Leave Rules for Teachers and Non-teaching Staffs

Leave Rules for Teachers and Non-teaching Staffs

 May 15, 2021

Leave Rules for Teachers and Non-teaching Staffs

by Dr. Partha Karmakar, Deputy Secretary (Academic), WBBSE

Updated on 30.04.2021


Leave Rules for Teaching and Non-teaching (অশিক্ষক) Staff members of Government Sponsored /Aided Schools of West Bengal

About Leave

‘Leave’ means, except in the case of Casual Leave (C.L), absence from duty attached to the tenure of the post.

Leave is a benefit which an employee gets after his/her appointment.

Kinds of Leave

Following kinds of Leave admissible to a Teacher or a Non-teaching employee of an institution:

(i) Casual Leave (C.L)

(ii) Special Casual Leave/Some special Leaves

(iii) Maternity Leave (M.L)

(iv) Leave on half average pay /Commuted Leave

(v) Leave on medical ground

(vi) Special Leave in exceptional circumstances

(vii) Extraordinary Leave

(viii) Extraordinary Leave without pay

(ix) Quarantine Leave

(x) Lien

(xi) Child Care Leave (C.C.L)

(xii) Paternity cum C.C.L

(xiii) Joining Leave (due to Transfer) 

(xiv) Child Adoption Leave

Important Notifications regarding Leave Rules

Government of West Bengal

Education Department, Secondary Branch

No. 1541-Edn(S)/21-2/77  Date: 15.12.1977

Download Notification (Click here)


General Instructions

  1. NoLeavecan be claimed as matter of right.
  1. No Teacher or Non-teaching staff shall remain absent without sanctionedLeaveor overstay after expiry of leave, or leave the institution without permission from the Head of the Institution (H.O.I) during working hours.
  1. Prior intimation is required.
  1. LeaveApplication must be submitted to the concerned authority with relevant document(s).
  1. Managing Committee (M.C) is theleavesanctioning authority. But some special cases approval from WBBSE is required.
  1. LeaveRegister must be maintained by every Head of the Institution (H.O.I) and it should be updated.
  1. Medical certificate is required for availing ofleavefor more than 3 (three) days due to illness.
  1. Any teacher absenting himself or herself from the school on medical ground in his/her 1st year of service can be granted medicalleavewith/ without pay by the Managing Committee (M.C) and the said leave shall be adjusted to the medical leave which will be accrued to his/her credit in subsequent period of his/ her service.
  1. No permanent teaching or non-teaching employee shall be grantedleaveof any kind for a continuous period exceeding 5-years. Where such an employee does not resume his/ her duty after remaining on leave for a continuous period of 5-years or where such an employee, after the expiry of his or her leave remains absent from duty, otherwise on ground of suspension for any period, which together with the period granted to him or her exceeds 5-years, he or she shall, unless this Board on reference from the school authorities (কর্তৃপক্ষ) and in view of exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determines, be deemed to have resigned and shall accordingly cease (বন্ধ করা) to be in the employment of the school.
  1. Excepting CasualLeave(C.L) and Compensatory Leave, any kind of leave mentioned below, may be granted in combination with or in continuation of any other kind of leave stated below:

(i) Leave on half average pay

(ii) Extra ordinary Leave

(iii) Leave on medical ground

(iv) Maternity Leave (M.L)

(v)  Special leave in exceptional circumstances

  1. On Duty:

Absence of a teacher (শিক্ষক) attending duties as Juror in a Law Court or Head Examiners’ Meeting of the Board or having an interview with the Board, if called for by the Board (বোর্ড), or if required, to join a seminar organised or sponsored by the All India Council, State Government or by the Board, shall be treated as on duty.

Casual Leave (C.L)

  1. Casual Leave (C.L)shall not be treated as absence form duty and there shall, consequently, be no interference with rate of emolument of the teacher or the non-teaching employee concerned.
  1. A teacher or a non-teaching employee of the school may enjoy 14-days of CasualLeave(C.L) in a calendar year.
  1. The CasualLeave(C.L) may be affixed or prefixed to any holiday or Sunday but the total period including the holiday or Sunday shall not exceed 7-days at a time. Sundays and holidays falling within the period of Casual Leave (C.L) shall not be counted as a part of the Casual Leave (C.L);
  1. CasualLeave(C.L) cannot be affixed or prefixed with vacation.
  1. No reflection in the Service Book.
  1. There is no Half-day C.L. But for Government employee there is Half-day C.L.
  1. CasualLeave(C.L) cannot be carried forward to next calendar year.
  1. Application for CasualLeave(C.L) is to be submitted to Head of the Institution (H.O.I) for all teaching and non-teaching staff.
  1. Application for CasualLeave(C.L) is to be submitted to President of Managing Committee (M.C)/ Administrator for Headmaster/Headmistress and President is the sanctioning authority.
  1. CasualLeave(C.L) can not be combined with any other leave.

