularly by such contractors and agencies.
Transfer Policy of Officer/ Staff under Employment Directorate
Tenure of posting in any of the station viz. Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Malda, North Dinajpur and South Dinajpur will normally be three years while that in any of the other stations will normally be five years.
Compassionate Appointment – Clarifications
Clarifications for disposal of cases of appointment on compassionate grounds to the dependents of employees who died-in-harness retired incapacitated.
West Bengal Workmen’s House-Rent Allowance Rules, 1975
The house-rent allowance payable to a workman under Section 4 for any month shall be paid within ten days of the month next following.
West Bengal Workmen’s House-Rent Allowance Act, 1974
An Act to provide for the payment of house-rent allowance to workmen employed in industry in West Bengal.
West Bengal Payment of Subsistence Allowance Rules, 1971
West Bengal Payment of Subsistence Allowance Rules, 1971 is applicable to employees in certain establishments during the period of suspension.
West Bengal Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act, 1969
An Act to provide for payment of subsistence allowance to employees in certain establishments during the period of suspension.
West Bengal Shops and Establishments Rules, 1964
As per provision of Section 25 of West Bengal Shops and Establishments Act, 1963, Governor is pleased to make this rule, West Bengal Shops and Establishments Rules, 1964.
West Bengal Shops and Establishments Act, 1963
An Act to regulate holidays, hours of work, payment of wages and leave of persons employed in shops and establishments.
Scheme for Financial Assistance to the Workers in Locked Out Industrial Units
Governor has been pleased to introduce a scheme viz. “Scheme for Financial Assistance to the Workers in Locked out Industrial Units (FAWLOI)” with effect from 01.04.1998.
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