1 6TH PAY COMMISSION 101 Daily Allowance 201 Health Act 301 mParivahan 401 RCH 501 Summative Evalutaion
2 AA&FS 102 Dakhil 202 Health District 302 MSK 402 Re-Employment 502 Summer Vacation
3 Aadhaar 103 Data Centre 203 Heat Stress 303 MSMET Act 403 Reader 503 Sundarban Allowance
4 Abolition of Posts 104 Data Sharing 204 Helpline 304 MSTC 404 Reciprocal Transport Agreement 504 Sushree
5 Academic Calendar 105 Datasheet 205 Heritage 305 Municipal Act 405 Recognition 505 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
6 Administrative Calendar 106 DBT 206 High Madrasah 306 Museum 406 Recruitment 506 Swasthya Dibas
7 Admission 107 DDO Code 207 Hiring Vehicle 307 Mutation 407 Red Light 507 Swasthya Sathi
8 Admit Card 108 Dearness Allowance 208 HMIS 308 Nabanna 408 Redesignation 508 Syllabus
9 Adoption 109 Dearness Relief 209 Holiday 309 National Anthem 409 Register of Appointment 509 Tahasildar
10 Advance Increment 110 Debt Sustainability Certificate 210 Holiday Home 310 National Building Code 410 Reinforcement Steel 510 Task Force
11 Advertisement 111 Delegation of Power 211 Homoeopathy 311 National Child Award 411 Release of Fund 511 Taxi
12 Advocate 112 Demonetization 212 Horticulture Act 312 National Education Day 412 Rent 512 TCS
13 Agricultural Produce 113 Dengue 213 Housing Act 313 National Emblem 413 Restructuring 513 TDS
14 Air Pollution 114 Deputation 214 Housing Loan 314 National Florence Nightingale Nurses Award 414 Result 514 Tea Tourism
15 Akanksha 115 Development Board 215 HRA 315 National ICT Award 415 Retirement Age 515 Teacher Eligibility Test
16 Alim 116 Diamond Harbour Womens University 216 ICE Act 316 National Voters Day 416 Review Meeting 516 Technical Advisory Committee
17 Allowance 117 Diarrhoea 217 Identity Card 317 Naturopathic 417 Rice Mill 517 Tele Mental Health
18 Amanuensis 118 DigiLocker 218 IFMS 318 NERPAP 418 RIDF 518 Telephone
19 Amarnathji Yatra 119 Disaster Management Plan 219 IGNITE 319 Newspaper 419 Right to Public Service 519 Tender
20 Ambulance Siren 120 Disqualification 220 IGR 320 NIA 420 Risk/ Hazard Allowance 520 Term Loan
21 AMPAI 121 Domicile Certificate 221 Incentive Scheme 321 NIF 421 River 521 Textbook
22 Anganwadi 122 DP Rule 222 Indemnity Bond 322 NIFT 422 RMSA 522 TFW
23 Anglo-Indian Schools 123 DPPG 223 Index Number 323 Nijashree 423 Road Safety 523 Thakur Harichand Guruchand Award
24 Animal Disease 124 DPR 224 Influenza 324 Nijo Griha Nijo Bhumi 424 Roads 524 Tiffin Allowance
25 Annual Examination 125 Driving License 225 Ink Factory 325 Nirmal Vidyalaya Saptaha 425 ROPA 525 Tourism Policy
26 Annual Working Plan 126 Drone 226 Inspection Bungalow 326 NITI Aayog 426 Routine 526 Tourist Guide
27 Answer Scripts 127 Drug Store 227 Interim Relief 327 Non Plan Head 427 RSBY 527 Trade License
28 Anti Corruption Branch 128 DSC 228 International Mother Language Day 328 North Bengal University 428 RTE 528 Tram
29 Artificial Intelligence 129 Duare Sarkar 229 Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar 329 Norwester 429 RTI 529 Transfer
30 ASHA 130 Duties and Responsibilities 230 Jai Hind Bahini 330 NPA 430 Rupashree 530 Trauma Care
