State Achievement Survey 2023 November 06, 2023

State Achievement Survey-SAS

State Achievement Survey (SAS) 2023 for Class-III, Class-V, Class-VIII and Class-X of State Government Schools, Private Unaided Recognized Schools, General instruction, total procedure and Schedule of State Achievement Survey 2023 Examination, download previous Question Papers & Answer Keys for State Achievement Survey (SAS).

  • State Achievement Survey 2023 will be conducted on 25th November 2023 (Saturday)
  • Previous Question Papers & Answer Keys for State Achievement Survey.


Notification regarding State Achievement Survey (SAS) 2023

Memo No. 183(5)/Ped/01/SAS/PBSSM  Date: 17.10.2023

Download Notification (Click here)


This is to inform you that in this year the State Achievement Survey 2023 will be conducted on 25th November 2023. The State Achievement Survey shall aim to help the S.E.D (School Education Department) in objectively understanding the achievement level of this students against the laid down learning outcome indicators. The objectives of the survey are to:

  1. Conduct assessment test of students in Classes III, V, VIII and X in selected schools.
  2. Analyze the performance of participating students and assessachievementlevel.
  3. Design and Develop remedial actions toachievefurther improvement.

Class wise Subjects covered under State Achievement Survey 2023

Sl No Class Subject Total Score Time
1.  III  1st Language, Mathematics, EVS  30  1:30 Hours
2.  V  1st Language, Mathematics, EVS  30  1:30 Hours
3.  VIII  1st Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Science  40 2:00 Hours
4.  X  1st Language, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science  50 2:00 Hours

Salient Features of State Achievement Survey 2023

  1. Each district will constitute a team comprising the Chairperson, DPSC, DIS (PE), DIS(SE), DIET/PTTI and DEO as district Coordinator. Such team will function under the leadership of the ADM (Education), who will also be the District Nodal Officer (DNO) forState Achievement Survey 2023for the concerned district. The District Coordinator (DEO, SSM) of each district shall distribute the assessment tools and collect the field responses.
  1. From each Circle 10 Primary Schools and 5 Upper Primary / Secondary / Higher Secondary Schools have been selected for the purpose. In State are a total of 7160 Primary Schools and 3866 Upper Primary / Secondary/ Higher Secondary  schools. Hence, a total number of 11026 schools have been selected at State Level.
  1. Two Field Investigators (FI) (Teachers per class from non-participating schools) to be selected by district team concerned.10% reserve will also have to be earmarked.
  1. Concerned DNO and his team will ensure that the orientation of the HOIs and Field Investigators (FI) is completed by 10th November 2023.
  1. Assessment Tools will made available to the DEOs by WBTBCL by 17th November 2023.
  1. The concerned district will distribution the question papers to SIs by 22nd November 2023.
  1. Test Tools will be handed over to the FIs on 24th November 2023
  1. Supervision on the day of S.A.S (25th November 2023) will be done by the DIS, SIS, Shiksha Bandhus or any other official nominated by the DNO and his/her team.
  1. (i) FIs will be given a sum of Rs.500/- as remuneration. An additional amount of Rs. 500/- will be allotted for carrying the Test Tools.

(ii) Each participating school will be provided with an amount of Rs.1,000/- as contingent expenditure.

(iii) Each Circle will also be provided with an amount of Rs.5,000/- for conducting the S.A.S.

(iv) Contingent expenditure of District office will be provided @Rs 20,000/- per district.

  1. Enumeration to be done by the teachers of non-participating schools at the concerned level under the supervision of SI of Schools. Honorarium for enumeration /evaluation is Rs.5/- for each for each assessment tool.
  1. After enumeration, the scores are to be compiled in theBanglar Shiksha portal by 01.12.2023 by the District team for which a separate interface will be created. Rs.2/-for uploading of each assessment tool will be provided.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully

Sd/- State Project Director


Date: 17.10.2023


More updated News for State Achievement Survey 2023

Notification by WBCHSE No. L/PR/197/2023  Date: 06.11.2023

Download Notification (Click Here)

Previous Question Papers for State Achievement Survey 2023

Sl No Class PDF Download
1.  Class-III  Question-2022
2.  Class-V  Question-2022
3.  Class-VIII  Question -2022
4.  Class-X  Question-2022


Answer Key for State Achievement Survey 2023

Sl No Class PDF Download
1.  Class-III Answer Key-2022
2.  Class-V Answer Key-2022
3.  Class-VIII Answer Key -2022
4.  Class-X Answer Key-2022


State Achievement Survey 2022

Download previous Question papers and the answer key of class III, V, VIII and class X for State Achievement Survey 2022.

Previous Question Papers for State Achievement Survey 2022

Sl No Class PDF Download
1.  Class-III  Question-2022
2.  Class-V  Question-2022
3.  Class-VIII  Question -2022
4.  Class-X  Question-2022


Answer Key for State Achievement Survey 2022

Sl No Class PDF Download
1.  Class-III Answer Key-2022
2.  Class-V Answer Key-2022
3.  Class-VIII Answer Key -2022
4.  Class-X Answer Key-2022




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