Subject permission and Renewal of recognition for H.S. Section

  DATE- 11.05.2024
The application of Subject permission and Renewal of recognition without late fine for Higher Secondary Section is being extended up to 15th of July 2022, Application Form 2022 for Renewal of Recognition will be available in PDF format.
Subject permission and Renewal of recognition for HS section
  • Online applications of Renewal of recognition, Subject Permission, Excess Admission etc from 27th April 2023, No. L/SECY/62/2023  Date: 20.04.2023, download User Manual.
  • Introducing new Subjects i.e Data Science and Artificial Intelligence by Council from the 2023-2024 academic session.
  • Minimum eligibility for new subjects i.e Artificial Intelligence or Data Science for class XI is 35% marks in Mathematics in Madhyamik Pariksha or equivalent, No.L/Secy/94/2023 dated 23.05.2023.
  • Notification for Changed Syllabus of Computer Science and Modern Computer Application
  • Updated news of Introducing new Subjects i.e Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Renewal of recognition 2024 for Higher Secondary Section, download not up to date School List 2024
  • Important documents and Forms for Renewal of Recognition


Memo No. L/PR/58/2021  Date: 02.06.2021
The President, W.B. Council of H.S. Education
To: All the Head of the Institutions
This is notified that the last date for submission of application from for Renewal of Recognition (Without late fine) and for submission of application for subject continuation as per rule is being extended up to 31st of August, 2021.
Application for introduction of new subject in Class-XI cannot be considered, in the current academic session of 2021-2022. 
Sd/- Dr. Mahua Das
W.B. Council of H.S. Education


The Officer on Special Duty, WBCHSE 
Memo No. OSD/005/20 Date: 18.05.2020
To: All the Head of the Institutions 
As directed by the Hon’ble President this is to notify that the last date for submission of application from for Renewal of Recognition (Without late fine) and for submission of application for subject continuation is being extended up to 31st of August, 2020.
Application for introduction of new subject in Class-XI cannot be considered, in the current academic session of 2020-2021. 



The Officer on Spl. Duty, WBCHSE
Memo No. L/AS/004/18 Date: 02.01.2019
Attention: All Head of the Higher Secondary Institution
Subject permission and Renewal of recognition
This is regarding submission of applications for Subject permission and for renewal of recognition to the Academic Section of Vidyasagar Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091. Applications for both the purpose should be submitted latest by 30th of June, 2019 and Separate applications should be made for Subject permission and for renewal of recognition.

Notification of Renewal of Recognition 2022

The Secretary-in-Charge, WBCHSE
Memo No. L/Secy/53/2022   Date: 28.06.2022
Kind Attention: All the Heads of the Institution
As directed, I am to inform you that the last date for submission of applications for Renewal of Recognition (Without late fine) has been extended up to 15th of July 2022 for the benefit of Institutions under the Council.
Sd/-Tapas Kumar Mukherjee
W.B. Council of H.S. Education

Application Form 2022 for Renewal of Recognition of Higher Secondary Institutions
APPLICATION FORM-2022 (Click here)

Online applications of Renewal of recognition & Subject Permission 2023

The Secretary, W.B Council of H.S. Education
No. L/SECY/62/2023  Date: 20.04.2023
Attention: All Heads of Higher Secondary Institution
Implementation of Online portal for Submission of Academic applications
As directed, I am to inform you that the Council is going to add new facility in the existing online portal on and from 27th of April 2023 for submission of Academic Applications. The online portal would provide interface to submit the following applications :
  • Application for Renewal of Recognition of Schools
  • Application for Permission for introduction of Subject and continuation of Subject Permission
  • Application of Co-Ed permission
  • Application for Medium inclusion
  • Application for Excess Admission over prescribed limit
  • Application for change of School Name and Address
  • Application for Post Conversion
All User Manual for interacting with the online portal is also being uploaded along with this Notification, Please read the User Manual carefully and in case of any confusion, mail to
The Institutions may log-in into the online portal using the username and password already allotted to them. In case, ant school finds any type of problem in logging in into the system or in interacting with the system, you may inform us through mail to
The Institutions are being requested to submit all applications through online mode, A convenience fee of Rs.50/- only will be charge with each of the submitted applications. 
Sd/-Tapas Kumar Mukherjee
W.B. Council of H.S. Education
Download User Manual (Click here)
Implementation of Online portal for Submission of Academic Application
No. L/Secy/63/2023 Date; 24.04.2023
Notification (Click here)
Kind attention: All Higher Secondary affiliated Schools
No. L/PR/161/2024  Date:07.04.2024
Download Notice (Click here)
It has been found that, despite of several notification / reminders on our website starting from March 2023 a substantial number of schools have still not renewed their recognition and have not updated their teacher’s profile.
It may be noted that the Council will not allow a certain school to register their Class XI students for the academic session 2024-2026, if the renewal of recognition of the school is not found up to date. Such schools are being advised to apply for Renewal of Recognition and update their teacher profile immediately (within 31st May 2024) through online portal of the Council. In case, teacher is not found in the teacher profile against all the subjects taught at the school, the Council will not allow the School to register their Class XI students.
Sd/- Prof. (Dr.) Chiranjib Bhattacharjee
President, WBCHSE
Date: 07.04.2024


