West Bengal Scheme for Compassionate Appointment, 2013

Compassionate Appointment – Clarifications


PARIJAYEE SAHAY Scheme for Migrant Workers


The new scheme called PARIJAYEE SAHAY will provide some relief to the Migrant Workers in the form of dry ration and other benefits who can not avail themselves of food grains under the Public Distribution System in West Bengal.

West Bengal Special Economic Zone Act, 2003


An Act to facilitate the development, operation, maintenance, management, administration and regulation of Special Economic Zone in the State of West Bengal so as to accelerate economic reforms and to promote the rapid and orderly growth, development and operation of industries in such Special Economic Zone, and to provide for the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.



Governor is pleased to introduce a new and consolidated social security scheme for the unorganised workers namely, SAMAJIK SURAKSHA YOJANA, 2017.

Gatidhara Scheme by Transport Department

WBTIDCL is the active agent of this project. In case of Commercial cars the State Government shall provide 30% of the price of car or Rs 1 Lakh maximum as subsidy.

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