Undertaking to WBBSE for Registration of Class IX

Registration of students of Class IX with WBBSE from recognized Schools within time and requested to submit an “UNDERTAKING” on a non-judicial stamp paper (Rs.10/-) to West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
  • Download Office forwarding letter, authorization Letter and Undertaking on Stamp paper from Headmaster/TIC of the institution
  • Updated News regarding ‘Undertaking’ to WBBSE
Registration of students of Class IX with WBBSE
The Secretary, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Memo No. D.S.(C)/241/23 Date: 29.12.2023
Notification (Click here)
Registration of students of Class IX (2023) with WBBSE from recognized Schools within time !
The schools recognized by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) has been submitting the duly filled in forms for Registration of Students in Class IX (2023) who will eventually appear in Madhyamik Parikha (Secondary Education) 2025, subject to fulfillment and completion of requirements, as notified, in Class X (2024). It may be noted that last date of submission was 13th September 2023, and up to 31st December 2023, Schools have been further allowed for submission with late fine of forms of students who delayed in submitting the same to Schools. Now the HOI’s of the Schools are requested to submit an “UNDERTAKING” on a non-judicial stamp paper (Rs.10/-), to the effect that:
The above said “UNDERTAKING” on a non-judicial stamp paper from Schools shall be received by the Board at the Camp Offices to be held by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (to be notified shortly) for Distribution of Admit Cards of candidates for Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Education) 2024. Please note, the distribution process of Admit Cards of candidates for Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Education) 2024 may get impended for Schools who fail to submit such “UNDERTAKING“in prescribed format.
However, those Schools, subsequent to the submission of “UNDERTAKING” to WBBSE (West Bengal Board of Secondary Education), still appear before the Board for any case of pending Registration for a student of Class IX (2023), such applications shall be considered on a case-to-case basis, and if permitted by the authority of the Board, then the same shall be accepted only up to 2:00 PM, 31st March 2024, along with overdue fees of Rs. 300/- in addition to registration fees, processing fees and “UNDERTAKING”on a non-judicial stamp paper (Rs.10/-).
After 31st March 2024, no application for admitting forms of Registration for Class IX (2023) students shall be accepted by the Board. All concerned are requested to please maintain utmost care with all seriousness about this matter to avoid loss of a year of study for a valid student.


Sd/- Subrata Ghosh
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education


Notification/Order/Circular for Undertaking to WBBSE

Sl No
In compliance with the order (WPA 22479 of 2023) dated 30.01.2024 of Hon’ble Justice of Calcutta High Court Sri Biswajit Basu (Annexed herewith), the Notification No. D.S.(C)/241/23 dated 29.12.2023 (Annexed herewith) is uploaded in West Bengal Board of Secondary Education’s website.
No. D.S(C)/053/24  Date: 31.01.2024
(with Court order WPA 22479 of 2023)
Submit the ‘Undertaking’ on a non-judicial Stamp paper (Rs. 10/-) about Registration of Class-IX
No. LAW/187/24 Date: 27.02.2024

Forwarding letter, Authorization & Undertaking on Stamp paper from Headmaster/TIC of the institution Office letter







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