New Old Age Pension Schemes – Jai Bangla Scheme, 2020



No. 1157-F(Y) Dated, 6th March, 2020


The State Government has decided to introduce Two new Old Age Pension schemes namely, Taposili Bandhu (Pension Scheme) for Scheduled Caste (SC) and Jai Johar (Pension Scheme) for Scheduled Tribe (ST).

The State government has also decided to enhance the pension given under the existing Old Age, Widow and Disability pensions schemes where monthly pension is Rs. 600 – Rs. 750 to Rs. 1000 per month.

The State Government has further decided to bring all the new and existing Old Age pension schemes, Widow pension schemes and Disability pension schemes administered by the State Government, under one Umbrella Scheme for pensions, namely, the Jai Bangla Scheme 2020.

A. Introduction New Old Age Pension Schemes for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe:

The two new pension schemes being introduced under the Jai Bangla Scheme 2020 are Taposili Bandhu for Scheduled Caste (SC) and Jai Johar for Scheduled Tribe (ST).

The guidelines for the two new schemes (1) Taposili Bandhu and (2) Jai Johar are as follows:-

i. Coverage: All SC & ST persons above the age of 60 years are eligible under the scheme and shall receive a pension of Rs. 1,000 per month.

ii. Application of the Scheme – (1) The Taposili Bandhu Scheme, shall apply to a person belonging to Scheduled Caste (2) The Jai Johar Scheme, shall apply to a person belonging to Scheduled Tribe.

iii. Eligibility:

(1) The person has attained the age of 60 years as on 01.01.2020.

(2) The person is an ordinary resident of the State.

(3) The person is not a beneficiary under any other Social Security pension scheme or a recipient of Government pension or pension from any other organization.

iv. Method of applying –

(1) The intended beneficiary under the Scheme shall apply in the Pension Application Form for Jai Bangla Scheme prescribed for the purpose either on-line ( or through physical application.

(2) The Pension Application Form may be obtained free of cost from the following offices:

a) Office of the Block Development Officer in case of the applicant resides in the rural areas.

b) Office of the Sub-Divisional Officer in case of the applicant resides in Municipal/ Notified areas outside the areas of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, and

c) Office of the Commissioner, Kolkata Municipal Corporation.

v. Application Form for Pension shall be submitted to:-

(1) The Block Development Officer in case the applicant residing in the rural areas;

(2) The Sub-Divisional Officer in case of the applicant is residing in Municipal/ Notified areas outside the areas of Kolkata Municipal Corporation; and the Commissioner, Kolkata Municipal Corporation in case the applicant residing in Kolkata Municipal Corporation area.

vi. Nodal Department: The Taposili Bandhu Scheme shall be administered by the Department of Backward Classes Welfare and The Jai Johar Scheme shall be administered by the Department of Tribal Development.

vii. Verification of Application:

(1) All applications received by the concerned authorities shall be verified by the District Magistrate with respect to the eligibility criteria.

(2) Two supporting documents, one for age and the other for caste status is to be collected.

(3) Persons who do not have caste certificate can apply, but before sanction they have to provide caste certificate to the BDO/SDO/Commissioner, the details of which will be uploaded by the concerned office.

viii. Processing of Application:

(1) The Application Forms in prescribed format in respect of all applicants will be duly verified by the BDO/SDO or Commissioner of KMC, to ensure eligibility under the Scheme.

(2) All the eligible forms deposited physically shall be digitized and uploaded in the State Portal ( by the BDO/SDO or Commissioner of KMC.

(3) The BDO in case of rural areas and SDO in case of Municipal/Notified areas outside

(3) The BDO in case of rural areas and SDO in case of Municipal/ Notified areas outside KMC will recommend the names of the eligible persons in digitized form to the District Magistrate through the State Portal. The District Magistrate will then forward it to the Nodal Department i.e. Backward Classed Welfare Department or Tribal Development Department, as the case may be, through the State Portal.

(4) The Commissioner, KMC will recommend the names of eligible persons to the Nodal Department directly through the State Portal.

(5) The Nodal Department will sanction the pension and effect payment directly to the bank account of the beneficiary through the WBIFMS portal. The State Portal ( will be integrated with WBIFMS for seamless flow of disbursement of pension on 1st of every month.

x. Payment of Pension – The payment of pension shall be made centrally from the State directly to the Bank account of the beneficiary.

xi. Information about Death of the Pensioner –

(1) On receipt of information of the death of a recipient of pension and after proper verification of such information, Department shall take steps for stoppage of pension.

(2) In case of death of the recipient of pension, the amount due shall be released to the nominee as indicated in the application form.

B. Enhancement of Monthly Pension of Existing Schemes

The State Government at present implements a number of Social Security Pension Schemes, namely Old age, Widow and Disability pension and Manabik under the Women & Child Development Department; Old age, Widow and Disability Pension schemes under the Panchayat & Rural Development and Urban Development & Municipal Affairs Departments; Old age pension for ST persons under the Tribal Development Department; Farmers Old Age pension under the Agriculture Department; Fisherman Old Age pension under the Fisheries Department; Artisan and Weaver Old Age Pension under the MSME&T Department and Lok Prasar Prakalpa under the I&CA Department.

Out of these schemes, the monthly pension is Rs. 1000 per month for Manabik, Old age pension for ST persons, Farmers Old Age pension, Fisherman Old Age pension, Artisan and Weaver Old Age Pension and Lok Prasar Prakalpa.

But, for Old age, Widow and Disability and Disability pension under the Women & Child Development Department the pension is Rs. 750 per month and for Old age, Widow and Disability Pension schemes under the Panchayat & Rural Development and Urban Development &Municipal Affairs departments, the pension is Rs. 600 per month.

The State Government has now decided to increase the monthly pension to a uniform rate of Rs. 1000 per month, in case of schemes where benefit is Rs. 600 or Rs. 750 per month.

C. Merging of pension schemes

The State Government has further decided to merge the Disability pension Scheme administered by the Women & Child Development Department with Manabik Scheme and the Old Age pension Scheme of the Tribal Development Department with the Jai Johar Scheme.

D. The Jai Bangla Scheme 2020 shall now cover the following pension Schemes:

i. Taposili Bandhu

ii. Jai Johar

iii. Manabik

iv. Lok Prasar Prakalpa

v. Old Age, and Widow Pension Scheme (W&CD)

vi. Old Age, and Widow Pension Scheme (P&RD, UD&MA)

vii. Farmers Old Age pension

viii. Fisherman’s Old Age pension

ix. Artisan and Weaver Old Age Pension

E. Management of the Scheme

i. The Finance Department will set up and manage the State Portal and ensure the effective management and timely implementation of the Jai Bangla Scheme.

ii. For the existing pension schemes of Manabik, Old Age, and Widow Pension Schemes (W&CD), Old Age, and Widow Pension Schemes (P&RD, UD&MA), Lok Prasar Prakalpa (I&CA), Farmers Old Age pension (Agriculture), Fisherman’s Old Age pension (Fisheries), Artisan and Weaver Old Age Pension (MSME&T), the concerned Departments shall continue to act as Nodal Department regarding sanction and payment of pension.

The Jai Bangla Scheme will be effective from 1st April 2020.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal




No. 1157-F dated 06.03.2020Source

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