Casual Leave presented by Dr. Partha Karmakar (Click here)

R.T.I regarding C.L, M.L and C.C.L 2022 (Click here)

Special Casual Leave

Who have been elected Mayor/ Dy. Mayor/ Mayor-in-Council, of Municipal Corporations and Chairman of Municipalities be granted Special Casual Leave for the period during which they are required to remain absent from Schools in connection with their work in Municipal Corporation/ Municipalities; and 

Who have been elected Councilors of Municipal Corporations and Vice-Chairman and Commissioners of Municipalities be granted special casual leave for the period during which they are required to attend meeting of the Municipal Corporations /Municipalities.

Such Special Casual Leave (ছুটি) will be treated as on duty.

Special Casual Leave for being Presiding and Polling Officer in Election shall be granted.

Special Casual Leave by Dr. Partha Karmakar (Click here)

Some Special Leave

(i) As member of District Level Inspection Team (D.L.I.T)

(ii) As a member of Governing body of college etc.

(iii) For the games teachers only on requisition of their service by W.B Schools Sports Association.

Maternity Leave (M.L)

Maternity Leave (M.L) on full average pay may be granted to a female teacher or a non-teaching employee, on full pay, for a period of 180-days from the date of its commencement with effect from 01.01.2011.

Maternity Leave (M.L) may also be granted to a temporary female teacher or non-teaching employee, on full pay, before four weeks prior to the date of confinement. and up to four weeks after the date of confinement.

Maternity Leave (M.L) may also be granted to a female teacher or a non-teaching employee in case of miscarriage including abortion subject to the condition that such leave shall not exceed 6-weeks and the application for the leave is supported by a certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner of a Government Hospital.

Any other kind of leave, in continuation of Maternity Leave (M.L) may be granted if the request for its grant is supported by a medical certificate.

Leave on Half Average Pay

A teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school may be granted 15-days leave on half average pay for each completed year of service.

PROVIDED that the total period of leave on half average pay which may accrue to the credit of the teacher or the non-teaching employee shall not exceed 60-days at time.

PROVIDED further that during such period a teacher (শিক্ষক) or a non-teaching employee shall be entitled to a leave salary at the rate of half of the average pay.

Leave on half average pay by Dr Partha Karmakar (Click here)

Commuted Leave

Commuted Leave, not exceeding half the amount of half-pay leave, may be granted on private affair or on medical ground to a teacher or a non-teaching employee, subject to the following conditions:

(a) When commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against the half-pay leave due;

(b) Commuted Leave on medical ground may be granted only when no medical leave is due to the credit of a teacher or a non-teaching employee.

(c) Half-pay Leave up to a maximum of 60-days may be allowed to be commuted during the entire period of service.

Commuted Leave by Dr Partha Karmakar (Click here)

Leave on medical ground

  1. A teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school may be granted 15-days’leaveon medical ground for each completed year of service spent on duty, on production of medical certificate (শংসাপত্র) from a Medical Officer or a Registered Medical practitioner with the application for leave and a fit certificate at the time of resuming duties.
  1. The total period ofleaveon medical ground, with may accrue to the credit of a teacher or a non-teaching employee shall not exceed one year, that is, 365-days during the whole period of service (চাকুরী) in a school or schools.
  1. During the period ofleaveon medical ground the teacher or the non-teaching employee will get a salary at the rate of full average pay.
  1. ‘Medical Certificate’ means a certificate granted by a Registered Medical Practitioner in the following form-

” I ……. (Dr.’s name) ….. after careful personal examination of the case certify that ……(Patient’s name)…. whose signature is given above is suffering from ……. (disease name)….. and I consider that a period of absence from duty of …. (number of days) ….. is absolutely necessary for the restoration of his/ her health.”

