We started our online presence in free blogger platform. Then we got our new name as: https://wbxpress.com. We migrated from blogger to wordpress in 2011. Below are the archive of comments from the old blog. Reply of the comments may not be relevant at present.

How could I know my GPF account details at this site

Still there is no provision for checking of GPF account details online. You will get it yearly through your DDO. However regarding any missing credits or anomalies you can visit the Accountant General Office at Kiran Shankar Roy Road with your GPF A/c no.

Whether there is any provision for WB govt employee to have mutual transfer? If possible then pls tell me in which ground it will be possible? I ll remain grateful to you. Thank You. From Tuhin Mohanta, S.A.E, I & W Dte.

As far as my knowledge goes, there is no instance of mutual transfer in West Bengal Service Rules and also there is no Govt. order regarding the same. However two S.A.E.s can apply through proper channel to the Addl. Chief Engineer for mutual transfer.
Addl. Chief Engineer may issue transfer order if both of them have not served previously to their desired place of posting, at least during the preceding five years. If both the husband and wife are Govt. employees, effort should be made to keep them in the same place as far as practicable or in places where they may serve without being separated.

I am a MO (medical officer) posted at BPHC (block primary health centre)at Birbhum district from 01.06.2011. There are only TWO doctor’s quarters. There is another MO and a BMOH (block medical officer of health) residing in those two doctor’s quarters. I start residing in a spayer room of other MO with his permission and drawing HRA. I posted as vice of existing BMOH. In month of july, 2011, another MO take charge of BMOH in place of our existing-BMOH, as existing BMOH went for his higher study. New BMOH is from local area (15 km away from hospital). He does not want to take quarter and want to draw HRA; and he want to allot the ex-BMOH’s quarter to me. But I and other MO has no problem in sharing a quarter; and we want new BMOH stay with us in hospital premises. Also as far I know, BMOH must stay in hospital premises.
My question is: Q.1) Whether residential quarter is mandatory in West Bengal Govt service if quarter is available?, Q.2) Whether BMOH can allot EX-BMOH’s quarter in my name without my wish as I am posted in VICE of Ex-BMOH?. Q.3) Whether new BMOH can stay in his home 15 km away from hospital?

Q1. If a quarter is an ear marked quarter for BMOH, then the new BMOH must occupy his quarter. No MO or VICE can occupy the same until written order of the competent authority. Q2. No. He cannot. You have every right not to stay at BMOH quarter. You may opt for rented accommodation also within 8 km radius of your head quarter. Q3. Please go through the following rules:-WBSR – I, Rule 29
Headquarters terra definedThe headquarters of a Government employee shall be in such place as the Head of a Department may prescribe and are in the absence of any orders to the contrary, the station where the records of his office are kept.WBSR – I, Rule 29A
Obligation to stay at Head-quarterA Government employee should ordinarily reside at the Headquarters of the Station to which he is for the time being posted. He may, however, be permitted by the head of his office, for sufficient reasons, such as difficulties in securing accommodation at headquarters and for other good reasons, to reside outside his headquarters, provided that his normal official duties do not suffer thereby. In such cases, however, the Government employee concerned shall intimate in writing his place of residence to the head of his office, who may however, require him to stay at his headquarters at any time and for any period if it is considered necessary in public interest. P.S. You are also VICE of new BMOH.

Is there any rule or order in WB about the transfer policy for husband/ wife when both of them are working? husband is working in transferable govt service and wife is working in non transferable govt aided school.

No, there is no such govt. order. However the transfer policy may vary department wise. Department considers carefully such that husband and wife, when both of them are govt. employee, serve without being separated. Head of the department issues such type of transfer orders.

can I have treasury order for availing travelling concession on behalf of CL

While on leave an employee may avail travel concession once in a year.
As per WBSR Rule 167, Casual leave is not recognized as leave.
Hence travel concession is not generally granted in case of CL. It is applicable for EL/ HPL.
Do you want related TR Form? P.S. For Central Govt. Employees LTC is also applicable for CL.

I am a male state Govt. employee have changed my surname it has been recorded officially. My deceased fathers surname is recorded as previous in the service book. As it is being difference with me and odd looking also. May I change it, if my father has change in his life time by affidavit?

No you cannot change surname of deceased person.

Whether third instalment of arrear of ropa 2008 will be transferred in gpf account of the concerned employee?

no. not at all. the arrear will be paid in Sept/ Oct 2011 as usual like previous two instalments.

I joined in wb govt. service on 30-07-2010 as a veterinary officer. i got my GPF a/c number on july-2011.hence i want to contribute to GPF from my salary. from when i can do this? do i have to pay arrear GPF from march-2011? Please help.

you should immediately start your subscription in GPF fund. so, from the next pay bill you start deduction a minimum of 6% of (Basic Pay and Grade Pay). However a higher value is recommended. No. there is no way to pay arrear in GPF fund.

Hello sir. I have a quarry. Please inform me whether it is mandatory to have the available ear marked quarter for Judicial Department. If a Judicial Officer wants to have House rent allowance instead of staying in Govt quarter, can he claim it? Thanks.Please mail me at som.bindas@yahoo.com. Thx from Somnath Das.

It is mandatory to occupy the ear marked quarter allotted to the officer. However if the quarter is not habitable, there are rules regarding deduction of HRA.

I am a male state Govt. employee have changed my surname it has been recorded officially. My deceased fathers surname is recorded as previous in the service book. As it is being difference with me and odd looking also so my father changed his surname by executing an affidavit, copy of the same is available after his death. Under this circumstance may I use his changed surname (which is same to me) in the official papers where necessary. (it occurs after my execution).

Yes. Apply to your head of office with two witnesses from the same office with prescribed form for changing surname of your deceased father furnishing the true copy of affidavit.1. Whatever be the name in service book is to be written in single comprehensive form.
2. Furnish the document where the surname of father is changed to the DDO for necessary update in service book.
3. If the DDO or Head of the Office is satisfied with the document he /she will update and enclose the true copy of the document with the service book.

We are RNTCP staff, worked in W.B. more than 13 years(STS,STLS,LT,THV). A file made (ABRNTCPEA/HTB/165-2010) for our regularisation. But this file returned from WRITERS building on 10.6.11 (P(5)11/422). Do you tell me about this file& what is our future? Do you tell me about the future of RNTCP STAFF who are worked for more than 13 years?

District Health & Family Welfare Samiti recruited staffs for RNTCP purely on contract basis. This programme is now entered into its second phase to achieve TB control in longer term. Any immediate action/ plan of the Govt. are not known regarding the future of RNTCP staffs. Probably this will be continued for more phases.

Hi. Please help me. After preparation of an arrear bill of W.B.S.(ROPA)2009 in respect of retired person it was sent to kalna treasury on 20th June but the said treasury refused the bill as they deal with the pay bill from 20th every month and requested to submit the same on August. On 1st August the said bill was resent but the said treasury denied to accept the bill. The Treasury Officer said that the last date to submit the bill was 31st july. May I have any Government order regarding this and is there any way to pass the bill? Thanking you. Regards.

As per Finance Department Pension Branch Memo No. 200-F(Pen) and 201-F(Pen) dated 25/02/2011, pensioners shall not get any arrears during the period from 01/01/2006 to 31/03/2008. And for the period from 01/04/2008 to 31/03/2009 pensioners shall get arrear in 8 installments beginning with monthly pension from 1st August, 2009 and the arrear payment should be completed by 31/03/2010.
So, in your case it may not be possible to pass the bill.

My wife is an asst. teacher of secondary school. She has got an accident on january 2010 and applied for special leave in derozio bhaban, saltlake, sector2. But still now no letters have come to her or school authority though she has visited the officer in charge two/three times. what should we do now?

Hello Mr. Nayak, Sorry to hear about the accident. Has she got full pay during the period of absence from her duty? if yes then what do you want from the authority? a leave sanction order? i hope the absence was not without pay. How long was the absence? There are different types of leaves she can avail for the period. Please let me know the details. Also please visit the following link: Leave Rules

When a govt. employee suspended?

