Transfer of Pension from Treasuries through IFMS


Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 7790-F(Y) Dated 17th December, 2018


Sub: Modalities for Transfer of Pension from Treasuries of the State through IFMS

At present Transfer of Pension from the Treasuries of the State are made following the provisions contained in Rule 7 of Appendix-15B of WBTR-2005. Accordingly, Treasury Officer on receipt of application from the Pensioner for transfer of his/her pension suspends the Pension in CTS Module of IFMS and sends the both halves of PPO (incl. e-PPO) with Last Pension Payment Certificate to the Transferee Treasury. Transferee Treasury on receipts of manual copies of PPO and other documents as stated in Rule enters the all PPO related information again in CTS module for commencement of pension from his Treasury. This practice of entering all pension related data as per PPO again at the new Treasury again causes duplication of work.

2. The matter of providing online access of all previous data relating to transferred PPO to the Transferee Treasury in order to eliminate duplication of work was under active consideration of the Government since recent past. With the advancement of IFMS, a new system has been developed as per which all PPO related data are not required to be entered again at the Transferee Treasury consequent upon transfer of pension. The system also enables the Transferee Treasury to view the all pension payment history of the earlier Treasury on realtime basis.

3. After careful consideration of the matter in all aspects, the Governor is now pleased to lay down the following guidelines for transfer of Pension through CTS Module of IFMS. These guidelines are in addition to present procedures as mentioned in Rule 7 of Appendix-15B of WBTR-2005 and subsequent amendments thereof.

i) (a) In respect of transfer to any other Treasury within the State, Treasury Officer shall select the Transferee Treasury’s name in CTS Module of IFMS and generate the “Last Pension Payment Certificate” showing the details of pension drawn at the Transferor Treasury.

(b) In respect of transfer to Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement) West Bengal (AG WB) or Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal (DPPG W.B), Treasury Officer shall select “Other than Treasury” option and give appropriate details of Transferee Authority in the System.

ii) A copy of the System generated Last payment certificate shall always accompany each of the two halves of Pension Payment Order. The Transferee Treasury in case of 1(A) or AGWB/DPPG in case of 1(B) above, shall always act upon the System generated Last Pension Payment Certificate.

iii) After receiving both halves of the PPO alongwith the Last Pension Payment Certificate from the Transferor Treasury, the Transferee Treasury shall update receipt of PPO in CTS Module of IFMS.

iv) On receipt of PPO by Transferee Treasury in IFMS, pensioner will be intimated through System generated SMS to appear before the concerned Treasury Officer.

v) There shall be no need to enter PPO related data at the Transferee Treasury afresh after identification of the Pensioner except Bank Account details of the Pensioner.

vi) In case of Transfer of ePPO, the Transferee Treasury shall also digitally get the PPO, pensioner’s photo and signature in CTS module of IFMS.

vii) Treasury Officer shall be able to make payment of any arrear through CTS Module of IFMS consequent upon revision of Pension retrospectively, if any, considering the pension drawn at earlier Treasury prior to transfer of pension,

viii) This facility shall be applicable only for those PPOs against which pension has been commenced in any Treasury and PPO shall mean both manual PPO issued by AGWB and any other PPO Issuing Authority incl. e-PPO issued by DPPG.

ix) Other modalities contained in the WBTR, 2005 shall remain unchanged.

4. User Manual is available under the “Guidelines” Tab of IFMS Portal.

5. Necessary modifications in WBTR 2005 shall be made in due course.

6. This order shall take immediate effect.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal





No. 7790-F dated 17.12.2018Source

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