*Some Basic Rules of Family Pension at a glance*

* Family Pension can be extended,even if the govt employee served only for a day.
In that case, family pension is to be 30% of the basic pay of the employee.
*If an employee dies while in service after 7 years of Service or more then family pension is to be at enhanced rate that is 1/2 of the last basic pay drawn by the employee. That family pension at enhanced rate is to be drawn by the claimant for 7 years. Rule 103, DCRB 1971.
Illustration :
An employee having basic pay 300, dies in service after 7 years then family pension for 7 years is150 (1/2 of last basic at enhanced rate)thereafter 90(30%) .
* Family Pension for Unmarried /Widow / Divorced daughters of the the employee can get family pension if her monthly income doesn’t exceed 9000/- per month.
*All such family pension cases needs approval of Finance Department, if the spouse of the govt employee pre deceased him /her.
* If the spouse does not pre decease the employee, Pension Sanctioning Authority is competent enough to dispose the pension case. Those cases need not be sent to Finance Department for approval.


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