Other Backward Class is a classification among castes that are educationally, socially or economically backward.
Other Backward Classes of West Bengal
Constitution of West Bengal SC, ST and OBC Development and Finance Corporation
Governor is pleased hereby to constitute, with immediate effect, the West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation, with the following members for carrying out the functions. -
West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation Act, 2017
An Act to establish a Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation in West Bengal. -
West Bengal Hindu Social Disabilities Removal Act, 1948
An Act to provide for the removal of certain social disabilities suffered by some sections of Hindus.
West Bengal Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation Act, 1995
An Act to establish a Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation in West Bengal published vide No. 1968-L dated 10.10.1995.
Constitution of West Bengal Commission for Backward Classes
Governor is pleased to re-constitute, the West Bengal Commission for Backward Classes, consisting of the following Members. The Chairman and every Member shall hold office for a term of three years from the date he or she assumes office.
Cultural Committee of Backward Classes Welfare Department
Governor is pleased to constitute a new cultural committee for organizing cultural activities viz. Jhumur, Gambhira, Baul, Bhatiyali, Kabi-Gan, Puppetry, Chhau, Sarigan, Bachhari Baich (traditional boat race), Woodcrafts, Kantha Silpa etc.
Amendment of Other Backward Classes List in West Bengal
Amendment of Schedule A of West Bengal Backward Classes (Other than Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Reservation of Vacancies in Services and Posts) Act, 2012.
List of Other Backward Classes in West Bengal
Government has decided to categorise the backward classes into two categories depending on their relative backwardness and make separate provisions for reservation in services and posts
West Bengal Commission for Backward Classes Act, Rules etc.
The powers and functions of the Commission have been vested as per the provisions of the West Bengal Commission for Backward Classes Act,1993. The Act has been in the process of amendment from time to time.
Amendment of OBC List in the Serial No. 11
Amendment of the list of the backward classes for the purposes of the West Bengal Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 as specified vide Notification No. 346-TW/EC/M-6/82(1), dated the 13th July, 1994. Serial No. 11 is modified.
Ambedkar Centre for Excellence
Ambedkar Centre for Excellence to disseminate the benefits to the SC, ST and OBC Communities at the State level unit at Kolkata, West Bengal.
Amendment of State Other Backward Classes List
WHEREAS by Backward Classes Welfare department’s Notification No. 1673-BCW dated 11.05.2012, the Backward classes were specified and categorized in the list below.
Inclusion of New Communities in OBC list
Government of West Bengal has conducted a sample survey to ascertain the relative backwardness of the classes to be included in the list of backward classes.
Other Backward Classes of West Bengal
State Government has conducted sample survey to ascertain the relative backwardness of the classes included in the lists of other backward classes of West Bengal.