The West Bengal Revenue Service (WBRS) Cell’s functions
Constitution of West Bengal Revenue Service
West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Group C Employees) Rules, 2013
West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Confirmation) Rules, 1979
West Bengal Service Rules Part – I and Part – II
West Bengal Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules
Dismissal, Removal and Suspension of Govt. Employee
West Bengal Service (Duties, Rights and Obligations) Rules, 1980
West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2009
West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2009
West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2019
Clarifications of West Bengal Services ROPA Rules, 2019
WBBSE (Requirement of Verification of Antecedents and Examination of Medical Fitness for Appointment in the Posts of Teachers and Non-teaching Staff) Rules, 2018
These rules may be called the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Requirement of Verification of Antecedents and Examination of Medical Fitness for Appointment in the Posts of Teachers and Non-teaching Staff) Rules, 2018.
Functions of West Bengal Revenue Service (WBRS) Cell
WBRS Cell under the Finance Department will be entrusted with the following works related to WBRS Cadre Officers:
Clarification 3 of West Bengal Services ROPA Rules, 2019
After careful consideration of the cases, it is felt necessary to modify Illustration I of clarification at Sl. No. 3 of Finance Department Memorandum No. 6471-F(P2) dated 02.12.2019.
Clarification 2 of West Bengal Services ROPA Rules, 2019
Certain instances of irregularity in fixation of pay on promotion to a post within the period of probation in the respective lower post have come to the notice of the Government.
Pre-Revised Pay Level 10C under WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019
Governor to replace the existing contents of Level 10C as contained in Schedule II to the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 by the following:
Modification of Level 10C of WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019
An employee on promotion from a post in Level-09 to a post in Level-10C is getting his pay fixed at lower amount than the pay being fixed for an employee having same basic pay in the post in Level-09 on his promotion to the post in Level-10 inspite of the fact that the post in…
West Bengal Correctional Services (Release on Parole) Rules, 2021
Inspector General of Correctional Services shall be the competent authority for granting release on parole for a period not exceeding forty days subject to regulation of release on parole under rule 6.
West Bengal Services (Recruitment of Forest Guard and Head Forest Guard) Rules, 2015
Rules regulating recruitment to the post of Forest Guard and Head Forest Guard under the Forest Department, Government of West Bengal.
West Bengal Registration (Deed Writers) Rules, 1999
“Deed Writer” means a person who is engaged in the profession of preparing documents, namely, doing the work of conveyancing, including investigation of tide, preparation of draft deeds and engrossing, the deed on stamp paper tor registration and holds a licence under these rules;
West Bengal Registration (Copy Writers) Rules, 1999
“Copy Writer” means a person who prepares in the prescribed form true copies of documents to be presented for registration under the West Bengal Registration (Filing of True Copies) Rules, 1979, and holds a licence under these rules;
WBSROPA Rules, 2019 for staffs of Institute of Historical Studies
The benefits of the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowances) Rules, 2019 may be applied mutatis-mutandis towards revision of scale of pay of the employees in the Govt. approved posts in the Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkata.
West Bengal Secretariat Manual
Since 2005, there have been many changes in the functioning of the Government requiring modification in Secretarial Procedure. Over time, governance has witnessed a number of reforms. Introduction of e-Office in particular and IT enabled services in general has inculcated changes in office procedure.
West Bengal Motor Transport Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 2010
An Act to provide for the levy and collection of cess on motor vehicles carrying passengers or goods by road for hire or reward for the financing of schemes to promote the social security, health and welfare of motor transport workers and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Act, 2003
An Act to regulate the pay and allowance by way of revision of scale of pay of the members of the West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
West Bengal Fire Services (Fire Licence) Rules, 2004
The owner or the occupier of any premises intending to apply for a fire licence may make an application to a concerned licensed agency for obtaining a requisition for fire safety based on the plan of warehouse or workshop and layout designs of various fire protection systems as designed in the plan.
West Bengal Municipal (Employees’ Service) Rules, 2010
These rules shall apply to all the whole time permanent employees under the employment of the Municipalities and the Notified Area Authorities.
West Bengal Fire Services (Fire Prevention and Fire Safety) Rules, 2003
Every licensed agency shall submit to the Director-General an undertaking in the form of affidavit sworn before a Notary or a Judicial /Executive Magistrate in the format specified in Form D, binding himself to abide by the code of conduct laid down in rule 13 of these rules, within 30 days.
