
For every department and every cadre, the transfer policy of the employees/ officers should be strictly maintained. Any violation of policy may brought to the notice of competent authority.

West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer) Rules, 2013

(2A) Although the online application for the transfer in the designated portal is allowed under rule 4, however applications under clause (e) of rule 4 shall be considered twice in an academic year i.e. summer and winter vacation of school, as the case may be, so that academic interest of the students are not hampered:

Regarding Transfer of Updated Service Book and Issuance of Last Pay Certificate in connection with General Transfer of Assistant Teachers and Non-teaching Staff of Govt. Aided Recognized Madrasahs of the State.

Madrasah Authorities are not allowing those eligible Assistant Teachers/ Non teaching staff who have been recommended for General Transfer by the West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission to join or release from the Madrasahs in different pretext or other reasons under the jurisdiction of his/her district.

Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendment in the West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer, Transfer on Special Grounds and Reallocation) Rules, 2015.

I am directed to state that all transfers that were put on hold due to election duty and model code of conduct, West Bengal Legislative Assembly 2021, may be executed now.

The Headmaster/Headmistress needs to adopt an MC Resolution in this regard, mentioning the service to be satisfactory, after the concerned incumbent has completed the remaining part of the completion of 2 years of continuous service.

Transfer and Posting Policy of the Engineer Officers (Civil/Mech./Elect.) (from Junior Engineer up to Superintending Engineer) under Public Health Engineering Directorate, Government of West Bengal.

State Government is pleased to direct that henceforth, all the aspirant seeking transfer of any kind from one school to another school, shall apply to the Commissioner School Education, on considering the each application on merit, may recommend to the WBBSE for issuance of formal order of transfer.

If the pay fixation memo has been issued for the earlier college, the college from where the employee is transferred will issue a non drawal certificate on the basis of an application of the concerned incumbent and send to the college where the employee is transferred to.

Where incumbent himself/herself happens to be the Headmaster/ Headmistress of a school and there is an absence of Managing Committee/ Administrator, the D.I. of Schools may release the incumbent subject to post facto approval of the Administrator/ Managing Committee, as and when appointed.


·         Transfer of Employees of Govt. aided/ Sponsored Colleges

Certain points have been raised in connection with the implementation of transfer orders of teaching/ non-teaching employees of Govt. aided/ sponsored colleges.

·         Compulsory Transfer of Teaching/ Non-Teaching Employees

Guidelines in respect of transfer of teaching and non-teaching employees of Government sponsored and Government aided schools in West Bengal for administrative reasons.

·         No Transfer Application by Teaching/ Non-teaching Staff

No application for transfer in respect of any Teaching or Non-teaching employee will be received in the School Education Department until further order.

·         West Bengal Colleges (Transfer of Employees) Rules, 2017

West Bengal Colleges (Transfer of Employees) Rules, 2017 for regulating transfer of employees of Government aided colleges in West Bengal.

·         General Transfer/ Mutual Transfer of College Employees

Apply for Transfer in terms of the provisions of West Bengal Colleges (Transfer of Employees) Rules, 2017 for teaching/ librarian/ non-teaching post.

·         Maintenance of RoA while Teachers on Transfer

Maintenance of Register of Appointment (ROA) of the schools against the vacancy created due to transfers of teachers and appointments of the transferee staff to the new school.

·         Mutual Transfer of Staff Nurses under Health Services

All the authorities concerned are hereby informed that Staff Nurses may apply for mutual transfer after completion of one year of service at their present place of posting.

·         West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer, Transfer on Special Grounds and Reallocation) Rules, 2015

West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer, Transfer on Special Grounds and Reallocation) Rules, 2015 published vide No. 159-SE dated 27.02.2015.

·         Status Report of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers in West Bengal

If the movement of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers to the higher scales in the ratio of 4:3:3 is made functional, the services of Schedule ‘B’ Stenographers will be transferable.

·         Clarification regarding General and Mutual Transfer Rules

When a teacher is released from a school but without receiving any substitute the vacancy will be considered as a new vacancy and will be placed at the new roster point.


·         Transfer and Posting Policy of AGWB Staffs

Board is constituted comprising of i) Sr. Accounts Officer/ Accounts Officer (Administration), ii) Secretary to the Accountant General and iii) Internal Audit Officer.

·         General Transfer of School Teachers going through B. Ed Course

West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer) Rules, 2013 is the latest Rule, shall have the preference over the other related Rules like B.Ed candidates, obligation for serving the institution for a particular time.

·         NOC for General Transfer in Central School Service Commission

All concerned authorities are directed to issue NOC in favour of an eligible candidate for General Transfer without any pre concept or biasness or any misconception regarding West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer) Rules, 2013.

