Handbook of Circulars on Death-cum-Retirement-Benefit Scheme

KOLKATA-700 001


Published by Pension Branch, Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal.

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G.O. No. & Date Subject
1557-F dt. 22.09.94 Principle of fixation of consolidated pay on contract appointment after retirement.
113-F dt. 11.01.95 Consultation with P.S.C., WB is dispensed with in case of allowing weightage under rule 27.
323-F dt. 13.02.95 Raising of income ceiling for ‘dependent parents’ for the purpose of family pension.
329-F dt. 15.02.95 A clarification in case of a wife who fled away with another person.
604-F dt. 02.05.95 Counting of pay for pensionary benefits in the cases of promotees borne in the Secretariat Common Cadre.
747-F dt. 01.06.95 Introduction of Single Comprehensive Form for sanction of pension cases.
951-F dt. 19.07.95 Provisions of Memo. No. 7091-F dt. 19.07.86 to apply in case of absorption in Central Govt. Undertakings also.
959-F dt. 20.07.95 Family pension for employees who dies before completion of one year’s service.
977-F dt. 27.07.95 New ‘rule 104B’ inserted regarding pension to judicially separated widower or widow.
1465-F dt. 15.11.95 Counting of additional amount for calculation of gratuity and raising of ceiling to 2 lakhs.
1474-F dt. 16.11.95 Interim Relief to State Govt. pensioners. (Rs. 50/­p.m. w.ef. 1.12.95)
107-F dt. 22.01.96 Clarification of Memo. No. 1465-F dt. 15.11.95.
194-F dt. 22.02.96 Winter Relief & Hill Compensatory Relief for Hill Subdivisions of Darjeeling.
815-F dt. 01.07.96 A minor clarification on ex-gratia.
1240-F dt. 11.09.96 Pension etc. will be calculated on the basis of notional pay.
1296-F dt. 30.09.96 Clarification on Memo. No. 951-F dt. 19.07.95
1313-F dt. 10.10.96 Minor rectification in Memo. No. 1240-F dt. 11.09.96.
1315-F dt. 14.10.96 Scheme for payment of pension and gratuity on the date of superannuation.
1550-F dt. 17.12.96 Monitoring of the new scheme of pension procedure.
54-F dt. 13.01.97 Substitution of ‘Note’ below rule 104.
305-F dt. 20.02.97 Reg. advance application for commutation.
492-F dt. 21.03.97 Checking of I.P.F. statement by F. PIC dispensed with on or after 31.08.97 retirement.
530-P dt 01.04.97 Interim Relief to State Govt. pensioners (@10% or Rs. 50/- p.m. which is greater w.e.f. 1.4.97.
890-F dt. 25.06.97 Amendment of Memo No. 1315-F dt. 14.10.96
998-F dt. 22.07.97 Clarification & amendment of 1315-F dt. 14.10.96.
1221-F dt. 02.09.97 Instruction on 1315-F dt. 14.10.96.
1222-F dt. 02.09.97 Amendment in Single Comprehensive Form.
1410-F dt. 12.11.97 Grant of pensionary benefits to children from the void or voidable marriages.
255-F dt. 03.03.98 Clarification on 1315-F dt. 14.10.96.
256-F dt. 03.03.98 Clarification on 1315-F dt. 14.10.96 where pension will be will be paid in other States.
634-F dt. 05.06.98 Reg. a change consequent on enhancement of superannuation age from 58 to 60 years.
3830-F dt. 15.05.98 Retirement age (Superannuation) enhanced to 60 years in respect of Gr. A, B & C employees.
651-F dt. 08.06.98 Direction to pension sanctioning authorities reg. consequential change arising out of superannuation age.
652-F dt. 08.06.98 Direction to pension disbursing officers – reg. consequential change of superannuation age.
653-F dt. 08.06.98 Direction to return authority in respect of C.V.P. gratuity, pension etc.
654-F dt. 08.06.98 Weightage of 5 years under rule 27 reduced to 3 years.
Addenda List of Appendix 5.
do. List of Puja Ex-gratia.
do. List of Relief on pension.
30-F dt. 08.1.99 Modification-No. 492-F dt. 21.3.97
517-F dt. 21.4.99 Grant of Medical relief @ Rs. 100/-p.m. to pensioners w.e.f. 1.4.99.