Every public servant is bound to observe certain rules of conduct and discipline in the discharge of his/ her official duties. Failures to observe the rules and regulations amounts to misconduct. Service rules provide for disciplinary action against a Government servant for acts of misconduct. The West Bengal Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1971 govern the disciplinary action against the employees of West Bengal Government. Click

Hello Sir, How many days of C.L. for this year 2010-2011 ? Is there 14 C.L. or 13? Our school has declared 13 C.L. for this year, because this Academic year is 11 months. Please inform with G.O. & details. Thanks.

13 days as peCircular No. S/104 dated 07.08.2009.

Dear Sir, I am an assistant teacher of a High Mdrasah (H.S.). I have joined to this Madrasah on 26/08/2010, in Honours Post by MSC. Before this I was an assistant teacher of a High School in pass vacancy. There I joined on 29/09/2008 by SSC. Now I want to know (i) will my service continue from there ? (ii) can I get previous increment ? (iii) how G.P.F. will deduct though I have not paid from Aug’10 to July’2011 ? (iv) am I able to sit for next SSC exam. ?

Your service will be continued if you able to collect following documents from your past school by appropriate authority and submit the same to the new employer.
1. Work Experience Certificate.
2. No Objection Certificate.
3. Last Pay Certificate.
You are eligible to get previous increments accordingly. I think you do not have GPF A/c still now. This is a bad not to have GPF A/c for more than 1 year of service. It must be opened within a year and start subscription accordingly. So better you start your subscription at earliest, possibly from this month. If you already have a GPF A/c and you have intermittent subscription then the case is a bit complicated. Please let me know whether you have GPF A/c or not. So that I can assist you further. You can not appear for SSC within 3 years.
If your qualification is added then for the next level you can surely appear for the same. No problem.

I am a Primary Teacher, I have enjoying Maternity Leave, I want to know that is there any Government Order for Primary Teachers for Maternity Leave. If yes, kindly say that how can I get this?

A female Primary Teacher or Non Teaching Employee may be granted maternity leave on full average pay for a period of 180 days from the date of its commencement vide No. 573-SE dated 15.09.2011.

Dear Sir, I have above 50% marks in Master Degree level, but bellow 50% in Honours Degree. Am I eligible for sub inspector of school as recently been advertised through WBPSC?
Yours faithfully, Debojit Sarkar.

No. The essential qualification is Second Class Honours or Second Class Master’s Degree from a recognised University or equivalent with at least 50% marks in Honours Degree.

Am I eligible for appearance in SSC exam for Recruitment of assistant teacher with above 50% marks in M.Sc., but not in B.Sc?

Yes. With M.Sc marks you are eligible.

How many half pay leaves are available for an assistant teacher in a government aided school? What are the grounds to enjoy the leaves?

A teacher shall be entitled to Half Pay Leave for 20 days in each completed year of service. The leave may be granted on production of certificate from a qualified registered medical practitioner or on private affairs.

Has the order regarding bonus and 50% of the third instalment of arrear of ROPA’09 been published? if yes can you please upload it then?

Here is thlink.

I am a Data Entry Operator posted at Nanna Block Primary Health Centre, Barrackpore-I Block as a contractual employee under National Rural Health Mission, Department of Health & Family Welfare West Bengal, I am enjoying Maternity Leave (135 days as per old government order), I want to know that is there any new Government Order of 180 days Maternity Leave for Female contractual employee under Health Department. If yes, kindly say that how can I get this? Sir, is there any Government Order for NRHM Employee?

Enhancement of Maternity Leave.

Sir,I am a Data Entry Operator posted at Nanna Block Primary Health Centre, Barrackpore-I Block as a contractual employee under National Rural Health Mission, Department of Health & Family Welfare West Bengal. My appointing authority BMOH, sanctioned the Maternity Leave for 4&1/2 months for the NRHM Employees vide GO No-7844-F Dt-Kolkata, the 17th October 2008 & CMOH Memo no-CMOH/CIRCULAR-110/2008/4735(43) Dt-11.12.2008after words it has been sanctioned 6(six) months maternity leave for regular Govt employees vide Go No-1146-F(P) Dt-Kolkata 14th Februar,2011but the NRHM staffs deprived to avail the enhanced period of maternity leave. but we are in the dark in respect of enhancement of maternity leave for six months up till now. sir kindly say that 180 days Maternity leave can I get same order of vide Go No-1146-F(P) Dt-Kolkata 14th February, 2011

A maximum of 180 days of Maternity Leave declared in this order for State Govt. Employees. Accordingly subsequent orders published for different departments of Govt./ Govt. Aided Organizations. However no such order from Health and Welfare Department has yet been published. So, at present you enjoy only 135 days of maternity leave, thereafter you may get additional 45 days during lactating period. Relevant order should be published in due course.

Sir, i have enrolled me and my wife in W.B. health scheme 2008 but at that time my daughter was not born now she is 8 months old. my question is that how could i enroll the name of my baby and pl. provide me the necessary rules and forms.

Enrollment under Health Scheme is extended upto 31.03.2012. Within this time you can apply in plain paper furnishing necessary documents (birth certificate) for inclusion of name of your daughter as beneficiary to the DDO.

How could i know my GPF account details & which site?

DDO should send requisition for annual GPF account statement for the employees working under his charge, direct to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, 8, Kiran Sankar Roy Road, GI Press Building, Kolkata – 700 001 latest by 30th June every year. Know more from here. There is no site at present to provide account status online.

I am a High School teacher. I am going to take maternity leave very soon. Whether I can affix Puja Vacation with my Maternity Leave?

For the State Govt. Employee Maternity Leave may be combined with leave of any other kind incl. Commuted Leave up to one year without production of medical certificate as per G.O. No. 2658-F, dated 01.03.2002. (Rule 199 of WBSR – I).
For High School Teachers also, I guess, this rule is same.

While checking service book of an employee for retirement, if it is found that any previous signature of Head of Office is missing while entering his transfer, what can be done for rectification?

While an employee is transferred, up to date entries is to be made in the service book and is also transferred to the head of the office of the new place of posting. As such the service is to be verified by the head of the office up to the date of last pay drawn from his office. If the signature found missing then it should be returned back to the previous office for necessary rectification.

Whether it is mandatory to file related documents for filling application for non refundable advance from G.P.F for the purpose of addition and alteration of dwelling house or any other purpose?

DDO may ask for documents for authenticity of the purpose of non-refundable advance. In this case the papers of ownership of the house may be sought for. So, this is entirely up to the satisfaction of DDO.

One group D lady staff expired leaving behind her only son aged 25 years and 5 married daughters. Her husband already expired. Please tell me how can the family members specially her son can get the money of leave encashment or leave salary. Do you think that Govt should think for a nomination facility of Leave salary like G.P.F or Gratuity? One group D lady staff expired leaving behind her only son aged 25 years and 5 married daughters. Her husband already expired. Please tell me how can the family members specially her son can get the money of leave encashment or leave salary. Do you think that Govt should think for a nomination facility of Leave salary like G.P.F or Gratuity?

As per Rule 168B of WBSR – I, in case of a Government employee dies while in service, the Cash equivalent of the Leave salary shall be paid to the following persons:
i) Wife in the case of a male officer
ii) Husband in the case of female officer
iii) Minor sons including adopted sons
iv) Unmarried minor daughters including adopted daughters
v) Dependent parents
Also Cash equivalent of Leave salary shall not be payable to more than one member of the deceased Government employee’s family at the same time. If there is none in the family mentioned above, the amount may be paid against succession certificate subject to the approval of Finance Department. So, this case is a critical one and need the treatment of Finance Department.

A govt employee retired since 17 yrs has expired leaving behind his wife. he has last drawn an amt of Rs 10139/- as basic pension.pl let me know the amt of basic family pension his widow is entitled to draw. kindly quote the G.O.

Family Pension shall be calculated as 30% of basic pay last drawn. Please provide me the pay of the employee for necy. calculation.

Sir, We are regular employees (Pharmacist) of Dept. of Health & Family Welfare Govt. of West Bengal. As we are emergency staffs for O.P.D (out Patient Department). We can not avail some Govt. Holidays on those days & against that we get ccl for that Govt. holidays Please let us Know the list of Govt. holidays against which we can get the ccl. My others question is (i) What is ccl(II)What is the rule to avail ccl? Is there any list of ccl?

