102550100 entries per pageSearch: DEPARTMENTMEMO NO DATESUBJECTDOWNLOAD LINK DEPARTMENTMEMO NO DATESUBJECTDOWNLOAD LINK WBBPE403/WBBPE/202401-04-2024Notification-Pertaining to rescheduling of Summer Vacation in consonance with phase-wise General Election to 18th Lok Sabha, 2024 in West Bengal. WBBPE195/WBBPE/D.EL.ED/2024/33A-08/202313-03-2024Notificalion (Pertaining to admission in Two Year D.El.Ed Course, Session - 2023-2025) WBBPE280/WBBPE/202405-03-2024REGARDING THE DISTRICT WISE PANELS (MEDIUM-WISE AND CATEGORY-WISE) BASED ON 2ND PHASE OF STATE LEVEL COUNSELLING HELD ON 29.02.2024. WBBPE193/WBBPE/D.EI.Ed./2024/12D-07/202301-03-2024NOTIFICATION FOR RE-SUBMISSION OF INFORMATION DETAILS OF THE FACULTY MEMBERS INCLUDING SCANNED COPY OF FACULTY LIST BELONGS TO EACH D.EL.ED INSTITUTES. WBBPE251/WBBPE/202429-02-2024REGARDING THE DISTRICT WISE PANELS (MEDIUM-WISE AND CATEGORY-WISE) BASED ON STATE LEVEL COUNSELLING HELD BETWEEN 21.02.2024 TO 24.02.2024. WBBPE227/WBBPE/2024/54R-12/202328-02-2024ADDENDUM NOTIFICATION (REF.: NOTIFICATION NO. 208/WBBPE/2024/54R-12/2023 DTD. 24.02.2024) WBBPELAW/187/24 27-02-2024Notification regarding Undertaking from Schools WBBPE216/WBBPE/202427-02-2024Notification - Pertaining to second phase counselling of empanelled candidates under State - wide Merit List (Medium-wise and Category-wise) who have not been empanelled in the relevant District - wise panel (Medium-wise and Category-wise). WBBPE208/WBBPE/2024/54R-12/202324-02-2024NOTICE FOR SCRUTINY-VERIFICATION, INTERVIEW, VIVA-VOCE & APTITUDE TEST FOR THE CANDIDATES WHO PASSED TWO YEAR D.EL.ED. COURSE FOR THE SESSION 2020-2022 IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ORDER DATED 29/01/2024, PASSED BY THE HON’BLE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA [CORAM: THE HON’BLE MS. JUSTICE HIMA KOHLI & THE HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE AHSANUDDIN AMANULLAH] IN SPECIAL LEAVE TO APPEAL (CIVIL) 12660/2023 [SOUMEN PAUL & ORS. VS. SHRABANI NAYEK & ORS.] WITH SPECIAL LEAVE TO APPEAL (CIVIL) 25324/2023 [ARINDOM MARJIT & ORS. VS. STATE OF WEST BENGAL & ORS.] WITH DIARY NO. 25090/2023 [IA NO. 194591/2023]. WBBPE180/WBBPE/D.EL.ED/2024/33A-08/202323-02-2024Notification _ Pertaining to admission in Two Year D.El.Ed Course, Session - 2023-2025. WBBPE185/WBBPE/202417-02-2024Corrigendum to Notification No. 183/WBBPE/2024 dated 16/02/2024 regarding time of counselling WBBPE183/WBBPE/202416-02-2024Notification - Pertaining to counselling of empanelled candidates of State – wide Merit List (Medium-wise and Category-wise) who have not been empanelled in the relevant District – wise panel (Medium-wise and Category-wise). WBBPE172/WBBPE/2024/27S-11/202312-02-2024Notification (Re-scheduling the 39th State Level Annual Sports Meet-2024, organized by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education). WBBPE154/WBBPE/D.EI. Ed./2024/l 2D-07/202312-02-2024NOTIFICATION (Pertaining to submission of Internal Marks of Part-I and Part-II continuing /supplementary candidates). WBBPE140/WBBPE/202405-02-2024REGARDING THE DISTRICT WISE PANELS (MEDIUM-WISE AND CATEGORY-WISE). WBBPE89/WBBPE/2431-01-2024 Declaration/ Publication of State-wide Merit List - Primary Teachers' Recruitment Process-2022. WBBPE35/WBBPE/D.EI.Ed./2024/12D-07/2023 30-01-2024" NOTIFICATION FOR SUBMISSION OF INTERNAL MARKS OF THE D.EL.ED PART-I STUDENTS OF THE SESSION 2022-2024. WBBPE34/WBBPE/D.EI.Ed./2024/12D-07/202330-01-2024NOTIFICATION FOR SUBMISSION OF INTERNAL MARKS OF THE D.EL.ED PART-II STUDENTS OF THE SESSION 2021-2023. WBBPENIL18-01-2024PRESS MEET ON 18-01-2024 AT 5 P.M. REGARDING MADHYAMIK PARIKSHA ( SE) -2024 WBBPE 23/WBBPE/D. El. Ed./2024/38A-10/202317-01-2024NOTICE FOR ISSUANCE OF ADMIT CARDS OF THE D.ELED PART-I EXAMINATION FOR THE SESSION -2022-2024. WBBPE07/WBBPE/D.EI.Ed./2024/12D-07/2023 12-01-2024NOTICE FOR ISSUANCE OF ADMIT CARDS OF THE D.EL.ED. PART-II EXAMINATION OF THE SESSION - 2021-2023. WBBPE05/WBBPE/D.El.Ed./2024/38A-10/202310-01-2024NOTIFICATION FOR EXAMINATION FORM FILL-UP OF CANDIDATES APPEARING FOR PART- I D.EL.ED EXAMINATION (THEORETICAL) FOR THE SESSION - 2022-2024. WBBPE09/WBBPE/202408-01-202439th State Level Annual Sports Meet. WBBPE360/WBBPE/D.EI.Ed./2023/12D-7/2023 29-12-2023NOTICE - Pertaining to Notification for Post Publication Review (PPR) and/ or Post Publication Scrutiny (PPS) Results of candidates relating to D.EI.Ed Part-1 Examination for the Session - 2021 -2023 held in September, 2023.Download Link Showing 1 to 25 of 190 entries‹12345…8› ©kamaleshforeducation.in(2023)