Minimum Pension of Principals of Govt. aided Colleges


Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education, Science &Technology and Biotechnology
C.S. Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata -700091

No. 164-Edn(CS)/1P-4/2018 Dated, Kolkata, the 13th February, 2018.


Consequent upon revision of UGC Pay Structure 2006, the minimum Pay of the Principals of Govt. aided Colleges was fixed at Rs. 37,400/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/- in the Pay Band of Rs. 37,400 – Rs. 67,000/- with effect from 01.01.2006. Therefore, the minimum pension of the Principals of Govt. aided Colleges was fixed at Rs. 23,700/- as per Order No. 131-Edn(CS), dated 04.02.2011.

Subsequently, the minimum Pay of the Principals was revised at Rs. 53,390/- (Pay in the Pay Band of Rs. 37,400 -67,000/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/-) with effect from 01.01.2006 as per this office Order No. 679-Edn(CS), dated, 27.8.2013. Hence, the minimum pension of the Principals, who retired on or after 01.01.2006, has been enhanced at Rs. 26,695/- [50% of Rs. 53,390/- [(i.e. Band Pay Rs. 43,390/- + AGP Rs. 10,000/-)]. However, there has been no revision of the minimum pension of the Principals who retired prior to 01.01.2006.

Considering all aspects, the Governor is pleased to revise the minimum pension of the Principals of Govt. aided Colleges who retired prior to 01.01.2006 at Rs. 26,695/-, in terms of para 4.3 of Order No. 561-Edn(CS), dated, 09.9.2009 read with Order No. 131-Edn(CS), dated, 04.02.2011. The Maximum pension and family pension shall be fixed at Rs. 35,000/- and Rs. 21,000/- respectively, in terms of Para 4.2 of G.O. No. 561-Edn(CS), dated, 09.9.2009. The minimum family pension shall be fixed at Rs. 16,017/- (30% of Rs. 53,390/-).

This Order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group P1/2017-2018/0373, dated, 11.01.2018.

Sd/- Deputy Secretary








No. 164-Edn dated 13.02.2018Source

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