Guidelines for Granting Leave during Higher Secondary Examination, 2025

For parents not eligible to CCL may submit his/her application through Managing Committee of the said school to the concerned Regional Office of the Council before granting such leave.





West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector – II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091

Memo No: L/PR/059/2025 Date: 12/02/2025


Attention: All HOI, recognized by WBCHSE, Teachers and Other Stakeholders.

All HOIs are advised to act in accordance with the following guidelines before sanctioning any kind of leave during the conduct of Higher Secondary Examination – 2025.

1. Not to grant any CCL or any kind of leave to any teaching and non-teaching staffs during the examination period. In case of extreme medical urgency (hospitalization/ surgical procedure) or maternity leave, application must be submitted through Managing Committee to the concerned Regional Offices of the Council before granting such leave.

2. Leave may be granted in the following cases:

i) The teacher/non-teaching staff, belonging to schools affiliated under W.B.C.H.S.E whose ward is an examinee of any Board Examination (Class-X & XII), may be granted leave applying to the concerned Regional Offices of the Council through proper channel.

ii) In case both the parents are in Government/ Semi-Government Service, then either of them can avail the leave during the examination period, and necessary undertaking in this regard to be submitted along with application.

iii) For parents not eligible to CCL may submit his/her application through Managing Committee of the said school to the concerned Regional Office of the Council before granting such leave.

3. Further, it may please be noted that, if a ward of a teacher and/or non-teaching staff of a school selected as Centers and Venues for the Higher Secondary Examination – 2025, is appearing in Higher Secondary Examination – 2025, and does not avail leave out of volition or because her/his spouse is enjoying such leave for same purpose, then such teacher and/or non-teaching staff shall be allowed to perform duties for Higher Secondary Examination – 2025, except for entering strong room, opening and handling of question papers, and invigilation in examination hall.

This may be treated as extremely urgent and your co-operation will be highly appreciated in this regard.

Prof. (Dr.) Chiranjib Bhattacharjee
W.B. Council of H.S. Education







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