CCL (Compensatory Casual Leave) is mentioned in Appendix 10 of West Bengal Service Rule. There is no order related to availing CCL.
If an employee has to work in Govt. holiday with the written order of the head of the office then CCL may be granted by the Head of the office for that particular day.

Sir, I am Laxman Basfore Gr-D Employee under Health & family Welfare dept. Govt. of West Bengal, My father was working under West Bengal N.V.F retired 2004, My father not traceable 2 yrs ago, I lodged a Missing Dairy to the concerning Police Station so I beg to acknowledge weather I am entitled to get the pension in favor of my father Ram lal Basfore, so Sir, Please Send Me order copy.

As per finance order No. 4671-F dated 14.05.90, if an employee is missing while in service or after retirement, for more than one year, then the administrative department may approve family pension.

Sir, I have cleared School service exam. in 2002 in Hons./PG category but due to some clerical mistake by S.S.C and subsequent order by Hon’ble High Court, i am working in pass vacancy still now. In my approval it is clearly written that I have selected for PG category and my qualification as M.Sc. My question is that can I appear for the post of Assistant headmaster in the same school?

If appointment in a post is found erroneous, it shall be regulated in general or special order issued by the appropriate authority on behalf of the Governor. What are the decisions taken by the Hon’ble High Court in your case?

please give me the guide books name to help me working as a Executive Engineer in P.W.D. office.

The following books almost complete the necessity.
(i) Drawing and Disbursing Officer’s Manual by Pasupati Ghosh (B.M. Publishers)
(ii) Enumeration, Exploration, Exempla of P.W. Accounts Rules & Procedures Part – I, A Hand Book for the Guidance of Divisional Accounts Officers and Divisional Accountants (Published by the Cultural Forum of The West Bengal Divisional Accounts Officers and Divisional Accountants Association)
(iii) Enumeration, Exploration, Exempla of Establishments Matters Part – II, A Hand Book for the Guidance of Divisional Accounts Officers and Divisional Accountants (Published by the Cultural Forum of The West Bengal Divisional Accounts Officers and Divisional Accountants Association)

My sister has done B.A(pass course).now she is doing M.A (Sanskrit) from burdwan (distance). I will be highly obliged if get to know what are her prospect for S.S.C examination

At present she can appear for Assistant Teacher in SSC in Pass Category. After completion of M.A, she can appear for PG Category. At present B.Ed is not compulsory, but after 2014 it may be compulsory.

Sir, I am a beneficiary under the west Bengal Heath Scheme 2009. Recently my wife treated at empanelled Nursing Home under the scheme as indoor patient. At the time of discharging the patient all dues including medicine have been paid to the N. home authority. But the Nursing Home Authority is not handing over the treatment charges bill and form “D” along with date wise break up according to rules No-12 para 3(e) of the said scheme for reimbursement of claim. I have requested them verbally in several times to follow the same properly, but they are ignoring it every time. Under the circumstances what shall I do? Plz. proper guidance is solicited in this respect.

As per Rule 14.1 of Agreement of West Bengal Health Scheme 2008, “All bills and papers related to the beneficiaries’ treatment shall be handed over in original along with the necessary counter signatures by the authorised persons.”
As per Rule 15.1, “If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever (the decision whereof is not herein otherwise provided for) shall arise between the Authority of the WBHS 2008 and the Hospital/ Diagnostic Centre upon or in relation to or in connection with or arising out of the Agreement, shall be referred to for arbitration by the Director of Medical Education, West Bengal, who shall give written award of his decision to the Parties. The decision of the Director of Medical Education, West Bengal shall be final and binding. The provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) shall apply to the arbitration proceedings. The venue of the arbitration proceedings shall be at Kolkata.” So just start a discussion with the Nursing Home authority that you are going to act as per the said rule and going to take legal action. Always keep received copy of your application as a proof.

Thank you for response. In this context your kind attention is being drawn that the Nursing Home authority is not handing over the final bills which should made according to the procedure mentioned in the Col No 12(claim and reimbursement…) para 3(e)of the same scheme as published in the Kolkata gazette on Sept.19,2008. The N. Home. Autho. has handed over an Invoice (Not Bill) as a “indoor treatment charges summery” only, no date wise break up of all the investigation charges, consultation fees etc, no necessary certificate are embossed as per norms therein clearly not only that no essentially certificate (in form “D”)is enclosed therewith which is necessary for submitting along with Form “C” to the Head of the Office and also treasury for reimbursement. After repeatedly request they are not motivated/ activated in this regard, I think, as they have got payment fully before discharge my patient so they have no responsibility to do it properly. As a result being a legal beneficiary of the scheme i am depriving and loosing economically for the callousness such type of empanelled N. Home under Govt. of W.B.H.S-2008 Please guide, where i shall get proper justice.

You can visit Medical Cell at Writers’ Buildings and state your sufferings. They may guide you for future action. West Bengal Health Scheme is no doubt a noble step of the Govt. However, as a whole, I am not satisfied with the understandings of the dealing assistants of the cases. You have to overcome lots of hurdles for reimbursement. Write application to the Nursing Home Authority and get a received copy. If they do not want to receive it, then mail it by post with A.D. Give reminder. Collect documents in favour of you. Do not be upset, you will get reimbursement someday definitely. It will take time.

Respected Sir/Madam,50% marks in HS for Primary Teacher are compulsory for existing teacher? If online mutual transfer are start for High School Teacher?

No. It is not a criterion for existing teachers. Online service of mutual transfer.

t-i-c become head teacher in wb govt aided high school avoiding w.b.s.s.c. exam for head teacher?

If you want to Head Teacher, you must appear for SSC exam with 5 years or 10 years of experience. 5 years for secondary and 10 years for higher secondary school. This is came into force in 1997.

I am an Asst. teacher of a state- aided school (appointed by SSC). I was on maternity leave from 03.01.2011.When the order enhancing the leave to 180 days by the state Govt dtd 14.02.2011 was passed, my school rejected my prayer for extension of the leave citing that this order does not cover us . subsequently my 135 days, as per earlier norms ended on 17th may and I resumed my duties on 18th may; subsequently the order dtd 3rd june 2011 was passed by WBBSE and when I again approached the school, they again rejected my petition saying that since i have joined, I am no longer eligible for the leave
Thus, although I took maternity leave from 03.01.2011, I am not getting the benefit of the leave. Please help.

As per Circular No. S/148 dated 03.06.2011 of Secretary of WBBSE the enhancement is effective from 01.01.2011. So, you should get the benefit.

How can I confirm my service as a state govt. employee? Please give details about that.

Confirmation in Govt. Service.

What is the procedure to get NOC for Pass Port application for Pure govt employee? Is there any existing or current GO for issuing such?

As per latest G.O. No. 329-PAR (Trg)/HR/O/3T-61/07, dated 29.05.2007 by the Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal, all the Government employees should submit “Identification Certificate”, as prescribed in the Annexure “B” in the Passport Booklet, instead of earlier “No Objection Certificate” from their cadre controlling authorities and to cancel the Personnel & A.R. Department’s [erstwhile Home (P. & A.R.) Department] O.M. No. 669-PAR (Trg)/3T-164/94 dated 17.08.1994 containing guidelines regarding issuance of “No Objection Certificate” for grant of Ordinary International Passport facilities to the officials and employees of the State Government, Semi or Quasi- Government organization.

What is the Criteria to apply for the Primary Teacher under the West Bengal Govt for General Persons?

Visit Primary Teachers Recruitment Rules.

Govt. employees under my office have been receiving their salaries through their bank A/c. should they sign in office acquittance or no signature is needed in the acquttance roll?
-Dist. Mass Edn. Extn. Officer, burdwan.

After ePayment of Salary Scheme, there is no need to sign in the acquaintance roll.

I am a divisional accounts officer. After 2 months of my joining to my new division the then exe.eng without my application allot me a govt quarter which was not ear marked for the post of DAO. So I deny to accept that, moreover it was almost breakable. So I used to stay with my private arrangements for the last 2 years and the division gives me the HRA. at present my new exe.eng ordered to deduct my HRA although I am still living with my private arrangements and that quarter is now become a go-down and i had not given any acceptance to allotment of quarter. my question is can exe eng force me to avail a govt quarter and deny my HRA? is there any rule by which i can oppose it?