31 Asset Statement 131 DVC 231 Jaladhara 331 NPCB 431 Sabala 531 Travelling Allowance
32 Assistant Canal Revenue Officer 132 e-Grihanaksha 232 JELET 332 NPS 432 Sabooj Sathi 532 Treasury
33 Attendance 133 e-Nathikaran 233 jetty 333 NSS 433 Sabujshree 533 Tribal Health Project
34 Attestation 134 e-Pension 234 JRF 334 NTESCL 434 Safety Cell 534 Tubewell
35 Auction 135 e-Sarathi 235 JSSK 335 NTSN 435 Salary 535 Typist
36 Audio Video Piracy 136 e-Vahan 236 Jute 336 NULM 436 Sales Tax 536 UDC
37 Auto Rickshaw 137 Earnest Money 237 Juvenile Justice 337 Nursing 437 Samaritan 537 UGC
38 Ayurvedic 138 Economical Offence 238 Kabigan 338 OBC 438 Samiksha 538 Uniform
39 AYUSH 139 Education Act 239 Kala Azar 339 ODTTA 439 Sand 539 Universal Membership
40 B. Ed 140 Education Commission 240 Kanyashree 340 Omicron 440 SANDEEPAN 540 University Act
41 B. P. Ed 141 Education Loan 241 Karma Sathi 341 Onion 441 Sanskrit 541 UPMS
42 Bandhan Bank 142 Election 242 Karmabandhu 342 Operation Theatre 442 Santali Academy 542 Utilization Certificate
43 banglashree 143 Electrical Cable 243 KCC 343 Organ Transplantation 443 SAR 543 Utkarsh Bangla
44 Barkandaz 144 Electricity Rules 244 Kerosene Oil 344 Panchayat Act 444 SAS 544 Utsashree
45 Bed Sheet 145 Elixam 245 Khadya Sathi 345 Panmasala 445 Satisfactory Certificate 545 Uttarkanya
46 BFBY 146 Energy Conservation 246 KLO 346 Para Medical 446 Satyendra Puraskar 546 VAT
47 Bhutia Development Board 147 Entry Tax 247 Krishak Bandhu 347 Para Teacher 447 SC 547 VEC
48 Bicycle 148 Estimate 248 Labour Act 348 Paray Samadhan 448 SCAF 548 Vehicle Registration
49 Birth Registration 149 Ethanol 249 Labour Room 349 Paray Shikshalay 449 Schedule of Rates 549 Vetting
50 Block Level Entrepreneurs 150 Ex-Gratia 250 Land Act 350 Parking Charge 450 Scholarship 550 Vice-Chancellor
51 Blockchain 151 Examination 251 Land Purchase 351 Parshad Barta 451 Science Popularisation 551 Vice-Principal
52 Blood Bank 152 Excel Utility 252 Last Pay Certificate 352 Participatory Farming 452 SDLVMC 552 Victoria Memorial Hall
53 Blue Light 153 Excise Act 253 Law Clerk 353 Passenger Transport System 453 SDRMF 553 VLT
54 Bonus 154 Expenditure Control 254 LDA 354 Passport 454 Security Deposit 554 Vocational
55 Boundary Wall 155 Extra Duty Allowance 255 LDC 355 Pathasathi 455 Seed 555 Vote on Account
56 Bovines 156 Fair Price Shop 256 Lease Deed 356 Patient Care Service 456 Senior Resident 556 Warrison
57 Brahmo Samaj Education Society 157 Fake Stamp 257 Leave 357 Pay & Accounts 457 Service Book 557 Washing/ Kit Maintenance Allowance
58 Brick Field 158 Family Pension 258 Lecturer 358 PCRA 458 Service Connection 558 Water Pipe Line
59 Bridge Course 159 FAQ 259 Legal Metrology 359 PDS 459 Service Rule 559 Water Pollution
60 BSK 160 FAWLOI 260 Library 360 Penalty 460 Sexual Abuse 560 WBA&AS
61 Budget 161 Fazil 261 License Fee 361 Pension 461 Sharadha 561 WBEIDC
62 Building 162 Fee Structure 262 Lien 362 Performance Guarantee 462 Share Capital Grant 562 WBFS
63 Building Tax 163 ferry 263 Life Certificate 363 Personal Assistant 463 Sherpa Cultural Board 563 WBHS
64 Bus 164 Fertilizer 264 Lift 364 Pesticide 464 Shiksharatna 564 WBRB
