
Text Books published by West Bengal Board of Primary Education, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education.

Distribution of Madhyamik Test Paper, 2024-25 at Free of Cost

This is to notify that West Bengal Board of Secondary Education has launched Test Paper (2024-2025) for Madhyamik Pariksha 2025 on 9th December, 2024.

Heads of the Institutions are requested to contact the concerned office of the District Inspectors of Schools (S.E) to collect Test Papers (2022-2023) free of cost for distribution among the students.

Bridge Materials and Teacher Training Modules of Pre-Primary, Class – I, Class – II, Class – III, Class – IV, Class – V, Class – VI, Class – VII, Class – VIII, Class – IX, Class – X, Class – XI and Class – XII.

The chapters should be as per the demand of the topic and should not be unnecessarily lengthened and the book submitted should have a proportionate and even presentation of all the topics in the syllabus for that particular subject.

Students will do this in their subject book at home and submit it to the teacher when the school opens. Under no circumstances will they go out of the house.

Following prescribed Text Books will be enlisted in the Book List of the recognized Madrasahs for the Academic Session 2020. All the text books for classes I to VIII and few text books for classes IX & X will be distributed at free of costs.

Text Books of classes IX & X applicable for academic session 2019 published by WBBME for both Bengali and Urdu Mediums will be available at 20% rebate on printed price by depositing required amount through SBI in favour of WBBME.

Following prescribed text books will be enlisted in the book list of the Recognized Madrasahs for the Academic Session 2019. All the text books for classes I to VIII and few text books for classes IX and X will be distributed at free of costs.

This is to notify that West Bengal Board of Secondary Education is going to publish Test Paper (2018-2019) for Madhyamik Pariksha-2019 very shortly.

Concepts with Sample Questions and Solutions for HS and Competitive Entrance Examinations. Road to Success -Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Sample Question Set Including Question Pattern – Science, Arts, Commerce.

Sahitya Charcha, Banglalir Bhasha o Sanskriti, Sahitya Katha, Rhapsody, Mindscapes, English Rapid Reader, Urdu, Hindi A, Hindi B, Nepali A, Nepali B, Santhali, Odia, Gujarati, Shastya O Sharir Siksha.

·         Model Question with Answer Key Book by WBCHSE

Model Question with Answer Key Book for Class XII, Arts comprising 8 subjects published by WBCHSE, will be available from 26.07.2018 from regional offices of the Council on payment of Rs. 60 only.

·         e-Text Books by WBBSE, WBCHSE and WBSCVET

e-Text Books of Pre-Primary, Class – I, Class – II, Class – III, Class – IV, Class – V, Class – VI, Class – VII, Class – VIII, Class – IX, Class – X, Class – XI, Class – XII for the current academic session (Bengali and Hindi Medium).

·         Notice for Book Publishers of Class XI and XII for 2018-2020

WBCHSE would start accepting books from 5th of March, 2018 and the last date of submission of text books for getting approval from the Council would be 15th of May, 2018.

·         Mock Test Papers for H.S. Science Subjects

West Bengal Council of Higher secondary Education has published a handbook on mock test papers of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biological Science.

·         Enlistment of Text Books in Madrasah (Session, 2018)

Following prescribed text books will be enlisted in the book list of the Recognized Madrasahs of West Bengal for the Academic Session, 2018.

·         Upgradation/ Revision of all Text Books of Class IX and X

In all First Language (Such as Bengali) grammar Books for Class X there should be a Model Essay on “Kanyashree Project” with all the current information and key points.

·         Rate Chart of Text Books of Madrasah for Class IX & X, 2017

Rate Chart of Text Books published by West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education for classes IX & X for Academic Session 2017, which are available at the Sales Counter of the Board.

·         Notice for Book Publishers of Class XI and XII for 2017-2019

Fees to be deposited at the time of submission of books – Rs. 7,000/- only per book in favour of “West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education” payable at Kolkata.

·         Handbook on Concepts, MCQ Question & Answer on Science Group

Handbook on concepts, MCQ questions with solutions on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biological Science published by West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education.

·         Distribution of Madhyamik Test Paper, 2016-17 at Free of Cost

Board has already published Test Papers 2016-17. These Test Papers will be distributed free of cost amongst all the examinees of Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2017.


·         Textbooks (Class I-IX) for Bengali/Urdu Medium Madrasah, 2017

List of Books published by both the West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education, West Bengal Board of Primary Education and West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.

·         Renewal Period of Text Books for Classes IX & X

Renewal period of the Text Books for Classes IX & X awarding Text Book (T.B.) Number is extended for another one year by Text Book Committee of WBBSE.