As per G.O. No. 2673-F dated 02.04.1977, a Govt. employee living in a house rented/ owned by himself/ herself or by wife/ husband etc. irrespective of whether the house was rented from any of the owners mentioned above or not will get HRA admissible to him/ her. This has been allowed without any conditions.

I am a Typist-Copyist. Serving more than 18 years of West Bengal Govt. Service. My officers ask me if there is any GO to give me opportunity from TC to UD. Please Help me.

There is a G.O. for the Typists for changing Cadre to L.D. Clerk in the same pay scale, but not U.D. Post. However seniority will be lost in changing cadre. In this regard I personally suggest not to change cadre as service is more than 18 years. No monetary gain will be achieved; instead you may suffer a loss.

Is there any govt. contribution in gpf?

There is no contribution from Govt. side in GPF (General Provident Fund). Only in case of CPF (Contributory Provident Fund) there is a contribution from employer. However interest is accumulated in GPF @ 8%

1. I want to know if there is any EL application form for non-gazetted officers of Govt of WB.
2. Is it mandatory for the person taking the EL to provide “I AGREE” from another staff, written on the EL form,
3. How many days prior to the leave should the EL form be submitted.

W.B. Form No. 2395 is the EL application form for Gazetted/ Non-Gazetted employee. Please see here. Leave cannot be claimed as of right. Leave sanctioning authority if satisfied and can make alternative arrangement for the person applied for leave, so that Govt. duty may not suffer, then leave is granted. So, leave application should be made in such a way that the authority may get the time for necessary action and adjustment accordingly.

I joined govt service wbes on 01/06/2009 but till now have not applied for gpf. I served ABN Seal Govt College, coochbehar for the first one year and then transferred to APC Roy Govt College siliguri and i’m still on probation. Can i apply for gpf acc now? From which office i have to apply? pl help.

GPF A/c should be opened within one year of service. You should apply for it now to Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal through proper channel.

I am a contractual employee under P&RD Department, Govt. of West Bengal. Our Puja vacation is from 3rd oct to 8th Oct’2011. I am attending office on Friday 30th Oct, last day before the vacation. Can I get one casual leave on 10th Oct’ 2011?

No. You cannot get Casual Leave on 10th Oct. If you do not attend office on 10th, then the entire period of absence will be counted as leave.

I have enrolled me and my family in W.B. health scheme 2008 w.e.f. 1-1-2011. There is no Eye Hospital in the list of that Scheme in our locality i.e. Siliguri. Recently my wife and son suffered from eye problem and treated them as outpatient in a private Eye Hospital that is not listed with the scheme. Doctor advised to give them spectacles. Now My Question is: May I apply for reimbursement of the treatment cost and also the spectacles cost of my wife and son ?

You are not eligible for reimbursement of the cost of eye treatment and spectacles as OPD patient. An employee shall be entitled to reimbursement of the cost of his or his beneficiary’s medical attendance and treatment as an OPD patient in a hospital or institution in the following cases:-
Malignant diseases, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B/C and other liver diseases, Insulin-dependent diabetes, Heart diseases, Neurological disorders/ Cerebro-vascular disorders, Malignant malaria, Renal failure, Thallasaemia/ Bleeding orders/ Platelet disorders, Injuries caused by accident.

I am a lecturer in Govt. Polytechnic. My carrier advancement should under AICTE norms. The CAS is not awarded in due time though I fulfilled all the conditions. It is pending for several years Can I claim interest for that period. If yes what is rate of interest.

Interest will not be paid.

I have joined WBPSC in a PHC in 16th of May 2011.But still I haven’t received my salary for the last 15days of May. Whenever I enquired about it in my hospital office they say that allotment has not come. How can I get my pending salary at the earliest?

You will definitely get the salary before March 2012. So, have some more patience as the authority told about insufficient fund. I hope your pay bill in separate has already been submitted in due time to the Treasury from the authority.

May I get special leave to attend national/ international science conferences arranged by DAE or SOLID STATE IONICS for five to seven days?

As far as my knowledge goes, existing rules do not provide study leave/ special casual leave in such cases. However, departmental secretary/ head of the deptt. may grant special leave in this regard.

Can u pl let me know the latest order stating the conditions under which a state govt employee can apply for either a temp or a non ref adv from respective GPF account?

Here is a post which is written based on latest GOGPF Rules.

I am a pensioner of the primary education department. I retired on 31/01/2009. I had sent the required documents through DI, Darjeeling for the RECAST of my pension vide memo no. 735/PE-11 DT. 11/04/11. However there has been no recast as such till date. Hence I just wanted to know the details of the same. My name is Krishna Pradhan, and my PPO no. is DJL/S/P/5609.

Dear Mr. Pradhan, if you let me know your date of birth i could give you your pension application status from this link. please find yourself in the link provided. Please call: Pension Payment Order (PPO) Processing Status Query @ 033-23371718 (Primary Cases).

Sir I’m SUDIP MANDAL, working as a primary para-teacher from 28:12:2005.I want to know about all the govt. order for the primary para-teacher like about Casual Leave, Medical Leave, Maternity Leave, working Time, Remuneration etc. Also if there is any other order for the para-teacher. Because we can’t get any clear order from our SI Office or SSA Office. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Dear Mr. Mandal, there is no specific GO for the para teachers at present. i like to share this news for para teachers. As C.M. said, “So we have decided to bring all of them under the school education.”, then everything will be open and transparent.

The Govt. has amended the parents whose monthly income does not exceed Rs.3500/- they are entitled to beneficiary dependent members of the family of an employee, Kindly let me know whether the dependent unmarried sisters are also entitled to get the same benefit of the members of beneficiary dependent members of the family of an employee in connection with West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008. For availing the medical facility under WBHS.08 unmarried sisters shall be deemed to be dependent on the Govt. employee if they are normally residing with him their income from all sources does not exceed Rs.1500/-.Kindly confirm whether unmarried sisters are entitled to benefit of members of beneficiary dependent members of the scheme, as she has income 2500/- per month.
Samir Talukdar

In Notification No. 6722-F dated 09.07.2009, dependent member of the family of an employee is defined. As per Notification No. 10531-F(MED) dated 10.11.2010, monthly income of only parents, considered to be dependent is increased to Rs. 3500/-. Dependent Unmarried sister included as beneficiary. If monthly income is Rs. 2500/-, then she is independent.

Health Scheme 2008 Released only for W.B. Govt. Employee. But Govt. declared previously it will also applicable for teachers (govt aided school). But not yet seen any G.O. about it. Any information? Asit Baran Pal. Mirzapur J.B.School.

Not yet.

Please let me know if a state govt employee resigns from service n joins central govt service or as a teacher through school service commission he is entitled to draw the full amt of 3rd instalment of arrear pay due to ropa09 or 50% of it? do the same rule applies for the employee who goes on lien?

Each year GO is published for arrear pay. This time the GO is to pay only 50% of arrear; this GO did not consider the exceptions, like as you said. It only says to pay 50% arrear now, “and the remaining 50% of the third instalment of arrear will be decided later.”

I need to get the following GOs of Govt of WB:
1. 6680-WT Dt. 27.12.2004
2. WT/TR/O/2M-12/2003 Dt. 24/29-11-2004
…related to condemnation of govt vehicles.

Here is the orders:
a) Revised guidelines determining regarding normal life of state government vehicles to be taken into consideration before condemnation and disposal vide Memo No. 5077-WT/TR/O/2M-12/2003 dated 16-11-2004.
b) Revised guidelines determining procedures for condemnation and disposal of state Government vehicles is issued in suppression of all previous orders vide Memo No. 5193-WT/TR/O/2M-12/2003 dated 24/29-11-2004.
c) 6680-WT dated 27.12.2004 will be provided later.

If a govt. employee has got no promotion during his service life can he get higher grade pay in his all three CAS benefit i.e. 8 yrs, 16 yrs & 25 yrs. can he move to upper promotional scale.