      ———————                                                                    —————————

Signature of the patient                                    Govt. Medical Officer or Registered Medical Practitioner

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

  1. A similar certificate may be necessary when a teacher or a non-teaching employee id declared fit to resume his/ her duties.
  1. Medicalleaveshould be counted from the date of joining in the first service of incumbent. Medical leave of 15-days is credited to the incumbent in one year from the date of his joining.
  1. MedicalLeaveavailed by the staff concerned of the school preceding or following the vacation is not to be counted with the vacation period provided he or she is present on either side of the vacation.
  1. Vacation, short holidays or Sundays may be prefixed or affixed to the MedicalLeave and the whole period will not be treated as Medical Leave. If, however, Medical Leave (M.L) falls within vacation, short holidays or Sundays, the whole period will be treated as Medical Leave of the staff concerned of the School.
  1. MedicalLeaveand Casual Leave (C.L) in respect of a teacher and a non-teaching employee is admissible under Leave Rules serving in a secondary school, would be carried over if he joins another school.
  1. Approved teachers/non-teaching employees serving in aSecondary institution for more than a year, will be entitled to leave salary during the period of leave on medical ground, duly sanctioned by the school authority for disbursement of salary (বেতন) to the incumbent concerned. A certificate (শংসাপত্র) of fitness will be required to be produced by the incumbent concerned at the time of resumption of duties in the school after the expiry of leave on medical ground.

Sample of Medical Fitness Certificate (Click here)

Medical Leave by Dr Partha Karmakar (Click here)

Advance Medical Leave Order (Click here)

Special leave in exceptional circumstances

In exceptional circumstances a teacher or a non-teaching employee (কর্মচারী) of a school may be granted leave not exceeding 18-months; provided the whole case is reported to the Board with a concrete proposal (প্রস্তাব) which shall have to be approved by the Board.


(i) Leave under this rule may be granted with the approval of the Board to a teacher or non-teaching employee of any school suffering from prolonged illness, such as Tuberculosisinjury to limbs requiring plastering etc. making him or her bed-ridden (শয্যাশায়ী) for a long time, when he or she has exhausted all other leave due to him or her.

(ii) Leave on full pay under the concerned rule may be granted to a teacher/ non-teaching staff intending to appear at an examination for the period of examination and a week prior to its commencement. (For details see respective order.)

(iii) Subject to notes (i) and (ii), the period of leave (ছুটি) may be granted on half average pay (or full average pay by the Managing Committee with prior approval of the Board.)

Compensatory Leave

A teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school may be granted Compensatory Leave for half the period he or she may be required to attend the school for duty during a long vacation (অবকাশ) or holidays provided he or she attends the school at least seven days during such vacation or holidays.

Compensatory Leave by Dr Partha Karmakar (Click here)

Extraordinary Leave

If for any unforeseen (অপ্রত্যাশিত) reason a teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school fails to attend his or her duties and if there is no other leave due at his or her credit he or she may be granted leave without pay at the discretion of the Managing Committee (M.C) for a period not exceeding two years.

Extraordinary Leave without pay

Regarding the above leave there has been a direction that states to give retrospective effect from 01.01.1978 to provisions contained in the G.O. No. 629(2) Edn.(S) dated 24.08.1993 read with G.O. No.786-Edn(S) dated 17.11.1993 in order to regularise the absence of teaching and non-teaching staff  of Schools, Colleges, Universities and Madrasahs elected as Sabhadhipatis (সভাপতি), Sahakari Sabhadhipatis and Karmadhyakshas (কর্মাদক্ষ) of the Sthayee Samities of Zilla Parishads and Sabhapati and Sahakari Sabhapati to Panchayet Samities, subject to condition that such members of teaching and non-teaching staff as would be granted extraordinary leave (ছুটি) without pay will have to refund their salary and allowances, if already drawn, for the period of their absence to be regularised now by such extraordinary leave (ছুটি) without pay.

Quarantine Leave

Quarantine Leave is a leave of absence from duty necessitated by order not to attend School in consequence of the presence of infectious disease in the family or household of a teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school. Such leave may be granted on production of a certificate of a Medical or Public Health Officer for a period not exceeding 21-days, or in exceptional circumstances 30-days. Any leave (ছুটি) necessary for quarantine purpose in excess of this period shall be treated as ordinary leave. Quarantine Leave may also be granted when necessary in continuation of other leave subject to the above maximum.

As per existing leave rules Quarantine Leave is admissible (গ্রহণযোগ্য) in case of Small Pox only, while Chicken Pox cannot be considered for the purpose of granting Quarantine Leave.