Important documents and Forms for Renewal of recognition

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Download PDF
Online renewal of recognition for H.S. Section/User Manual
Teacher Details Declaration needed for Renewal of Recognition
Blank application Form for renewal of recognition


Updated news for Renewal of recognition for Higher Secondary Section

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Download PDF
Renewal of Recognition is not Up to date
No. L/PR/159/2024 Date: 07.04.2024


Introducing New subjects by Council 2023

The Secretary, West Bengal Council of H.S Education
No. L/Secy/64/2023  Date: 25.04.2023
Download Notice (Click here)
Attention: All Heads of Higher Secondary Institution
As directed, I am to inform that the Council is going to introduce two new subjects at the Class XI-XII level, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence from the 2023-2024 academic session. The syllabus and Question pattern for these subjects are being attached with this Notification. The Schools who would be interested in introducing these subjects may apply to the Council within the time period 2nd May 2023 to 30th June 2023. Application for subject Permission for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence should be submitted by hand at the Academic Section of Vidyasagar Bhavan for this year (i.e academic year 2023-2024) only.
Satisfying the following criteria would be mandatory for applying for these subjects:
  • Computer Science already being taught at the school and proper Laboratory facility available for teaching Computer Science.
  • Permanent approved teacher with minimum qualification of B.Sc in Computer Science/ IT or BE/B. Tech in Computer Science/ IT or MCA or Hons. Graduate in Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics with curse in Artificial Intelligence or Data Science.
  • Candidates must have studied Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning either as the part of undergraduate or postgraduate curriculum or as the part of postgraduate certificate course on Al-ML, Data Science from reputed institute (Mark sheets must reflect the same or relevant documentary evidences to be produced)
  • Should be familiar with python Programming Language
The Council may arrange a training program of around 10 days for the teachers somewhere in the month of June/July. Regarding training program, detailed Notification will be uploaded in due course.
Sd/- Tapas Kumar Mukherjee
West Bengal Council of H.S Education
The Secretary, West Bengal Council of H.S Education
No. L/Secy/78/2023  Date: 17.05.2023
Subject: Introduction of new subjects Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Download Notice (Click here)
Attention: All Heads of Higher Secondary Institution
With reference to the earlier Notification in this regard (Memo No. L/Secy/64/2023 dated 25.04.2023 and L/Secy/66/2023 dated 28.04.2023) and as directed, the Institutions are being requested to note the following points in addition to the parameters mentioned in the earlier notifications.
Any particular student is allowed to take up only one subject out of COMA, COMS, ARTI and DTSC under Set-I, No student is allowed to opt for any two subjects simultaneously out of these four subjects.
While applying for the subjects, the schools should submit:
1. A consent letter from the approved COMS teacher regarding their willingness to teach ARTI or DTSC without any extra financial benefit.
2. A declaration from Head of the Institution stating that COMS is being taught at the Institution. The year of introduction of COMS at the Institution should be mentioned.
The class XI and XII syllabus and Question Pattern for these two subjects will be published at the earliest.
Sd/- Tapas Kumar Mukherjee
West Bengal Council of H.S Education

Updated news of introducing new Subjects

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Note for the Publishers for 2023-2024 Class XI-XII Books
No. L/AS/079/23  Date:20.04.2023
Minimum eligibility for new subjects i.e Artificial Intelligence or Data Science for class XI is 35% marks in Mathematics in Madhyamik or equivalent
No.L/Secy/94/2023  Date: 23.05.2023
Changed Syllabus of Computer Science and Modern Computer Application
No.L/Secy/119/2023 Date:06.06.2023
Introduction of new Subjects- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
No.L/Secy/124/23  Date: 03.07.2023


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