This is called Non-Functional promotion due to CAS. In this case the employee shall get pay scale benefit of promotional post (higher grade pay) but designation shall not be changed.

I have recently joined the WBPSC and posted away from my home. Few days back I have come to know that I have to appear for police verification in the local police station. So am I entitled official leave for this or I have to take CL/EL.

You have to take leave.

When an all India service officer is transferred is he entitled to receive one month’s salary as transfer travelling allowance? if yes pl let me know the G.O.

Regarding Travelling allowance on transfer or deputation of AIS officers, Rule 4 of THE ALL INDIA SERVICES (TRAVELLING ALLOWANCES) RULES says, “The travelling allowances of a member of the Service who is serving under one Government shall, on transfer or deputation or service under any other Government, be governed by the rules of the Government under whom he is transferred or deputed to serve unless, by a special or general order of the Government he continues to be governed by the rules of the Government under whom he was serving before such transfer or deputation.”
So, about T.A. on transfer is mentioned in the transfer order; it may be actual cost incurred, or it may be, a lump-sum amount, or it may be, a month’s salary.

My relative (fire service employee & avail WBHS’2008) died after suffering in aplastic animea. Treated in apollo hosp. his family claimed indoor treatment amount of rs.77470/- &62945/- in two separate bills. Assist secy. to the govt of wb gave an objection to mention code nos. against each medicine. Is there any list for the code of medicine? How can we meet the objection? sushil das, burdwan.

I did not find any mention of the disease in revised list of treatment procedure. Please show the list to the doctor; he could help finding out the name and respective code from the list.

Please let me know the rules regarding district transfer of west bengal government primary school assistance teacher, once had mutual transfer 2 years 10 months back, and duration of service is 6 yrs 3 months. The cause of district transfer is marital.

There are guidelines regarding transfer; If both the husband and wife are Govt. employees, effort should be made to keep them in the same place as far as practicable or in places where they may serve without being separated. Also there are some other conditions.

Procedure to get an identity card by Sub Inspector of School, Deptt. of Education, Govt. of West Bengal – subimal kanti dutta

Apply to the DDSE (Admn) through the respective DI of Schools and collect it from the DSE office personally.

I am a teacher in GOVT AIDED high school. For completion of my PhD One year left. May I get study leave? Should it be without pay? However I am not a stipend research scholar. Please mention GO no concerned to this matter and necessary conditions.My registration was done before joining the service,so I was continuing PhD,before joining as a teacher.

Have you started phD with the permission of the authority?
Have you joined as a teacher while continuing your phD?School authority may not take any liabilities for your phD and may not grant any kind of leave unless specifically mentioned in your joining terms and conditions. However, phD, for the benefit of the authority is encouraged providing facilities. As such, there is no clear directions of Govt. in this regard.

I am a wb govt employee received offer of a promotion. What is the limit of period within which i am to submit my option to accept the said promotion?
Thanking you. pallab

“A government servant is required to exercise option within one month from the date of promotion/ appointment, to have the pay fixed….” .. a quote from FR-22 (Fixation of Pay under Fundamental Rules).

My school is from class 5 to 10 having batch strength of approx 1400 students (both male and female) and is running without head master from the last 4 years. The no. of asst. teachers is ten (10) and a peon (1) i.e. total approved posts are eleven (11) with five para-teachers (5) due to the shortage of asst. teachers we perform the full charge of asst. teacher from the bottom to the top. Now the election for the managing committee is going to be held very soon. Considering our full time participation to the duty can we will be allowed to also take an active participation in the formation of school managing committee. plz sir reply as early as possible. i am looking for your kind help.

I think, no.

My name is Umakanta Acharya. I am working as a Horticulture Field consultant (contractual) from February, 2008 to till now. I want to know can I get all of facility like contractual staff remuneration in respect of WB finance department order no. 9008-F(P) dt. 16th Sept, 2011.

Yes you will.

I have retired from Govt. Service on 28.2.10. Thereafter I applied for enrolment of my name in Health-08 scheme & the office issued me a Health card in Dec’10 . No of this card starting with E 346……………..I have undergone prostrate Gland operation at R.N. Tagore Hospital
in Sept’11 showing that card & they accepted rate of Health Scheme & accordingly I paid and claimed the paid amount. Now office which office issued the card says that No. of my Card should begin P346…….. It not my fault sole liabilities are of issuing Office. Then why should I suffer for their negligence to duties & deprived of my legitimate claim.
L.P.Datta. Suri, Barobagan, Pancheer Pally, Birbhum, 731103.

Off course, you should not suffer for this.

What is the G.O. no. of the order relating the sanction of study leave?

It is one kind of Special Leave. Please
see Order- W.B.S.E, No-S/122 dated-2.5.91. read with No. 133A dated.22.04.92.

Recently my aunt got uterus surgery from Apollo Nursing Clinic, Khoshbagan, Burdwan. All total we paid around Rs. 30, 000. We think it is more than what it should be. Is there any standard price (fixed by the Govt.) for this kind of surgery or how can I know what should be the actual cost? If the N. Home charged more, where should I approach?

Uterus Surgery may be done due to many reasons. Please be specific about the disease, so that i can give you the govt. approved rate.
Few reasons:
a) Abdominal Hysterectomy – Rs. 22k
b) Vaginal Hysterectomy – Rs. 22k
c) Myomectomy – Rs. 22k
d) Extended Hysterectomy – Rs. 28k
Here is a Rate List under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 vide Notification No. 796-F (MED) dated 31-01-2011.
Compare with the rate list, and let me know for further discussion.

Another query, my wife is a high school teacher (WB, by SSC). But I live and work abroad (in Sweden). How long she can get leave (without pay) from her job? Is there any rule from the Govt? A friend of mine said that she can take up to 5 years leave (without pay), is that correct?

No permanent teacher shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding 5 year”.
vide Order No. 1541-Edn.(S)/21-2/77, Date:15.12.1977.

I have joined a H.S school on 1st July, 2011.How many casual leave can I take? And also for a minor operation can I avail medical leave or go for without pay? What are the possible options? Kindly give me the memo regarding medical leave.

Only 7 C.L. for this A.Y. You are not eligible to take Medical Leave before one year continuous Service.
Please See Board’s Memo against letter No. 33/KJMHS/80 dt.24.05.1980. read with G.O. No. 1541-Edn.(S) dated 15.12.1977.

Whether the Para Teachers participate in formation of MC by filing nomination as a Teacher Representative or not?

There is no provision set by Govt as hitherto.

I am an assistant teacher in chemistry at an H.S. school recruited by WBSSC. I have completed my M.sc in distant course recently. But in completing the exam. I have faced the problem of medical leave since I was absent for 8 days in a row at my school. So being a regular assistant teacher my authorities have informed me about the cancellation of my degree. Now is there any provision for keeping my degree safe by means of applying for commuted leave for those days of absence?

Date of joining and criteria of post in which you joined is necessary.

I am an Asstt. Teacher of a High Madrasah. Please let me know how can I confirm my service? I have joined past year.

Inform type of your post. regular (normal) or additional post? Please See G.O. No. 1598-Edn(S) dt.15.7.69 read with D.S.E. Memo No.2974 (17)GA dt. 08.12.1988.authority will confirm your service after expiry of 1 or 2 years (as the case may be)

I have joined as an A.T. in a H.S, School on 19.03.1999. Before that I was already registered myself for doing Ph.D. After the confirmation period of One year I took the permission of M.C. for continuing my research work. I got the P.Hd. award on 19.10.2005. The applied for two incremental benefit for this to A.D.I. But he expressed his inability verbally to consider the case for controlling of expenditure act, 2005. But on 24.11.2011 the High Court of Kolkata has given the order that incremental benefit for P.Hd cannot be denied for afore mentioned act. Shall I now get my incremental benefit if I apply? In that case shall I get my arrear also? Please Clarify.

You will get the benefit. The date of effect of the court order is probably ‘immediate’; in that case you will not get any arrear. However let me see the court directives for more clarity.

One primary Astt. Teacher will be retired on 31st Jan 2012, joining date 01/07/1973, he takes option on CPF (Contributed Provident Fund), now he wants to go GPF (General Pro. Fund), In this position he wants to refund govt. share with interest. pls. give suggestion as soon as possible how he will be in GPF and get Pension.