518-F dt. 21.4.99 Revision of Winter and Hill Compensatory Relief w.e.f. 1.4.99.
570-F dt. 4.5.99 Clarification reg. consolidation of more than one pension under Memo. No. 1128-F dt. 27.10.98
2695-F dt. 6.9.99 Grant of ex-gratia of Rs. 800/- (Not printed. Vide Addenda).
2706-F dt. 7.9.99 Revision of pension of pre-1.1.86 pensioners.
2707-F dt. 7.9.99 Revision of family pension in respect of employees who retired/died between 1.1.86 & 31.12.95.
2708-F dt. 7.9.99 Revision of pension of employees who retired in between 1.1.86 & 31.12.95.
75-F dt. 17.2.2000 Time-limit extended upto 15.06.2000 under Memo .No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.99.
76-F dt. 17.2.2000 Time-limit extended upto 15.6.2000 under Memo. No. 2707-F & 2708-F both dt. 7.9.99.
310-F dt. 2.5.2000 Ad-hoc family etc. shall not come under Memo. No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.99.
615-F dt. 30.06.2000 Counting of past services rendered under other State Governments for pension.
654-F dt. 10.07.2000 Time-limit extended upto 15.12.2000 under Memo. No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.99.
655-F dt. 10.07.2000 Time-limit extended upto 15.12.2000 under 2707- F & 2708-F both dt. 7.9.99.
705-F dt. 13.07.2000 Eligibility of the children of a divorced husband for family pension.
790-F dt. 1.8.2000 Those who retired/died on 31.12.95 shall come under Memo. No. 1128-F dt. 27.10.98.
1100-F dt. 30.10.2000 New format for furnishing list of retiring employees.
1242-F dt. 4.12.2000 Clarification reg. revision of pension under G.O. No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.99.
200-F dt. 7.2.2001 Time-limit extended upto 15.6.2001 under Memo No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.99.
201-F dt. 7.2.2001 Time-limit extended upto 15.6.2001 under Memo No. 2707-F & 2708-F both dt. 7.9.99.
335-F dt. 7.3.2001 Pension cases be submitted to Finance Deptt.-New procedure thereof.
336-F dt. 7.3.2001 Relating to above order.
354-F dt. 15.3.2001 Requirement of periodical medical certificate under rule 104A(V) of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71
1022-F dt. 18.5.2001 Interim allowance be revised when revision of pension is done.
1023-F dt. 18.5.2001 Special pay will form part of the emolument for the purpose of notional revision of pension w.e.f. 1. 1.86.
2429-F dt. 12.7.2001 Lump sum amount in lieu of pro-rata pension withdrawn w.e.f. 1.4.2001
2430-F dt. 12.7.2001 Restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pro-rata pension.
2431-F dt. 12.7.2001 Consolidation of above pension.
2709-F dt. 27.7.2001 Ceiling for ‘dependent parents’ for family pension raised to Rs. 2600/- p.m.
3723-F dt. 24.08.2001 Checking of I.P.F. statements by P.I.C. (F.D.) is dispensed with in respect all kinds of retirement etc.
4704-F dt. 14.9.2001 Time-limit extended upto 31.12.2001 under Memo No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.99.
4705-F dt. 14.9.2001 Time-limit extended upto 31.12.2001 under Nos. 2707-F & 2708-F both dt. 7.9.99.
4710-F dt. 18.9.2001 Clarification reg. pay fixation on promotion to the post of Head Clerk.
6-F dt. 1.1.2002 Authorisation of the payment of pension etc. in cases where last pay etc. is found on scrutiny, to be in excess due to wrong fixation of pay etc.
280-F dt. 25.4.2002 Extension of the period for exercising option under Memo. No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.99.
281-F dt. 25.4.2002 Extension of the period for submitting application under Memo. No. 2707-F and 2708-F both dt. 7.9.99.
702-F dt. 23.9.2002 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. pensioners.
184-F dt. 13.02.2003 Extension of the period for exercising option under Memo. No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.99.
185-F dt. 13.02.2003 Extension of the period for exercising option under Memo. No. 2707-F & 2708-F both dt. 7.9.99.
198-F dt. 18.02.2003 Clarification of F.D. Memo. No. 9637-F dt. 26.9.2002.
422-F dt. 07.04.2003 Review of pension sanctioning procedure.