For the purpose of granting Quarantine Leave under this rule the list of infectious disease shall include the following:

  1. (i)Small Pox

(ii) Scarlet Fever

(iii) Plague (Bueumonic or Bubonic)

(iv) Typhus

(v) Cerebro-spinal meningitis

  1. For persons engaged in the preparation and distribution of food the following four additional diseases are included-

(i) Dysentery

(ii) Enteric fever (Typhoid fever)

(iii) Malta fever

(iv) Paratyphoid fever



No. 3230-F(P1) Date: Howrah, the 18th November, 2020

Download PDF (Click here)

Rule 198 of W.B.S.R, Pt-I, provides for the grant of Quarantine Leave to a government employee which he/she or any member of his/her family is affected by such infectious disease as specified thereunder as his /her attendance of office/place of duty is considered hazardous to other government employees.

with the passage of time, outbreak of some other diseases (রোগ) in the country had been considered to be infectious of which COVID-19  has been declared Pandemic by WHO this year.

In view of this, inclusion of other infectious (সংক্রামক) diseases including COVID-19 under the provision of Rule 198 of W.B.S.R, Pt-I, was under active consideration of the Government.

Now, after careful consideration and taking the valued opinion (মতামত) of Health & Family Welfare Department of this Government, the undersigned is directed to include the following five diseases in the list of infectious disease (রোগ) under Rule 198 of W.B.S.R, Pt-I, in addition to the existing diseases as specified (নির্দিষ্ট) therein:

  1. SARS
  2. MARS 
  3. COVID-19
  4. Avian Influenza (H5N1)/Novel Influenza
  5. Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)

Rule 198 of WBSR, Pt-I stands modified (সংশোধিত) to such extent. All other norms related to sanction Quarantine Leave will continue to be the same as laid down under the said rule. Amendment (সংশোধন) of the rule to that extent will be made in due course.

This will be deemed to have taken effect from  March 12, 2020.

Sd/- Manoj Pant

Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

Date: 18.11.2020


Grant of Leave to self-quarantine due to COVID-19


The Director, Lok Sabha Secretariat (Administration Branch-I)

No. 32100  Dated: the 17th June, 2020

Download Circular (Click here)

A large number of employee(s) of the Secretarial are seeking clarification regarding grant of quarantine leave to self-quarantine themselves due to COVID-19. The matter has been examined in terms of C.C.S (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended and Circular(s) issued by this Secretarial from time to time.

  1. Accordingly, it is informed that the leave application of employee(s) seeking leaveto Self-Quarantinethemselves may be dealt with as under :-
Sl No Case Method of Granting Leave
1 Employees seeking leave to self-quarantine themselves above the age of 50 years and having underiying conditions i.e. DiabetesRespiratory Problems, Renal disease and other life threatening illness. Such employees shall be granted Commuted Leave without production of medical certificate for a period upto 4th April 2020. Thereafter, if required, they shall be granted another leave due and admissible by leave sanctioning authority as per procedure.
2 Employees seeking leave to self-quarantine themselves. They shall be granted leave due and admissible by leave sanctioning authority as per procedure.
  1. Theleavesanctioning authorities are advised to sanction leave whenever any request is made for such leave to self-quarantine as a precautionary measure.

Sd/- Santosh Kumar


[F. No. LAFEAS-AN1021/14/2020-AN-I] 



(1) A teacher (শিক্ষক) or non-teaching employee of an institution on confirmation in a permanent post shall acquire a lien on the post.

(2) Such teacher or non-teaching employee (কর্মচারী) seeking permission to serve in higher post in another recognised institution or College within West Bengal or to accept other service within West Bengal where teaching experience is essential, may be granted extraordinary leave, without pay for a period, not exceeding two years, with permission to retain lien.

(3) The lien shall automatically terminate if such teacher or non-teaching employee-

(a) is permanently (স্থায়িভাবে) absorbed in his/her post in the other institution, 

(b) leave the post for which the lien was granted, or 

(c) does not return after completion of 2-years, whichever is earlier.

Child Care Leave (C.C.L)

(i) Child Care Leave (C.C.L) will be admissible during the entire period of service for taking care of up to 2 (two) children up to 18-years of their age whether for rearing or to took after them or to attend their needs like examination, sickness etc.

(ii) During the period of such leave, the female employees shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.

(iii) It may not be granted in more than 3 (three) spells in a calendar year.

(iv) It may not be granted for less than 15-days in a spell.

(v) C.C.L shall not be debited against the leave account.

(vi) It may be combined (সম্মিলিত) with leave of the kind due and admissible.

