Consolidated Statement of Forms and Fees

Consolidated Statement of Forms and Fees for Class XI and Higher Secondary (HS) Examination, Fees is revised of Registration Forms, Examination Fees, Enrolment Fees and Processing Fees etc. for Higher Secondary Section, get this Blank Consolidated Statement of Form for Higher Secondary.

  • Honorarium, T.A. and Remuneration for Madhyamik Examination 2023, Circular No. 206/Sec/22 Date:01.12.2022
  • Enhance the Remuneration & T.A. of Head Examiners, Examiners, Scrutineers & Coordinators under Council, No. L/SECY/037/2023 Date:08.03.2023

Download Blank Consolidated Statement of Form for Higher Secondary


Consolidated Statement Forms (Click here)

State Bank of India Bank Account Details for Fees Collection

Sl No  Regional Office Account No.   IFS Code
 1 Koltata  11334345399 SBIN0007816 
 2 Burdwan 11184006851  SBIN0000048
 3  Medinipur 11161738894 SBIN0000048
 4  North Bengal 10195735302 SBIN0000048

Revised Registration Fees for Higher Secondary (Click here)

New current Account Number for all transactions with WBBSE (Click here)


Honorarium, T.A. and Remuneration for 2023

Sl.No  Subject/Purpose/Notification/Circular  Download PDF
1. Honorarium, T.A. and Remuneration for Madhyamik Examination 2023

Circular No. 206/Sec/22 Date:01.12.2022



2. Enhance the Remuneration & T.A. of Head Examiners, Examiners, Scrutineers & Coordinators under Council

No. L/SECY/037/2023  Date:08.03.2023




Download the instruction for Online payment method of all kind Fees i.e Registration fees, Annual Examination fees for class XI, Enrolment fees for class XII and pdf of all kind blank application Forms for correction and duplicate Admit card, Mark sheet, Registration Certificate-

➤ Online Payment system and application Forms for H.S Council (Click here)













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