447-F dt. 17.04.2003 Facility of drawing lump sum amount in lieu of pension as provided in rule 189 A of WBS (DCRB) Rules 1971 withdrawn-Clarification thereof.
822-F dt. 3.7.2003 Grant Relief on pension to the State Govt. Pension/ Family Pension w.e.f. 1.7.2003.
1130-F dt. 12.09.2003 Grant of ex-gration payment to the State Govt. Pensioners.
86-F dt. 22.1.2004 Submission of pension cases in r/o retired Amins who have retired or will retire and who are not party to the case, appeal of which is pending in Supreme Court.
505-F dt. 2.4.2004 Extn. of period for submitting application under Memo. No. 2707-F & 2708-F both dt. 7.9.99.
1095-F dt. 13.08.2004 Grant of Relief on pension to other than State Govt. Pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.9.2004.
1176-F dt. 14.9.2004 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. Pensioners.
1186-F dt. 17.9.2004 Minimum pension in r/o pensioners guided by French Pension Rules w.e.f. 1.4.97.
2077-F dt. 6.10.2004 Inclusion after rule 141 ofWBS (DCRB) Rules 1971.
597-F dt. 1.8.2005 Clarification of some points reg. entitlement of gratuity & commutation to a pensioner retired compulsorily under rule 13 of WBS(DCRB) Rules, 71.
8527-F dt. 7.10.2005 Fixation of remuneration of re-employed pensions of the State Govt.
963-F dt. 7.11.2005 Amendment reg. rule 100, Clause 5 of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71
1050-F dt. 2.12.2005 Reg. defective nomination of Death Gratuity
246-F dt. 1.3.2006 Grant of relief on pension w.e.f. 1.3.2006.
268-F dt. 7.3.2006 Reg. delay in pension for want of papers.
577-F dt. 19.6.2006 Reg. dearness relief in case of pensioners who are drawing provisional pension U/r 10(2) of WBS (DCRB) Rules 71.
620-F dt. 29.06.2006 Eligibility of divorced/widowed daughter for family pension byond 25 years of age till their remarriage/ death.
657-F dt. 12.07.2006 Enhancement of minimum pension to the pensioners guided by French Pension Rule.
661-F dt. 13.07.2006 Payment of pension through Authorised Bank-credit of pension to joint Bank A/c. operated by a pensioner with his/her spouse.
920-F dt. 4.9.2006 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. Pensioners.
947-F dt. 13.09.2006 Insertion in Appendix under Rule 27 of WBS (DCRB) 1971.
1052-F dt. 7.11.2006 Insertion in Appendix under Rule 27 of WBS (DCRB) 1971.
1102-F dt. 28.11.2006 Clarification sought by AGWB reg. rule 4 of WBS (Commutation & Pension) Rules 1983.
200-F dt. 26.02.2007 Reg. allowing of family pension for life to any son or daughter of a pensioner in terms of rule 104A of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71.
201-F dt. 26.02.2007 Reg. allowing of family pension for life to any son or daughter of a pensioner in terms of rule 104A of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71.
231-F dt. 8.3.2007 Clarification on calculation of length of service for the purpose of calculation of pensionary benefits.
2415-F dt. 27.3.2007 Merger of 50% of D.A./D.R. with Basic pay/Pension to the State Govt. employees/pensioners w.e.f. 1.4.2007.
283-F dt. 28.3.2007 Grant of D.R. to State Govt. Pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.4.2007.
484-F dt. 31.5.2007 Clarification of some points regarding finalisation of family pension in r/o mentally or physically crippled son or daughter of a Govt. employee beyond the age of 25 years.
371-F dt. 23.4.2007 Extn. of the benefit of the merger of D.A. equal to 50% of B.P. w.e.f. 1.4.2007 for computing pensionary benefits.
552-F dt. 27.6.2007 Clarification reg. re-employed pensioner who is not getting D.R. during his re-employed period.
577-F dt. 6.07.2007 Clarification of some points regarding finalisation of family pension in r/o mentally or physically crippled son/daughter of a Govt. employee beyond the age of 25 yers.
621 -F dt. 18.07.2007 Clarification sought by the AGWB reg. Memo. No. 620-F dt. 29.6.06.
674-F dt. 30.07.2007 Amendment in sub-rule (2) of rule 101 of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71.