·         Bangla Bhasha O Shilpa Sahitya Sanskritir Itihaas

WBCHSE has published the Bengali A book for Class XII “Bangla Bhasha O Shilpa Sahitya Sanskritir Itihaas” and the book is now available at a discounted price of Rs. 48/- only.

·         Textbooks Distribution (Free) for Class XI

WBCHSE is pleased to announce that ODIA, Gujarati, Santhali, Urdu text books for Class XI will be available at the Sales Counter of Vidyasagar Bhavan at free of cost.

·         Distribution of Books to Students of Class XI in 2016

Free Books will be handed over to the Head of the Institution or his/her authorized representative confirming the subject-wise student strength.

·         Observation of Book Day on 2nd January, 2016 in Schools

All Government, Government sponsored and Non-Government aided schools should be instructed to distribute books supplied by the Government free of cost to the students on 2nd January, 2016.

·         Text Book List (Class IX/X) of Madrasah for Session, 2016

Enlistment of Text Books for Classes IX and X in the Book List of the Recognized Madrasahs for the Academic Session, 2016. Text books of Bengali, English and Mathematics will be distributed at free of costs.

·         Notice for Book Publishers of Class XI and XII for 2016-2018

Books on elective subjects and subjects under Core curriculum will be accepted for allotment of TB Nos. The portions in the syllabus of Council deviating from the Core Curriculum should be dealt with special attention.

·         Textbooks (Class I-IX) for Bengali/Urdu Medium Madrasah, 2016

All the text books of Madrasahs for Session 2016 for classes I to VIII and few text books for classes IX and X will be distributed at free of costs. The books of classes IX & X will be available in the open market.

·         Text Books (Class IX & X) by WBBME, 2016 at Discounted Price

All Booksellers/ Agencies/ Authority of Madrasah/ Individual are informed that the Text Books of classes IX & X published by WBBME will be available by depositing cash amount through challan at the sales counter of Board by 20% rebate.

·         Distribution of Madhyamik Test Paper, 2015-16 at Free of Cost

All the students who will appear in the ensuing Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2016 will be provided with the WBBSE – published Test Paper 2015-16 free of cost.

·         e-Book for Two Year D. El. Ed Course for In-Service Teachers

The Syllabus, Study materials, Guide Books for the Trainees and the Coordinators and Counsellors of the 2 year D.El.Ed Course (ODL Mode) under the supervision of WBBPE.

·         Printing of Grammar and Text Books for Class X – Guideline

Private Publishers will procure the concerned syllabus of class X after depositing Rs. 70/- per copy in Cash Section of Nivedita Bhavan, WBBSE on and from 10.06.2015 to 25.06.2015.

·         Notification regarding Class XI Bengali Text Book, 2015

All Headmaster/Headmistress/Teacher-in-Charge are directed to ensure that students do not depend on any un-approved book; they only follow the books which are approved by the Council.

·         e-Text Books (Hindi Medium) by WBBSE and WBCHSE

e-Text Books (Hindi Medium) of Pre-Primary, Class – I, Class – II, Class – III, Class – IV, Class – V, Class – VI, Class – VII, Class – VIII, Class – IX for the current academic session.

·         e-Text Books (Bengali Medium) by WBBSE and WBCHSE

e-Text Books (Bengali Medium) of Pre-Primary, Class – I, Class – II, Class – III, Class – IV, Class – V, Class – VI, Class – VII, Class – VIII, Class – IX for the current academic session.

·         Books published by WBBSE of Class IX in Academic Year, 2015

Heads of all the Govt., Govt. sponsored and Govt. Aided recognized schools are hereby requested to collect the Board published class IX books free of cost on the basis of their requisition from the DPO, SSM.

·         Availability of Text Books by WBBSE for Session, 2015

Text books for Classes VI to IX published by the W.B.B.S.E. will be available from the Sales Counter of the Board at 77/2, Park Street, Kolkata-16. Beng. Grammar (Bhasa Charcha) will be available by the month of February, 2015 free of cost.

·         Distribution of Free Text Books (Class VI-VIII) of Madrasah

Collect the free text books for classes VI-VIII from the respective distribution centre by submitting the attested receipt copy of U-DISE (2014) to the concerned Circle Project Officer (SI/S(SE)).

·         West Bengal Madrasah Text Book Distribution Centre, 2015

All head of the institutes, teachers & other concerned persons are requested to cooperate with the Book Distribution Centre in all respects for smooth and successful completion of distribution of free text books.

·         Textbooks (Class I-IX) for Bengali/Urdu Medium Madrasah, 2015

Textbooks for classes IX and X published by West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education and West Bengal Board of Secondary Education to be purchased from the open market directly for the academic session 2015.