65 CA Firm 165 Festival Advance 265 LIGHT 365 Pet Coke 465 Shishu Sathi 565 WBSEDCL
66 Calcutta 166 Finance Act 266 Limbu Development Board 366 PGT 466 Siksha Bandhu 566 WBSSP
67 Carriage Permit 167 Finance Commission 267 Livestock 367 Photographer 467 Sikshashree 567 Website
68 CAS 168 Finance Rules 268 Loan Recovery 368 Planning Committee 468 Silk Yarn 568 WEC
69 Cash Management 169 Financial Advisor 269 Loans and Advances 369 Plastic 469 Silkworm Seed 569 WFTS
70 Caste Certificate 170 Fire License 270 LOC 370 platelet transfusion 470 Silpa Disha 570 Who is Who
71 Casual Worker 171 Fisheries Act 271 Lockdown 371 PMJDY 471 Single Window System 571 Women Commission
72 Cataract 172 Fitness Certificate 272 Lokayukta 372 Police Siren 472 Singur 572 Work Charged
73 Cattle 173 Flasher 273 Lokprasar Prakalpa 373 Police Station 473 Slaughter of Animal 573 Working Womens Hostel
74 CESC 174 Fleet Strength 274 Lubricating Oil 374 Pond 474 Snehalaya 574 World Breastfeeding Week
75 Cess 175 Flood 275 Luxury Tax 375 Pool Car 475 Soil 575 World Food Day
76 Chhitmahals 176 Foreign Tour 276 Lynching 376 Potato 476 Solid Waste 576 World Population Day
77 Chit Fund 177 Forms 277 Maavoi 377 PPP 477 Somobyathi 577 WTL
78 Chokher Alo 178 Franking Machine 278 Machine Learning 378 PPR 478 Sound Pollution 578 xPERT
79 Cigarette 179 Free Coaching 279 Madhyamik 379 PPS 479 Special Allowance 579 Yoga
80 Co-Operative Society 180 Free Medicine 280 Managing Committee 380 Pregnancy 480 Speed Breaker 580 Youth Hostel
81 Cocoon 181 FSSM 281 Manual 381 Principal 481 Speed Governor 581 Youth Parliament Competition Scheme
82 Compassionate Appointment 182 Furnace Oil 282 Manual Scavengers 382 Private University 482 Sports Policy 582 Yuvasree
83 Confirmation 183 Gatidhara 283 Marksheet 383 Professional Tax 483 SRF 583 Zilladar
84 Consumption Tax 184 GeM 284 Marriage 384 Promotion 484 SRMS
85 Control Room 185 Generic Medicine 285 Mass Gathering 385 Property Tax 485 SSC Act
86 Conveyance Allowance 186 Gift 286 Measles 386 Provident Fund 486 SSK
87 Cooking Gas 187 GISS 287 Meghnad Puroskar 387 PTT 487 SSPF
88 CORD 188 Gitanjali 288 Mela 388 PTTI 488 SSY
89 Corona Virus 189 Gopal Chandra Bhattacharyya Smriti Puraskar 289 Mental Hospital 389 Public Health 489 ST
90 COSA 190 Grant-in-Aid 290 Mid Day Meal 390 Public Interest Litigation 490 Stamp Duty
91 Court Fees 191 Gratuity 291 Minimum Wages 391 Public Relations 491 State Aided College Teacher
92 Covered Space 192 Green City Mission 292 Minority Act 392 Public Works Act 492 State Archives
93 Credit Card 193 Grievance 293 Missing Person 393 Pump 493 State Emblem
94 CSC 194 GRIPS 294 MLM 394 PWD 494 State Level Committee
95 CTS 195 Ground Water 295 Mob Violence 395 PWD Code 495 State Medical Faculty
96 CWTT 196 GST 296 Mobile Tower 396 Question Pattern 496 Stenographer
97 Cyber Gram 197 GTA 297 Molasses 397 Ragging 497 Strike/ Bandh
98 Cyber Safety 198 Gutkha 298 Monetary Reward 398 Ram Krishna Mission 498 Students Union
99 Cyclone 199 Head Assistant 299 Mosquito 399 Ration Card 499 Students Week
100 D. El. Ed 200 Head Clerk 300 Motor Vehicle Tax 400 RBSK 500 Sufal Bangla






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