681-F dt. 31.7.2007 Extn. of the period for exercising option under Memo. No. 2706-F dt. 7.9.1999.
682-F dt. 31.7.2007 Extn. of the period for submitting application under Memo. No. 2707-F and 2708-F both dtd. 07.09.1999.
838-F dt. 24.09.2007 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. Pensioners.
976-F dt. 4.12.2007 Inclusion in Appendix 5 of rule 27 of WBS (DCRB) Rules 1971.
1042-F dt. 31.12.2007 Reg. enhancement of age in case of getting enhanced family pension.
1-F dt. 02.01.2008 Grant of D.R. to State Govt. pensioners/ family pensioners w.e.f. 1.1.2008.
138-F dt. 03.03.2008 Extn. of Scope of family pension to unmarried daughter of State Govt. employees/pensioners.
329-F dt. 19.05.2008 Reg. admissibility of family pension to mentally disabled on physically crippled child of deceased Govt. employees.
352-F dt. 26.05.2008 Clarification reg. the date of effect of Noting. No. 674-F dt. 30.07.2007.
385-F dt. 12.06.2008 Gant of D.R. to the State Govt. pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.6.2008.
432-F dt. 2.7.2008 Clarification sought by AGWB reg. Memo. No. 620- F dt. 29.6.2006.
495-F dt. 23.7.2008 Reg. chronology for granting family pension to the minor son or daughter of a State Govt. employee/ pensioner.
504-F dt. 24.07.2008 Amendment in rule 137 ofWBS (DCRB) Rules, 71.
517-F dt. 29.7.2008 Inclusion of an adopted son/daughter in the list of family for the purpose of receiving death gratuity.
556-F dt. 14.08.2008 Amendment of rule 27 of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 71.
574-F dt. 22.08.2008 Clarification sought by AGWB reg. Memo. No. 138- F dt. 3.3.2008.
612-F dt. 2.9.2008 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. Pensioners.
687-F dt. 15.10.2008 Reg. Memo. No. 7282-F dt. 19.09.2008.
732-F dt. 12.11.2008 Guideline for payment of family pension for life to the unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter of State Govt. employees/pensioners.
740-F dt. 12.11.2008 Grant of Ad-hoc family pension to the unmarried/ widow/divorced daughter of State Govt. employees retired prior to 1.4.1965.
742-F dt. 14.11.2008 Extn. of the benefit of family pension for life to the unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter of State Govt. employee who was is receipt of ex-gratia pension.
744-F dt. 17.11.2008. Extn. of the benefit of family pension for life to the unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter of State Govt. employee who was is receipt of extraordinary pension.
838-F dt. 16.12.2008 Ceiling on two family pensions admissible to Child/ Children of the deceased Govt. employees.
845-F dt. 17.12.2008 Reg. implementation of Memo. No. 1042-F dt. 13.12.2007 by the Treasury Officers under Dte. of Treasuries.
136-F dt. 9.2.2009 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners with effect-from March 1, 2009.
201-F dt. 25.02.2009 Revision of pension/family penion, gratuity and Commutation of Pension of Post 1.1.2006 pensioners.
200-F dt. 25.02.2009 Revision of pension/family pension of pre-1.1.2006 pensioners/family pensioners.
359-F dt. 16.04.2009 Modification of the Single Comprehensive Form in connection with Sanction of Pension to the Govt. employees.
460-F dt. 20.05.2009 Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Pay Commission- Revision of Pension of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners.
472-F dt. 21.5.2009 Revision/upgradation of pay scales of some of the posts under different Departments regarding pensionary benefits of Govt. employees holding such post who retired during the period from 01.01.96 to 31.12.07 and onwards.
541-F dt. 23.06.2009 Intimation to the Public Sector Banks in Kolkata for revision of Pension/Family Pension of pre- 01.01.2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners of State Govt. in terms of Para 4.4 of Finance Deptt. Memo. No. 200-F dt. 25.02.2009 read with Memo. No. 460-F dt. 20.05.2009.
578-F dt. 1.7.2009 Revision of Pension/Family Pension of the pensioners/Family pensioners guided by French Pension Rules after insurance of Memo. No. 200-F & 201-F both dt. 25.02.2009
632-F dt. 13.07.2009 Interim recommendation of the Pay Committee to allow additional pension @ 20% of the existing basic pension.
