West Bengal Primary Teachers Recruitment Rules


West Bengal Primary Teachers Recruitment Rules


Here is the West Bengal Primary Teachers Recruitment Rules along with all amendments, corrigendum and modification in chronological order is presented below with download link of each.

W.B. Primary Teachers Recruitment Rules (No. 57-SE(Pry)/10R-1/91 dated 15.01.2002)

Download No. 57-SE dated 15.01.02

First Amendment (No. 1261-SE(Pry)/10M-16/2003 dated 16.12.2005)

Qualification in Selection and Appointment Section is modified.

Reservation while Calling names from the Employment Exchange in 1:10 basis.

Download No. 1261-SE dated 16.12.05

Second Amendment (No. 106-SE(Pry)/(P) 4A-38/07 dated 28.01.2008)

Substitution of Rule regarding Appointment on Compassionate Ground.

Download No. 106-SE dated 28.02.08

Corrigendum (No. 207-SE(P)/4A-38/07 dated 20.02.2008)

Change in No. of Second Amendment

Download No. 207-SE dated 20.02.08

Draft Amendment (No. 111-SE(Pry)/10M-6/2009 dated 16.02.2009)

Substitution of Rules regarding Qualification
Substitution of Rule regarding Publication of Employment Notification
Substitution of Rule regarding Fee for Application

Insertion of Rule regarding Training on Deputation

Download No. 111-SE dated 16.02.09

Second Draft Amendment (No. 269-SE(P)/10M-06/2009 dated 19.05.2009)

Modification in Family Pension
Modification in rule of Appointment on Compassionate Ground for Aided Non-Govt. Schools.

Download No. 269-SE dated 19.05.09

Implementation of Second Draft Amendment (No. 331-SE(P)/10M-06/2009 dated 26.06.2009)

Download No. 331-SE dated 26.06.09

Third Amendment (No. 383-SE(P)/10M-06/2009 dated 24.07.2009)

Revision of Marks in Selection Procedures

Download No. 383-SE dated 24.07.09

Draft Amendment (No. 1130-SE(L)PL-5S-516/2009 dated 29.08.2011)

Revision in Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes Panel

Download No. 1130-SE dated 29.08.11

Draft Amendment (No. 829-SE(P)/P/10M-6/09(Pt) dated 21.12.2011)

Revision in Educational Qualification, Publication of employment notification, Procedure of Selection.

Download No. 829-SE dated 21.12.11

Amendment (No. 285-SE(EE)/P/10M-6/09(Pt) dated 24.07.2012)

Revision in Educational Qualification, Publication of employment notification, Procedure of Selection.

Download No. 285-SE dated 24.07.12

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