·         Books Published by WBBSE for Class IX as per New Syllabus

Head of all Recognised Secondary Schools under W.B.B.S.E are to follow Books as per New Syllabus of Class IX which will be effective from 01.01.2015 for the Session 2015.

·         Book Size and Page Limit of Class XI & XII Books for 2015-17

Books may be both in black & white and colour, and size of the book must be 1/8th Double Crown (7.25″ X 9.5″) for Geography, 1/8th Double Demy (8.5″ X 11″) for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Science.

·         Replacement of “Bangla Shilpa Sahitya o Sanskritir Itihas”

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education has withdrawn the book “Bangla Shilpa – Sahitya o Sanskritir Itihas” in the syllabus of Bengali Language of Class XI & XII and shall replace it very soon.

·         Distribution of Free Text Books upto Class VIII as per U-DISE

Book Grant @ Rs. 250/- per student will be allotted as per number of class-wise students according to U-DISE submitted to respective Circle Project Coordinator SI/S(SE) by the Madrasahs. Therefore Free Text Books will be allotted to Madrasahs according to U-DISE.

·         Notification regarding Class-XII Bengali – A Text Book

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, Vidyasagar Bhavan, 9/2, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Salt lake, Kolkata – 700091, No. L/secy/40/2014 Date: 28.07.14, Notification.

·         Booklist having Text Book not prescribed by Government

If it is found that any text book other than the prescribed text book of the Government is there in the book list, the school may be asked to immediately cancel that and disciplinary action should be initiated against Headmaster.

·         Rate of New Text Books published by WBBSE and WBBPE for 2014

Price of books published by the WBBSE and WBBPE for the academic session, 2013 has been revised/ fixed; hence requested to sell the new text books from sales-counter and through authorized distributors as per revised rate.

·         Distribution of Free Text Books to Students for 2014

Free Text Books for the students (pre-primary – VIII) of all the Govt. and Govt. Aided schools are being distributed for the academic year 2014 by the District Inspector of Schools.

·         Illegal Selection of Books in the School Book List

Few dishonest person/publisher is approaching to the School Authority for illegal selection of their books in the school book list in the name of some staff of this office.


·         Books published by WBBPE and WBBSE for Academic Session, 2014

Text Books in different subjects for the Class V have been published by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education and for the Classes VI, VII & VIII, the WBBSE has published Text Books for the academic session, 2014.

·         Page Limit and Date Schedule regarding Class XI Books

Corrigendum related to Page Limit and Date Schedule regarding Submission and Renewal of Class XI books. The maximum limit for Class XI books as mentioned in vide notification DS(ACA)/PUB/86/92/2013 dt. 26.07.2013 stands cancelled.

·         Revised Book Size & Page Limit Specifications (Class XI,XII)

Revised Book Size and Page Limit Specifications for Class XI & XII books and Instructions regarding Renewal of Class XI books with TB NO.

·         Subject-wise Page Limit for Class XI and XII Books

Subject-wise maximum page limits for Class XII books (2013-2015) and Class XI books (2014-2016) are as follows: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Science – 550 pages.

·         Availability of Books by West Bengal Text Book Corporation

Books published by WEST BENGAL TEXT BOOK CORPORATION are now available from the GOVERNMENT SALES COUNTER, SARASWATY PRESS LTD., 32, A.P.C. RD., KOLKATA-700009. Phone No. 033-23515846

·         Books of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education

Bengali A for Class XI and Bengali B for Class XI & XII – printed & distributed by Orient Blackswan. Bangalir Bhasha o Sanskriti – printed & distributed by Book Syndicate.

·         Notice for Book Publisher of Class XI for 2013-2015

Books may be both in black & white and color and size of the book must be Double Crown 1/8 for Geography and Royal for all other subjects.

·         Inclusion of Books published by WBBSE and WBBPE in Booklist

The Heads of the institutions are requested to ensure that books are included for studies in different classes of the recognized schools of the WBBSE from the academic year 2013 (w.e.f. 01.01.2013).

·         Price of books published by WBBSE and WBBPE for 2013

Sahaj Path-I = Rs.10.00, Amar Boi-I = Rs.75.00, Sahaj Path-II = Rs.10.00, Kishalay-II = Rs.12.00, Naba Ganit Mukul-II = Rs.30.00, English-II = Rs.12.00, Pata Bahar-III = Rs.35.00, Amar Ganit -III = Rs.45.00.

·         Observation of Book Day on 2nd January, 2013 in Schools

School remain open from 26th December, 2012 to 1st January, 2013 to collect and make necessary arrangements for distribution of textbooks among the students on Book Day.


Printers will be responsible for delivery of books to the District Project Office. Delivery of books from DPO to respective schools will be done separately by the Agency.



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