731-F dt. 12.8.2009 Raising of Income Ceiling for 1) widowed/divorced/ unmarried daughters & 2) dependent parents of State Govt. employees/pensioners.
814-F dt. 4.9.2009 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. pensioners.
921-F dt. 23.10.2009 Clarification in r/o Memo. No. 460-F dt. 20.5.2009 and a few allied matter.
933-F dt. 26.10.2009 Clarification against the query of AGWB reg. 200- F dt. 25.2.2009.
1046-F dt. 19.11.2009 Revision of pension of pre 2006 pensioners/family pensioners.
1110-F dt. 7.12.2009 Grant of D.R to State Govt. pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.12.2009.
1123-F dt. 16.12.2009 Clarification under the WBS (ROPA) Rules 2009.
01-F dt. 4.1.2010 Consolidation of restored portion of pro-rata pension consequent upon revision of pay & allowances on the recommendation of 5th Pay Commission.
127-F dt. 23.2.2010 Clarification reg. payment of revised pension in terms of para 4.4 of Memo. No. 200-F dt. 25.2.2009 through Public Sector Banks in Kolkata.
139-F dt. 24.2.2010 Consolidation of pension in r/o the pre-1.1.06 pensioners who are in receipt of two pensions.
290-F dt. 7.4.2010 Grant of D.R. to the State Govt. pensions/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.4.2010
294-F dt. 8.4.2010 Grant of D.R. for the pensioners/family pensioners whose pension has not been revised w.e.f. 1.4.2010.
391-F dt. 13.5.2010 Ceiling on two family pensions admissible to the child/ children of deceased Govt.-employees.
449-F dt. 28.5.2010 Reg. minimum pension to the pensioners whose pension yet to be revised, pending revision of their pay by the respective Head of office.
608-F dt. 29.6.2010 Revision of pensionary benefits to the employees of W.B. Council of Higher Secondary Education and W.B. Board of Secondary Education, the Teachers, Officers and other Non-teaching employees of State- aided Universities.
635-F dt. 14.7.2010 Payment of additional quantum of family pension in terms of F.D. Memo. No. 200-F, dated 25.02.2009 and F.D. Memo No. 201-F, dated 25.02.2009.
757-F dt. 27.8.2010 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. Pensioners.
974-F dt. 26.11.2010 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners w.e.f. December 1, 2010.
1013-F dt. 21.12.2010 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners whose pension/family pension has not been revised in terms of F.D. Memo No. 200- F and 201-F dt. 25.02.2009 @ 87% w.e.f.01.12.2010.
100-F dt. 25.02.2011 Benefit of fixation of pension and family pension as per provision of para 4.4-clarification thereof-
433-F dt. 7.7.2011 The payment of pension/family pension through Public Sector Banks-Issue of Cheque Books, accepting standing instructions from the pensioners/family pensioners.
535-F dt. 23.08.2011 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the State Govt. Pensioners.
843-F dt. 14.12.2011 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners w.e.f. January 1, 2012.
866-F dt. 20.12.2011 Grant of Dearness Relief of State Govt. Pensiones/ Family Pensioners whose Pension/Family Pension has not been revised in terms of F.D. Memo No. 200- F and 201-F dt. 25.02.2009 @ 103% w.ef. 01.01.2012.
84-F dt. 22.02.2012 Family pension be sanctioned for missing employees/ Pensioners of Panchayats, Municipalities, Non-Govt. aided Educational Inst./Colleges/Universities etc.
162-F dt. 29.03.2012 Extension of family pension to the widowed/divorced/ unmarried daughters of the Govt. employees who retired before 01.10.77.
164-F dt. 29.03.2012 Guideline for payment of family pension for life to the unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters of State Govt. employees/Pensioners.
178-F dt. 9.4.2012 Clarification on ‘Interim Allowance’ in terms of Rule-14 of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 1971.
223-F dt. 10.5.2012 Entitlement of Additional Quantum of Pension where pensioners are in receipt of family pension also.
Form No. 5 Formal Application for pension
Form-C Application for Communication of Pension without Medical Examination
Form-A Nomination for the payment of Arrears of Pension
Annexure-A (vide rule 42, Part-A) Application for drawal of pension through Public Sector Bank

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