There is no order issued by govt till date to revert from CPF to GPF after 1992


This is not a fake university. Don’t worry.

I did my B. Tech in Electronics and communication in 2010. Can I apply for school service commission of west Bengal?

No. Cannot. Only B. Tech in Computer Science.

One of my colleagues (posted in D.I.(PE), Hooghly), as UDC, aged about 55yrs (service life 31 yrs running) is now permanently incapacitated & lying in bed after a severe road accident from august’11. He will not be able to continue his service in this situation. My query is:
Q1. whether one of his family members can get a service on compassionate ground or not.
Q2. pl. send related govt. orders in my email :mithu72@rediffmail.com so that we can save his family.
Q3.pl. let me know the details procedure.
Q4. where can we get the necessary forms in PDF or in any way.
Pl. sir save his family. dipankar

See: Appointment on Compassionate Ground.

I am the superintendent of a Govt. Home where the poor girl child are staying. Therefore we have to maintain all the service even in holidays. Therefore the cooks, Ayas has to attend these holidays and Sundays. Are they entitled to get the CCL on other days for performing duties on holidays/Sundays? Please help us. If there is any such type of order then the same may be provided.

According to Appendix 10 of WBSR, CCL may be granted either on forenoon or afternoon session. There is no G.O. regarding CCL. However, considering the weightage of the problem, different head of the departments may have issued local orders for the same. Consult your head of the deptt and probably you may get a very old piece of paper regarding the issue.

I have a qualification B.E. (ELECTRICAL). I have scored 65% marks (2nd class) in B.E. May I apply for lecturer ship in govt polytechnic college (diploma level)?

No. Here is the Essential and Desirable Qualification required for Lecturer in Govt Polytechnics in W.B.G.S. Essential: (i) First class Bachelor degree or equivalent, (ii) Two years’ experience in Teaching/ Research/ Industry. (iii) Special knowledge in one or more subjects in the Branch of Engineering concerned, (iv) Good power of expression in Bengali – spoken & written. Desirable : (i) Master degree in relevant field of Engineering, (ii) Degree/ Diploma in Technical Teaching from any University or Technical Teachers Training Institute, (iii) Corporate Membership of a Professional Institution.

I am an asst. teacher of govt aided school (H.S) and have a grade pay 4800.can I able to attest the document like a gazetted officer?

Visit Attestation by Gazetted Officer.

I am working as the post of executive assistant in gram panchayat. Though our duty and responsibility high and we hold the official top post in office and qualification for hold the post higher than nirman sahayak but we belong to poorly low scale salary in respect of nirman sahayak. We inform our problem to all higher authority. But no step has not been taken yet. Would we hope something for future? manab mukherjee, executive assistant, hatinagar gp berhampore murshidabad.

This will take time.

One of my colleague named Ajay Kumar joined as a asst. teacher in geography (H) stream in the yr 2006.To attain higher qualification he completed M.A course in 2010 from NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY (Bihar). And before taking admission he informed to headmaster through the application.
*shall he get benefit of P.G Scale.
*if yes then how to proceed.

The question is whether your friend
1) joined in HONS/PG POST?
2) Done MA in GEOGRAPHY – the same subject?
2) Obtained Prior Permission to take MA exam from the concerned DI?If all these three is YES proceed through MC to DI.

What is the duty schedule of a General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) posted at a Rural Hospital in WB Health services? Please mention this in time format i.e. hours in a day or days in a week.

OPD Duty Hours:-
From Monday to Friday: 5 Hrs daily (From 9 am to 2 pm)
Saturday: 3 Hrs.
Total 28 Hrs in a week.

How can a Govt. employee enjoy Half Pay Leave without Medical ground?

See Leave Rules.

I am an assistant teacher of a H.S GIRLS school. I have joined my school on 08.07.2011. My question is that can I take advance medical leave during 1st year, i.e, before 08.07.2012?

Advance Medical Leave cannot be taken as your service is less than a year.

Where is the table for payment of the Group insurance cum savings 1987 after retirement?


On behalf of my wife I want to know about House Rent rules in West Bengal Health & family welfare department.
My wife working as a PHN (Gr.II) in Natabari Block Primary Health Centre, Cooch Behar Dist.
My question is:-
(1) The office establishment forcing to stay in quarter and deducted her HRA from the current month.
(2) She submitted a prayer for not to deduct her HRA reason for as far as her knowledge that in her head of the account there is not EARMARKED QUARTER FOR (PHN)
(3) But Office establishment could not respond her and deduct her HRA.
(4) She shown ROPA 2009 guideline that earmarked quarter is must to deduct but not respond.
So, I very much eager to know what is the latest guide in WBHEALTH for deduct HRA.
Is there any order to stop HRA deduction?
PLEASE sir, I need your guidance

What is the distance of her office and residence? Following guidelines are available from WBSR regarding obligation to stay in head quarter. WBSR – I, Rule 29
Headquarters terra defined The headquarters of a Government employee shall be in such place as the Head of a Department may prescribe and are in the absence of any orders to the contrary, the station where the records of his office are kept. WBSR – I, Rule 29A
Obligation to stay at Head-quarter A Government employee should ordinarily reside at the Headquarters of the Station to which he is for the time being posted. He may, however, be permitted by the head of his office, for sufficient reasons, such as difficulties in securing accommodation at headquarters and for other good reasons, to reside outside his headquarters, provided that his normal official duties do not suffer thereby. In such cases, however, the Government employee concerned shall intimate in writing his place of residence to the head of his office, who may however, require him to stay at his headquarters at any time and for any period if it is considered necessary in public interest.

But sir if the earmarked quarter is not present for the particular post (PHN-Gr-II)in this office head.
Then office will have any right to deduct her HRA from her salary?

If head of the office requires that the employee under his control stay at head quarter in the interest of public service then the employee have to obey the decision.
If there is no ear marked quarter for the particular post of the employee, he/ she can take private/ rented accommodation. In that case full HRA is admissible; there is no obligation to stay at Govt. accommodation.
There is no such order you asked for.

What is the system of departmental promotion of qualified group d employee of health department?

There is no such G.O. regarding promotion of qualified Gr. D employees. As usual 8-16-25 years benefit is admissible.

Pls. let me know about how much money a Govt. aided school can collect from a student during his/her admission.

As per rule 13(2) of “The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009″, No capitation fee during admission is allowed. It is a punishable offence and a fine up to ten times charged up on school.

I was appointed as an A.T of a HS school in 1997.I got Ph.D in 2010. Can I be entitled to get the additional increment? As I got appointment before the implementation of Expenditure act 2005.

Visit: Additional 2 increments.

I am a gram panchayat employee. My joining date is 9.10.2002 in the post of sahayak. Now My pay in pay band is Rs. 8010 and grade pay is Rs. 2300. Now I have joined as a secretary (by promotion) in the next higher scale (3350-90…..pre-revised) on 01. 12.11. I am requesting you to please give me the calculation of my pay after fixation in new scale. Can I get the 10 years benefit?

Find a similar pay fixation problem at Forum

My husband has been appointed in High School in the Graduate scale in the year 2002 through SSC though he is Post Graduate (P.G). Is he entitled to get P.G. SCALE in the long run?


I have been appointed as a Primary Teacher in the year 2010 in Grade B (Siliguri). Though I have passed B.T. in the year 2004-2005, Govt. has declared B.T. invalid and bridge course has been mandatory to make it valid. There is no Govt. notification or instructions regarding Bridge course to the appointed teacher as of now. Is the Govt. is going to instruct us regarding this Bridge course or is the candidates are supposed to do Bridge course by themselves.

At present Bridge course is running only for unemployed teachers who have completed one year J.B.T. or equivalent course. For the in-service teachers order shall be notified later on.

A female employee, appointed on June 2011, availed 180 days maternity leave from July 2011 and joined her duty on November 2011. Now she is seeking leave for at least 6 months for her child’s care for which her doctor has prescribed. Please tell me which kind of leave shall be admissible to her with minimum loss to her service. I have not find anything else extraordinary leave without pay. Please reply me as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

Maternity Leave may be combined with any leave of any other kind up to one year as per G.O. No. 2658-F dated 01.03.2002.

