Attestation refers to the formal process of verifying the authenticity of a document or the truth of a statement.
Attestation is Mandatory while seeking SC/ST/OBC Certificate
BCWD will accept self-attested documents in all cases except for proving the permanent residential status of applicants seeking SC/ST/OBC certificates where photocopies are to be attested by Group A/B officers.
“Self-Attestation” instead of “Attestation by Gazetted Officers”
President of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education is pleased to order adoption of ‘self-attestation’ and ‘self-declaration’ in different activities with effect from 10.12.2014.
Adoption of Self-Declaration and Self-Attestation in School
Candidates should put his/her full signature with date under the words self-attested on each of the pages of the documents submitted by them. However authority concerned may call for original documents any time for verification.
Replacement of Affidavit and Attestation by Gazetted Officers
‘Affidavit’ and ‘Attestation’ by Gazetted Officers and others shall be substituted by Self Declaration and Self -Attestation respectively with effect from 1st December, 2014.
Attestation by Gazetted Officers
Group A Officer can attest documents as authorized Gazetted Officer. Group B employee on Career Advancement Scheme will not get the status of Group A Officer.
Attestation by Gazetted Officers