Pay Rules (ROPA 2009, ROPA 2019)

Sixth Pay Commission (ROPA 2019):
Interim Relief:
(Memo No. 4496-F(P) Dated, the 26th August, 2016)
7% DA from Jan-15 Order – Fin. Dept | SED
Online Salary
i-OSMS V.2:
Major issues in iOSMS for the month of NOVEMBER, 2020
Courtesy: Shyamaprasad Nanda Sir
After the reopening (3rd Nov, today) of i-OSMS portal, Each school need to modify and go through the exresise before salary submission.
OTP login: Henceforth from next month, all OTP will be send to registered mail & phone number of HOI, instead of register mail and contact phone of school. In future , OTP will be sent to hoi registered mobile only Mail based otp will be permanently terminated.
Login issue: Henceforth, no school can Submit salary if there is no valid HOI in that school’s employee database. System searches the valid HOI if exists in employee database, if any, otherwise it will prevent from salary submission.
System will search the valid HOI from the list in the following chronological order. Designation- i) Headmaster / Headmistress, if not found ii) AHM cum TIC, if not found then iii) TIC.
if available valid HOI, then the respective information will be auto fetched in the respective field in school profile page, and respective OTP will be sent to the HOI’s contact details.
Note: If no such HOI found in the above manner, system will be block to login and School authority need to contact to respective DDO, for updatation of valid HOI and necessary correction.
When system will block a school from login? A: If no valid HOI found. 2. If there exists employee with more than one HOI (any combination of TIC, AHM cum TIC, HM).
What to do when such situation occurs?
School authority need to contact respective DDO, for update one employee as a TIC. DDO may change the relevant information after verification of documents (like MC resolution, etc).
School profile: Needs to be updated once again with proper verification and modification. After this updatation, school profile will be locked forever and no modification will be possible from school end further. The following points to be noted during updatation.
(A) The information of HOI in the school profile, will be auto fetched from the profile of concerned HM / TIC etc. Till now, there is manual provision to update the same, which leads to some anomalies between HOI’s profile and the same in school profile.
(B) Two new fields are now added (LOW CLASS & HIGH CLASS) in this link, which need to be updated in this month.
(C) To be verified carefully specially medium of instruction, type of school (coed / girls / boys), school category (Madrasah, Govt-aided, Sponsored etc), Academic section etc. Each and every field to be properly verified thoroughly, which is important, perhaps, these fields may take major role during online transfer (general, special etc).
TIC ALLOWANCE: Henceforth, TIC allowance (200/250/0) will be activated from DDO end instead of school end. DDO can activate TIC allowance, only if such TIC is approved from concerned DI’s / DDO’s end. In that case TIC’s approval memo no and date to be inserted in the system.
Who can avail Tic allowance?
TIC ALLOWANCE has been introduced from ROPA 09. As per rule TIC will be selected by MC / DDO / ADMINISTRATOR but need to be approved from the concerned DIS / DDO. TIC with DI/DDO’s approval is eligible for TIC allowance.
All the employee profile need to be verified and corrected (specialy address, contact information, subject etc) if necessary before salary submission.
Note: Subject should be as per appointment and approval basis, for which they are appointed.
Example: Suppose one teacher has master degree in HISTORY, but he / she is appointed for physical education, he must write subject as “physical education”, ” history” is not correct data. Similarly, one H/PG subject holder need to write subject history pass, if he is appointed for pass scale.
One of the major cause, where due to wrong subject combination, there are many negative vacancy in the psm module.
Pay Slip Generation Now available after HOI Login
OTP based Login started from 01.11.2017
NOTICE : Kindly update official Email ID and Mobile No. properly within this month, other wise you cannot login to iOSMS from the next month as we are going to introduce OTP(One Time Password) based login system through email from next month (November, 2017).
STEPS of Transfer Module (School A to School B)
HOI of School B to initiate transfer Request by selecting the Teacher by Employee Code or PAN
Select Dist ⇒ Select DDO ⇒ Select School ⇒ Select Teacher
HOI of School A to accept Transfer Request
After acceptance the Profile of the Teacher will be transferred to HOI login of School B
HOI of School B to send this Profile to DDO of School B
DDO of School B to accept the profile. During acceptance DDO to modify
Approval No
Approval Date
Salary Source (if required)
Bank IFSC (If required)
If any field kept blank (Subject etc.)
After acceptance by DDO, the employee will be added in Salary Table of School B with the same Pay as enjoyed in previous school.
OSMS v.1
Classification of Government employees: From the dates of commencement of these rules [West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2009.], Government employees shall be classified as Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D in the following manner:–
Group A – Government employees holding all posts in the pay band Nos. 4 and 5 with grade pay ranging from Rs. 4,400 to Rs. 10,000.
Group B – Government employees holding all posts in the pay band No. 3 with grade pay ranging from Rs. 3,200 to Rs. 4,100.
Group C – Government employees holding all posts in the pay band No. 2 with grade pay ranging from Rs. 1,900 to Rs. 2,900.
Group D – Government employees holding all posts in the pay band No. 1 with grade pay ranging from Rs. 1,700 to Rs. 1,800.
Income Tax Related Links
Click Here for the Income Tax Calculators by WTT
Challan # 281 (for TDS by School using TAN)
Challan # 280 (to Deposit Self Assesment Tax using PAN)
Form 12BB (Statement showing particulars of claims by an employee for deduction of tax under section 192) ⇒ Excel | Word | PDF