- Extension of Tenure of Managing Committee in Schools upto 15.07.2023
- Extension of Tenure of Governing Bodies of Government-aided Colleges
- Guideline for Safety and Security icw Madhyamik Pariksha, 2023
- Guidelines for Managment of Records in Schools of West Bengal
- Extension of Joining Time of Headmaster/ Headmistress
- Postponement of Managing Committee Election in Madrasah
- Guideline for Ensuring Safety and Security of Students in Schools
- Management of Recognized Non Govt Institutions Rules, 1969 – Amendment
- Management of Sponsored Institutions Rules, 1972 – Amendment
- Extension of Recognition of Madrasahs
- Rules of Management of Recognized Independent Higher Secondary Institutions, 1996
- Extension of Tenure of Managing Committee in Madrasah, 2017
- Formation of M.C. postponed due to ensuing Election, 2016
- Extension of Tenure of Managing Committee in Madrasah, 2016
- Power of Managing Committee of Kolkata Day student’s Home
- Constitution of Managing Committee of Sponsored schools
- Extension of Tenure of Managing Committee in Madrasah, 2015
- Extension of Tenure of Administrator in Secondary Schools
- Committee for Transparency in Fund Management in Colleges
- Qualification for Members of Governing Bodies of Colleges
- Postponement of M.C. Election for Parliamentary Election, 2014
- Reconstitution of Managing Committee in Madrasah
- Additional Increment for Obtaining Higher Qualification
- Managing Committee of Schools converted into Govt. Sponsored
- Management of Sponsored Institutions (Secondary) Rules, 1972
- Postponement of MC Formation for Municipal Election, 2013
- Extension of Tenure of Managing Committees – an Amendment
- Election for Constitution/ Reconstitution of Managing Committee
- Postponement of Election for Constitution/ Reconstitution of MC
- Postponement of Election for Formation of Managing Committee
- Management of Recognized Non-Government Institutions (Aided and Unaided) Rules, 1969
- Power of Managing Committee of Schools
- ©kamaleshforeducation.in(2023)