Please inform me whether the earned leave, casual leave and half-pay leave shall be credited to an employee who has been availing any kind of other leave during that period.

Yes. Off course. Leave shall not be credited only when the incumbent is under Suspension/ Extra Ordinary Leave without Pay. And that period of absence is considered as service break; must be recorded in the Service Book.

I, Mr D Ghosh, Gr – A gazetted officer & my wife is Para teacher in govt aided school. Regarding WB Health Scheme 2008 can my wife get ID card (eligibility) as beneficiary to such scheme? If yes please send me such GO.

Yes all the family members including you will be provided Pink Identity Card direct from the Writer’s Buildings.

What is procedure to file application through RTI to state project officer under DPEP (Higher Education) as because maternity leave for para-teacher valid for 135 days instead of 180day for female other teacher. No separate guide line/GO exist for 180days maternity leave for para-teacher. There is loophole in existing order.

Visit Application Procedures for RTI.Visit www.wbsed.gov.in, order No. 225-SE(Estt)/RTI-1E-6/08 dated. 17.02.2009. also log on.- www.wbic.gov.in

My mother, above 80 years old, is receiving family pension w.e.f. 05.05.2010 as widow of a retired higher secondary school teacher. Is she entitled to get the benefit of enhanced pension for her age? If yes, pl. mention the relevant order and give its link.

An additional Quantum of Pension @ 20% of the basic family pension is applicable for Age of Family Pensioner From 80 years to 85 years. G.O. No.-74 S.E (B) dated.19.05.2009 (Revision of pension/ family pension, gratuity and commutation of pension, post 01.01.2006 as per above noted G.O.)

I am pallab ray a wb govt employee. I want to know whether medical certificate is mandatory for availing commuted leave.
An early reply is solicited.

As per WBSR Rule 173(3), ‘Commuted Leave not exceeding half the amount of half-pay leave due may be granted on medical certificate to a Government employee subject to the conditions that …’.
Yes, mandatory. See the Leave Rules.

Many of my colleagues are not interested about the West Bengal Health Scheme 2008. They say that it will be hard to reimburse the amount and lots of hazards will require to be faced to fulfil all the criteria for reimbursement. Please suggest me should I enrol my name or not. Thanks in advance.

I shall suggest you to enrol for WBHS. If any problem arises do not worry, RTI Act will much help in this regard.

I am an assistant teacher in primary school Asansol circle appointed on July 2010.My p.f. is started to deduct from July 2011.But G.S.L.I is not deducting.
My question is that whether we will get pension facility or not.

G.S.L.I deduction is not mandatory. Perhaps it will be deducted from the beginning of the Ensuing Financial year. Pension is applicable for State Govt. Sponsored or Aided Institutional Institution as per West Bengal Recognized Non-Govt. Educational Institution Employees (Death-Cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme 1981. (G.O. No. 136 Edn(P)dt.15.05.1985.) except D.A. getting Schools.

I, Suman Bar, a Sahayak of Rajibpur Gram Panchayat, Budge Budge – 1, South 24 Parganas. I am a physically challenged employee (60 percent). I have hear that there is an order for relaxation of P. Tax and an allowance for handicapped employees.
Therefore I am asking you that is there any such order for us. If yes please provide me those orders and please clarify that those order is applicable for me or not.

In case of P.C. Employee P. Tax will be Nil. As per Finance Department Order No. U.N. No. Group-P (Pay) 3034 dated 04.01.2007. Conveyance Allowance @5% of Basic Pay Subject to a maximum of Rs. 200/-.Per month is admissible.

18 years carrier advancement problem
view 1 view 2
Pay band 9750 9750
GP 2900 370 3 % increment
— —
total 12650 10120
3 % incre 380 2900 GP
— —
total= 13030 13020
Which view is correct for fixation

View 1 is correct.

Can you please let me know that the average time taken by INTER DISTRICT TRANSFER for Primary school teacher?
As my wife is doing job at Coochbehar district and we want to transfer it to North 24 parganas.
So for husband-wife live together, can we get any facility so that it can done? Or i heard that state govt. is going to give a notice for females who are residing away from their husband, is it true? Please reply and help me out.

After two years continuous service a pry. Teacher may apply for inter District transfer. There is no time limit to complete it, may be 6, 12 month or more. Perhaps, It will come out soon.

My friend, Mihir Ranjan Biswas, works as an assistant professor in gangarampur college in dakshin dinajpur district his wife works as an asistant teacher in a school in jalpaiguri district. They stay separately and the distance in between in aprox. 377 km. neither of them enjoys any accommodation provided or owned by the college/school authorities, universities or govt. authorities. my question is are they eligible to draw the full amount of HRA separately? Please also mention the G.O related.

As per G.O. No. 1691-F dated 23/02/2009, Rule 11, the ceiling of HRA to be drawn by husband and wife together is Rs. 6000/- per month. However, there is provision for prayer to draw HRA separately for the above case; let me know whether HRA together exceeds 6000/- or not, then the process may be discussed further at here

I am a state govt. employee (UD clerical) presently pursuing Ph.D from Jadavpur University om wormholes and gravastars. Am I eligible for 1 year study leave with full salary to support my family? I am not having any scholarship or part time income. Research requires extensive study. Though my office work is not compatible with my research work but any research is in the interest of public welfare and done which would be beneficial to future generations.
Thanks and regards. Shafi

As per WBSR, Study Leave may be granted on the following conditions:
a. For the purpose of definite advantage to Government in the interest of public and is related to sphere of his duties.
b. The Govt. employee should submit a report on the work done by him during the period of study leave.
c. The study leave should not be granted unless study/ training shall be of definite advantage from the point of view of public interest.
d. The said leave is admissible to the Govt. employee who has rendered not less than five years service.
e. The said leave is not admissible to the Govt. employee who will retire within three years of return from study leave. So, in your case, I think, you will not get Study Leave.

What is the qualification of assistant headmaster of high school in west bengal?

Graduates with Hons incl. Special Hons or holding Masters degree with ‘two years’ course and having 5 years teaching experience in a high/higher secondary institution may apply for the post of Assistant Headmaster.

I have a friend he took mutual transfer with a teacher X of another circle. The proposal for mutual transfer is made by my friend but due to some problem he refused the mutual transfer. The refusal letter is also made by him.
My question is that whether the teacher X can now apply for general transfer or mutual transfer with other guy.


Where should I contact for publication of Change of Name in Kolkata Gazette?

Controller of Printing & Stationery, West Bengal Govt. Press 46/1, Narkeldanga Main Road, Kol – 64, Ph – 2370-7066.

How much money will be deducted from the monthly salary as the GSLI of a Nirman Sahayak of a Gram Panchayat (If his entry point basic salary is Rs 13400 (9000+4400)?

This is entirely depends upon the agreement between Insurance Company and your Employer. About GSLI: “The employer shall deduct the contribution in respect of all the Members from their salaries and remit the same in full to the Corporation for providing benefits in accordance with these Rules.”
It has no effect with the Pensionary benefits as well.

Out of 3 Gram Panchayet Karmee posts (Group D posts), 2 posts are vacant. I am Madhyamik passed and working since 09/09/2008 for the work of the G P K on daily rated basis as admissible for unskilled labour wages in MGNREGS, paid in the muster roll for 240 days in a year. However, according to the memo no 9008-F(P), dt. 16/09/2011, the Gram Panchayet has sent my name to the B. D. O., formatted as “engaged against non-sanction post” on “daily rated basis” for “240 days in a year” for the “work of G P K” working “since 09/09/2008″. Now, I would like to ask you, whether I am capable for the casual/daily rated staff? Kindly discuss in details and oblige me.

Do not worry; you will be regularized as per the said G.O. and further communication of your office as you said. Everything is in your favour.

Sir, all the components & situations are same & applicable to me as it is written in above question. Exceptions are: 1)the Gram Panchayet, locally, appointed to me; 2) I have not given any appointment letter; 3)I don’t know whether the Gram Panchayet has taken a resolution about my such appointment: 4)the payment is made from G P’s Own Fund; 5) I am working from 07/12/2005. However, the G P has sent my candidature to the B D O as the same format written in question no 427. Now, my request/question is whether I am capable to this case? Kindly answer of this.

