Right to Information (RTI) Helpline
R.T.I. Section: WBBSE
- S.P.I.O. :- Deputy Secretary(Academic), Nivedita Bhavan,D.J.-8,Sector-2,Karunamoyee,Salt Lake,Kolkata:700091
Phone.:- 2321 3827, e-mail:- wbbse05[at]yahoo.co.in - S.P.I.O. Burdwan: Regional Officer Burdwan, Iswarchandra Bhavan,Tinkonia,P.O. & Dt.:Burdwan.
Phone.:- 95342-266 2377/256 9241. - S.P.I.O. North Bengal : Regional Officer North Bengal, Kanchanjangha Bhavan, P.O.: North Bengal University, Dt.: Darjeeling
Phone.:- 0353-258 2152/258 1054. - S.P.I.O. Midnapore: Regional Officer Midnapore, Keranitola Chak, P.O.: Midnapore
Phone.:- 03222-275 524. - S.P.I.O. Kolkata: Regional Officer Kolkata, Derozio Bhaban, D.J.-8, Sector-2, Karunamoyee, Salt Lake, Kolkata: 700091
Phone.:- 2358 0611/5837. - Appelete Authority:- Secretary, W.B.B.S.E., Nivedita Bhavan, D.J.-8, Sector-2, Karunamoyee, Salt Lake, Kolkata: 700091
Phone:- 2229 3775,2321 3816
e-mail:- wbbse05[at]yahoo.co.in - Procedures to Apply for Certified Copy of Answer Scripts of M.P.(S.E.), 2020 as per the Provisions of R.T.I.Act, 2005
R.T.I. Section: West Bengal Central School Service Commission
- Write a formal application may be typed or neatly hand-written , wherein mention atop ” Application under RTI act 2005″.
- You can write RTI application in English, Hindi or the official language of the area.Address the application to ” THE SPIO & ASSTT SECRETARY “.
- Write the name of the office from which you seek information, and the complete, correct address as ” TO THE SPIO & ASSTT SECRETARY THE WEST BENGAL CENTRAL SCHOOL SERVICE COMMISSION ACHARYA SADAN , BIDHANNAGAR, SECTOR – II, EE – 11 & 11/1 , KOLKATA PIN CODE – 700091 “.
- State your request in the form of specific, detailed questions. Ask for documents or extracts of documents, if required. To obtain documents, the applicant has to make a payment of Rs. 2 per page.
- Attach Government RTI Fee in the form of IPO/DD/MO etc as applicable with the RTI Application. Pay fee to ” THE SECRETARY, WBCSSC “.
- Provide your full name and address, contact details, email address and sign the application clearly. Put in the date and the name of your town.
- Take a photocopy for your future references.At the end of the application make a declaration that you are an indian citizen.
- The law mandates that information be provided within 30 days. If this does not happen, you can file an appeal. The first appeal should be addressed to ” The Appellate Authority ” with the name of the department and the address. The appellate authority is mandated to revert in 45 days from the date of receipt of the appeal. If the Appellate authority refuses/fails to reply, further appeals lie with the Information Commission, the Chief Information Commissioner, State/Central Information Commission.
R.T.I. Section: Banglarshiksha
- List of SPIOs, AAs of different offices under the control of School Education Department
- Order for appointment of SPIO & AA by all public authorities
- Placement of SPIO of School Education Department
- Placement of SPIO & AA of Directorate of School Education, West Bengal
Apply for Certified Copy of Answer Script of Madhyamik Pariksha, 2022
Public Authority under Tourism Department, Government of West Bengal
Result of TET, 2014 – RTI seeking OMR and Marks
Fee Collection and Information Delivery Register under RTI Rules
Restrict the Supply of OMR/ Digitized Data of TET, 2012
Exemption from the Right to Information Act, 2005
RTI Appellate Authority in Higher Education Department, 2015
Transparency of Public Service Commission, West Bengal
RTI Appellate Authority in Higher Education Department, 2014
Implementation of Suo Motu disclosure under Sec 4 of RTI Act, 2005
Manuals under RTI in Law Department, West Bengal
Certified Copy of Evaluated Answer Script of HS Exam under RTI
Compliance of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005
West Bengal Right to Information Rules, 2006
State Public Information Officer for RTI in School Education
Application Procedures for RTI
Constitution of West Bengal Information Commission
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