(vii) Child Care Leave (C.C.L) should not ordinary be granted during the probation period except in case of certain extreme situations where the leave sanctioning authority is fully satisfied about the need of Child Care Leave (C.C.L) to the probationer. It may also be ensured that the period for which such leave (ছুটি) is sanctioned during probation is minimal.

(viii) Other terms and conditions as applicable to sanctioning Earned Leave shall be applicable in the matter of sanctioning Child Care Leave (C.C.L).

(ix) An account (হিসাব) for the purpose shall have to be maintained under proper attestation by the leave sanctioning authority.

(This order shall is effective from 1st August 2015)

(x) Child Care Leave (C.C.L) in respect of the legally adopted child to the regular female teaching and non-teaching employee may be granted, with effect from 01.04.2017.

Updated Memorandum and Order regarding Child Care Leave (C.C.L)

Sl. No Memorandum/Circular/Application  Download PDF
1. C.C.L Memorandum July 2015 by Finance (Audit) Department

No.5560-F(P)  Date:17.07.2015



2. C.C.L Memorandum July 2015 by School Education Department
Memo No.1442(55)-SE(Admn.)/10M-88/15 Date:23.07.2015
by S.E.D
3. C.C.L Memorandum July 2015 by W.B.B.S.E
Memo No.D.S(Aca)/400/C/49 Date:10.08.2015
by W.B.B.S.E
4. Application Format for Child Care Leave (C.C.L) 2023 C.C.L Application

Child Care Leave by Dr Partha Karmakar (Click here)

for more C.C.L application please visit below-

Application of C.C.L (Click here)

Maintenance of roster for granting Child Care Leave

Every school must maintain a Roster for granting of Child Care Leave (C.C.L) and sanction those leaves in accordance with extant Rules and in due observance of the sequence in the Roster to ensure that the candidate praying for leave earlier, if otherwise eligible, must have his/her leave sanctioned by the leave sanctioning authority earlier than those who apply for Child Care Leave (C.C.L) later.

Henceforth the respective leave sanctioning authority must sanction Child Care Leave (C.C.L) accordingly.

The District Inspector of Schools should inform all concerned accordingly and maintain properly a suitable monitoring system to oversee adherence to the above-noted Roster system.

Child Adoption Leave

  1. A female employee having less than two surviving children shall be entitled to ChildAdoptionLeave

of 135-days with full pay if she adopts a child less than 1 (one) year of age.

  1. The female employee may avail herself of any kind ofleaveas may be due and admissible for a period up to one year or till the child is 1 (One) year old whichever is earlier.

( Child Adoption Leave with effect from 01.10.2011)


Child Adoption Leave Order 2012

The Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

Memo No. 421-SE(S)/2L-01/2011  Dated: 29.02.2012

Download Order and Amendment (Click here)


Child Adoption Leave Memorandum 2011

The Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, Finance Department

 No. 9728-F(P)  Dated: 24.10.2011

Download Memorandum (Click here)


Child Adoption Leave Notification 2010

The Secretary, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

No. S/214  Dated: 23.08.2010

Download Notification (Click here)


Child Adoption Leave by Dr Partha Karmakar (Click here)

Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave

The benefit of the Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave for 30 (thirty) days may be extended to the male employee (holding sanctioned) permanent post(s) and receiving the pay and allowance as per provision of ROPA Memorandum issued from time to time) of Recognised Sponsored/ Non Government Aided educational institutions.

The condition and manner of allowing such leave as provided in the Memo dated 25.02.2016 shall apply mutatis mutandis.


Memorandum 2016 regarding Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave

Grant of Paternity-cum-Child Care Leave for 30 days to the male State Government employees and employees of Panchayat Raj & other Local Bodies, Boards, sponsored / Non-Government aided Schools and Colleges, State Universities and Companies, Corporations, Undertakings etc.

The Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

No. 1100-F(P) Dated: 25.02.2016

Memorandum (Click here)

Joining Leave

Head of the Institutions (HIO), Teacher and Non-teaching staff may avail of the Joining Leave due to transfer, starting from the release date as follows:

  1. Mutual Transfer: 3 (three) days including holidays.
  2. General Transfer under Special Ground : 5 (five) days including holidays.

If an employee gets released from his/her school on Friday after noon, he/she has to join his/her new school by Tuesday (1.Saturday, 2.Sunday, 3.Monday), in case of Mutual Transfer and Thursday in case of General Transfer under Special Ground without fail.

Pdf of Leave Rules 2021 (click here)

©Kamaleshforeducation.in (2023)


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