Service Book

A service book must be maintained for every full time Govt. employee. Head of the Office is responsible to open service book in duplicate immediately after the joining of an employee.

Change of Surname Procedure

The execution of the deed should be followed by publication of the change in a daily local news paper as well as in the Calcutta Gazette, the publication being undertaken by the Government servant at his /her expenses.

Introduction of New Format for Counting of Past Services

Introduction of new format for furnishing details of service regarding counting of past services. Finance Department is facing difficulties in dealing with the cases of counting past services considering different types/nature of services.

Service Book Management of State Government Employees

 Online system of Service Book Management in respect of State Government employees. Custodian of service book. Role of the Custodian of Service Books. Scanning and uploading of Service Book by the custodian of Service Book.

Inclusion of Qualification of Group D Staff in Service Book

All concerned are requested to include higher educational qualification in the Service Book of qualified Gr. D staffs after verification of original documents issued by the competent authorities.

Compulsory recording of GIS subscriptions in the Service Book

GIS-subscriptions of the State Govt Employees are properly recorded in their Service Books and these records are verified positively by the respective Accounts Officers/Drawing & Disbursing Officers from time to time.

Compulsory recording of GIS subscriptions in the Service Book

GIS-subscriptions of the State Govt Employees are properly recorded in their Service Books and these records are verified positively by the respective Accounts Officers/Drawing & Disbursing Officers from time to time.

  • Compulsory recording of GIS subscriptions in the Service Book

    GIS-subscriptions of the State Govt Employees are properly recorded in their Service Books and these records are verified positively by the respective Accounts Officers/Drawing & Disbursing Officers from time to time.

  • Change in Date of Birth in respect of Government Employees

    Prayer for change in date of birth in respect of the Govt. Employees, will not be entertained, if the said prayer is not made in within the period of five years from the date of joining in the Government Service.

  • Service Book – Opening, Writing, Verification

    Employee shall submit the duplicate service book every year for verification. After necessary entry the same will be returned to the employee. This copy may also be treated as original.

  • Change of Surname Procedure

    The execution of the deed should be followed by publication of the change in a daily local news paper as well as in the Calcutta Gazette, the publication being undertaken by the Government servant at his /her expenses.


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