HRA Declaration Form for all Government employees
- Memorandum regarding H.R.A beyond 250 K.M, No. 538-SE(B)/1M-67/03 Date:24.10.2007 & Hon’ble High Court Order/ Notification regarding H.R.A beyon 150 K.M, No. 955-SE(Law)/SL/55-1221/09 Date:27.07.2011, download Order.
H.R.A Declaration Format
H.R.A Declaration submit twice in 2023
H.R.A Declaration (Click here)
It is hereby notified that “House Rent” declaration is to be submitted twice in a year i.e. January month and July month every year as per G.O. No. 97-SE(B) dated 07.03.2021.
In this respect you are requested to submit 2 (Two) copies of H.R.A declaration from of all your staff with countersigned by the Head of the Institution (H.O.I) along with spouse salary statement (if spouse employed) at the time of submission on July 2022 month’s salary requisition.
In this Department’s Memorandum No. 5839-F(P), dated 09.07.2012, for the words Now, with a view to removing the confusion persisting in the matter the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that Governor is pleased to clarify that as the spirit of the existing provision of the rules goes, in the matter of granting H.R.A to a State Government employee whose spouse is working in a private Organization, where H.R.A is allowed as a separate element, the H.R.A of the spouses shall be taken into account as done in the case where spouse is the employee of any Government or Semi Government organization please read ‘Now, with a view to clarifying the doubt persisting in the matter, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that Governor is pleased to clarify that as the spirit of existing provision of the rules goes in the matter of granting H.R.A to an employee of State Government / Sponsored/ Aided Educational Institution /Board /Corporation/ Statutory Body/ Autonomous Body and /Other agencies or other instrumentalities of the State which is/are wholly or substantially owned and /or controlled by the Government, whose spouse is working in a private organization, where HRA is allowed as a separate element, the H.R.A of the spouse (সঙ্গী) shall be taken into account as done in the case where spouse is the employee of any Government or Semi-Government organization.
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Updated H.R.A Declaration
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H.R.A Declaration Format 2023
G.O. No. 97-SE(B) Date: 07.03.2001
Court Order regarding House Rent Allowance
Judgment on 16.03.2021
Submission of H.R.A Declaration
Memo No. 490/2023 Date: 04.07.2023
Notification 04.07.2023 |
Regarding H.R.A Declaration of Teachers
Memo No. 597(41) Date: 05.07.2023
Consolidated H.R.A Statement for Employee (with Spouse)
SOURCE- pbhmnews
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