·         General Transfer – Assistant Teacher of Non Govt. aided School

Interested candidates seeking General Transfer should first take NOC from his/her competent school authority/ HM as per Proforma 1. This process to be completed within January 25.01.2014 to 10.02.2014.

·         Posting and Transfer Policy of Nursing Personnel in West Bengal

At the time of appointment, all nursing personnel belonging to West Bengal Nursing Service and West Bengal General Service shall be posted at the District Hospitals, Sub-Divisional Hospitals, State General Hospitals or Speciality Care Units and continue for at least 3 years before consideration for transfer.

·         West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer) Rules, 2013

An incumbent shall be eligible for General Transfer only if he/she is confirmed in service and completed 5 (five) years of satisfactory service in that particular school from which he/she seeks General Transfer.

·         Transfer Policy of Personal Assistant working under P.W.D.

With a view to improve efficiency of the Scheduled-‘B’ (English) Personal Assistant working under P.W. Dte., the Governor is pleased, in the interest of public service, to introduce a new transfer policy with immediate effect.

·         West Bengal School Service Commission (Amendment) Act, 2013

West Bengal School Service Commission Amendment Act 2013 for general transfer of an eligible teacher between two posts of same category of vacancies, posts and subjects.

·         West Bengal School Service Commission (2nd Amendment) Act, 2010

10A. Mutual transfer on joint application:- Provided that only the two Teachers who have been appointed against the same category of vacancies, holding the same category of post and teaching same subject shall be eligible for such transfer.

·         Appointment and Transfer of Group – D under Public Works Department

Governor is pleased to allow posting of Group – “D” employees, appointed on compassionate ground, to any Circle Office under Public Works Directorate.

·         Transfer Policy of Head Assistant /Head Clerk /UDC/ LDC/ Typist

Transfer Policy of Head Assistant/ Head Clerk /Upper Division Clerk /Lower Division Clerk /Typist/ Clerk-cum-Typist under Public Works Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal.

·         Promotion and Transfer Policy for Secretariat Staff

The PAR Department will adopt the following policy in respect of promotion and transfer of employees under Common Cadre Wing on promotion with effect from 1 April, 2012.

·         Transfer and Posting Policy of Sub-Assistant Engineers

Orders of Routine transfer shall normally be issued at the end of November or early part of December so that joining a new place of posting is completed by 10th January of the next year.

·         West Bengal School Service Commission Mutual Transfer Rules, 2012

Mutual Transfer shall be made between two teachers who have been appointed against the same category of vacancies and holding the same category of posts and teaching the same subject.

·         Online Mutual Transfer Application

An Online Portal is opened by the School Education Department. Assistant Teacher and Head Teacher of Primary/ Upper Primary/ Secondary Schools may apply mentioning Present Posting, Subject, Caste, Category, Contact details etc.

·         West Bengal Primary Education (Transfer of Teachers including Head Teacher) Rules, 2002

West Bengal Primary Education (Transfer of Teachers including Head Teacher) Rules, 2002 shall apply to Teachers incl. Head Teachers for the purpose of transfer from one primary school to another within the jurisdiction of a Council.

·         Transfer Policy for Inspecting Officers of School Education

Governor has been pleased to make the transfer policy of Inspecting Officials i.e. S.I. of Schools & A.I. of Schools in W.B. Sub. E.S. and A.D.I./D.I. of Schools and ADSE in WBES.

·         Transfer Policy for Medical Officers

Any Medical Officer, shall have to move out immediately after three years to such area of another category. Category A covers all six districts of N Bengal.

·         Transfer Policy of P.D.O/ P.A/ A.O under P&RD

Guidelines regulating the transfer of P.D.O and P.A & A.O under the Directorate of Panchayats & Rural Development, West Bengal.

·         Transfer Policy of Officer/ Staff under Employment Directorate

Tenure of posting in any of the station viz. Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Malda, North Dinajpur and South Dinajpur will normally be three years while that in any of the other stations will normally be five years.

·         Transfer Policy of Assistant, Executive, Superintending Engineers

An Officer having 5 years or more at the same Head Quarters will be liable to transfer to another Zone but after completion of 3 years at the present places of posting.

·         Transfer Policy of Sub-Assistant Engineers

Transfer Orders of S.A.E.s posted in the Public Works/ Public Works (Roads)/ Housing Directorate are to be made by the CE or Additional Chief Engineer.

·         Joining Time

A Joining time of 12 days is admissible where the transfer necessarily involves continuous travel by road for more than 200 km as per rule 81 of WBSR – I.



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