Yes, you are eligible.

Pre-2006 Pensioner, WBCS (Executive) Retired Officer on Pay Scale Rs. 3700-5700/- subsequently revised to Rs. 12000-18000/- and Rs. 28000-52000/- plus Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/- seeks confirmation reg. eligibility of YELLOW Health Card (Category I) under WB health Scheme 2008.Arun Sengupta
Chinsurah, Hooghly.


My wife has been working as a 2nd A.N.M. How many days will she get as maternity leave?

180 days.

Since Last 2009 December when the teacher transfer bill has been passed I am hearing from various interviews of education minister (of last govt as well as of new govt also) to print media & electronic media that this bill will be published as an act soon. Two years has been spent but there is no fruitful result has come rather than the assurance. let me know will it be published or not? if the answer is positive when will it be published?

Sorry, I can’t say.

30 yrs. service as asstt. librarian already done, till date no promotion/ gradation has been given to me though I have been shouldering the responsibility of librarian since 01.03.2002 of n.b. medical college. Is there any promotion /gradation policy to the cadre of librarian/ astt. librarian /library asstt. of west bengal subordinate health services? K.K.GOSWAMI.

I shall let you know if found.

I have joined a school on 1st July, 2011.What is the Govt. circular regarding B. Ed for me? Also I want to know the year before which I have to complete B.Ed.

Those teachers who have joined between March 31, 2001, and 2011 will be given time till 2015 to complete B. Ed. The relaxation is in keeping with the provisions of the RTE act. The BEd degree will not be compulsory for teachers who had joined before 2001.

Currently what is the teacher and pupil ratio in primary school according to the new circular. Kindly provide G.O.

Read the Norms and Standards for a School, set by the Central Govt. in The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act.

I have a flat at premises No.52/A, Feeder Road, Belghoria, Kolkata-700056 under Kamarhati Municipality Ward No.17 Holding No.894. In respect of the above flat I had submitted a Mutation application for mutation of title/name to the Kamarhati Municipality more than a year ago with all the necessary documents. The application was processed in the Board meeting as well as recommended by the ward councillor. In spite of all this the municipality is with-holding my mutation for not paying a donation amount of Rs 12000/-,i.e. @1% of Deed value.
In the above context I wanted to know the specific provisions of Municipal law or any resolution adopted by the Municipal Board in this regard under which such demands can be made by the municipality. The municipality is stubbornly refusing to entertain my application for mutation without the receipt of the donation amount of over Rs.12000/-. In this regard I had also written to the Chief Minister, but the reply is still awaited.
A reply in this regard is requested from you at the earliest.Sender: Kanak Bhowmick.
Email: kanakbhowmick21@gmail.com

You are requested to contact Barrackpore Sub-Divisional Office, because a public grievance and assistance cell is functioning at SDO’s office. Individual as well as systematic grievances attended there. Remember all correspondence to be made in pink coloured page. Hope, your case will be taken care of.

I am an Asstt. Teacher. My qualification is B.A (HONS). I want to complete master degree. What shall I do?

Are you a Secondary School Teacher? Do you want to complete Master’s degree in distance or regular course? Please mention in detail.

I am a school teacher in a Govt. school since 24.04.08. I have worked as an assistant teacher in a Govt. aided school from 5.5.05 to 23.4.08. I want to know whether I am eligible for service continuation or not. If eligible then please inform me about the govt. order.

Please ask at Forums

How many maximum class an assistant teacher have to take in high school? kindly provide me the G.O.

Minimum teaching work for the asstt. Teacher is 29 periods per week excluding tutorial work. For further discussion or for related G.O  

Please tell me if husband wife both stay at same govt quarter but work around 50 km apart in a very remote and difficult to access zone in Coochbehar, what is the rule for deduction of HRA. Will it be deducted from both of them?

Please ask at

Is the certificates issued by “Board of Secondary Education Madhya Bharat, Gwalior (M.P.) are acceptable to the West Bengal Govt. for recruitment to the post of Primary Teacher

Please ask at 

I am an employee of a panchayat under a block of nadia district zilla parisad. My post name is sahayak ( bp-5400-25200 gp-2300 ). Can i apply for a central govt. Deputation vacancy? My qualification is matched with the vacancy. I have no idea about this and no one help me to provide the information regarding this matter. Can anybody help me about this matter?

Yes off course, you can.

I am now working as contractual basis for last 2 yrs. My father was performed the same job for 14 yrs… but can I got chance to avail the recent order published by FINANCE DEPT. No.9008F(P) dated 16.09.2011

Which department? Date of joining? please discuss at contractual employees corne

Hi! My Grandpa (maternal) was a primary school teacher. He got his pension and after his death my grand ma was receiving family pension. Now she died last week. As my Mother is a divorcee woman, is she eligible for her pension? She has no source of income. She was totally dependent on them.

Please ask at here

I am a Health Asstt. (female) under B.P.H.C. Khaspur, Balurghat, District- Dakshin Dinajpur. I wish to nominate my husband in my GPF A/c. I need your suggestion. Luna Sarkar.

See GPF Rules.

Could Group ‘A’ officer avail CCL?


Dear sir, I Shrabani Samanta G.N.M. working under Dept of Health & F.W. Govt of West Bengal from 13/05/1991. Now I posted at Bolpur S.D. hospital Birbhum since May, 1995 to till date. In that period due to heavy work load and deteriorated physical condition I have been faced four major surgical operation (1) scissor-ion (2) Cholecystectomy (3) umbilical hernia (4) post operative Incisional (5) degeneration at L4-L5 (5) flat knee (6) osteoporosis
I have been prayed to my local authority C.M.O.H. and Dy Director of Health Service (nursing) W.B. several times to seeking transfer me at comparatively light duty place on medical ground. My husband pharmacist of Supur P.H.C, Birbhum. I wish to transfer At (1) Bolpur B.P.H.C. (2) Supur P.H.C. (3) Sattore P.H.C. (4) Panshwa P.H.C. all are in the Dist Birbhum. I also applied for mutual transfer with Babli Mondal Sattore P.H.C. But all applications are in vain. What can I do?

Please ask at here

Sir, what is age relaxation of ex servicemen for recruitment in Kolkata police?

Please ask at here

Dear Sir, in 1988, DSE, WB sanctioned a post of Assistant Teacher with specific academic qualification of graduation with Geography as combination subject in Social Science group. Incumbent selected is a Graduate in B.Com with no combination subject as Geography. After that, he obtained spl hons in Accountancy. He was selected to the post and was allowed with hons. scale of pay w.e.f. his dt of appointment. DSE could find out the blunder in 2005 & ordered to withdraw his hons scale of pay. He complied with the order of DSE,WB in 2005,September. DI/S,SE, North 24 Pgs, in terms of the order of DSE, Wb, ordered the Teacher to pay back the overdrawn salary towards hons scale of pay. The Teacher filed a writ before the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta for quashing the Orders of DSE,WB and DI/S,SE, North 24 Parganas whereupon The Court granted an order of Stay of operation of the said Orders and he was paid lacs of money in 2009 as salary under Hons. scale of pay w.e.f. 1998 under revised order of pay & allowances while the ground reality is that the school concerned got upgrade to X class High school where also no subject is taught as Accountancy. Thus, not only a huge amount of money is just drained of the Govt but also, due to having no teacher in Geography in school, students are suffering a lot, particularly of class IX,X. Govt. of west Bengal, particularly the Education Department may note that the WP No.17208(W) of 2007 with CPAN 291 of 2007 (Sudip Bose -VS-State of WB & Ors)is still to be contested appropriately for justice to the Order(s) of DSE,WB,and DI/S.SE, North 24 Pgs for the interest of huge wastage of Govt. Fund & school concerned.

Please ask at here

Please send me the exact rules and regulations regarding B. Ed. Course from IGNOU. How many days of leave I will enjoy during the full course of study? Is there any leave for study and examination purpose also? Please send me the requisite G. O. and rules laid down by the Dept. of Education, Govt. of West Bengal.

Please ask at here

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