Clarifications of West Bengal Services ROPA Rules, 2019
Consequent upon promulgation of the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2019 certain points have been raised from different corners regarding various aspects of fixation of pay.
West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2019
West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2019 published vide Finance Department Memo No. 5562-F dated 25.09.2019, No. 5563-F dated 25.09.2019, No. 5564-F dated 25.09.2019.
West Bengal State Ayurvedic Health Service Act, 2002
An Act to provide for the regulation of the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to the State Ayurvedic Health Service.
West Bengal State Homoeopathic Health Service Act, 2002
An Act to provide far the regulation of the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to the State Homoeopathic Health Service.
Fixation of Post Graduate Trainee Reserve Strength of Doctors
Henceforth, strength of Trainee Reserve will be fixed as 10% of existing strength (not sanctioned strength) as on 31st December of previous year.
WBBSE (Appointment, Confirmation, Conduct and Discipline of Teachers and Non-Teaching staff) Rules, 2018
These rules may be called the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Appointment, Confirmation, Conduct and Discipline of Teachers and Non-Teaching staff) Rules, 2018.
WBBSE (Requirement of Verification of Antecedents and Examination of Medical Fitness for Appointment in the Posts of Teachers and Non-teaching Staff) Rules, 2018
These rules may be called the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Requirement of Verification of Antecedents and Examination of Medical Fitness for Appointment in the Posts of Teachers and Non-teaching Staff) Rules, 2018.
Constitution of West Bengal Revenue Service
Constitution of new integrated service titled “West Bengal Revenue Service” to improve the efficiency of tax collection and to provide better services to the tax-payers.
West Bengal Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017
Every registered person shall display his GST Identification Number on the name board exhibited at the entry of his principal place of business and at every additional place or places of business.
WBSSC (Selection for appointment to the Posts of Headmaster/ Headmistress in Secondary or Higher Secondary and Junior High Schools) Rules, 2016
These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection for appointment to the Posts of Headmaster/ Headmistress in Secondary or Higher Secondary and Junior High Schools) Rules, 2016.
WBSSC (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for Classes XI and XII in Higher Secondary Schools) Rules, 2016
These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for Classes XI and XII in Higher Secondary Schools) Rules, 2016.
WBSSC (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for classes IX and X in Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools) Rules, 2016
These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for classes IX and X in Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools) Rules, 2016.
WBSSC (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for Upper Primary Level of Schools) Rules, 2016
These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for Upper Primary Level of Schools) Rules, 2016.
West Bengal Correctional Services (Amendment) Act, 2016
An Act to amend Section 2, 4, 18, 69, 88 and 91 of the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 vide No. 444-L dated 20.05.2016.
Conditions for Counting of Past Service in Govt. Employment
Conditions which should be fulfilled by the employee who opt for counting of his/her past service and is willing to join State Government service.
Rule 34A of WBSR – Resignation of Doctors
Provision of sub-rule (1) of rule 34A shall not be applicable in respect of the officers in the cadres of different health services prior to completion of at least 5 years service.
West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016
Governor is pleased to make West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016 regulating the recruitment to the posts under Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Service.
West Bengal Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016
Governor is pleased to make West Bengal Information and Cultural Services (Recruitment) Rules, 2016 regulating the recruitment to the West Bengal Information and Cultural Service.
West Bengal Subordinate Information and Cultural Service Rules, 2016
There shall be a general Service known as the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Information and Cultural Service under the administrative control of the Information and Cultural Affairs Department.
West Bengal Information and Cultural Service Rules, 2016
There shall be constituted an Integrated State Service known as the West Bengal Information and Cultural Service under the administrative control of Information and Cultural Affairs Department.
WBSSC (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers in Upper Primary Level) Rules, 2015
These rules may be called-the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers in Upper Primary Level) Rules, 2015.
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Salaries, Allowance and Conditions of Services of the Chairperson and Other Members and subscribing to oath of office and Secretary by the Chairperson and other Members) Rules, 2004
West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Salaries, Allowance and Conditions of Services of the Chairperson and Other Members and subscribing to oath of office and Secretary by the Chairperson and other Members) Rules, 2004.
West Bengal Secondary School Teachers Manual
West Bengal Secondary School Teachers Manual is an eBook of Acts, Rules, Govt. Notifications etc. compiled by
West Bengal Primary School Teachers Manual
West Bengal Primary School Teachers Manual is an eBook of Acts, Rules, Govt. Notifications etc. compiled by
West Bengal Sub-Ordinate Service of Engineers – Recruitment Rules
Recruitment Rules to the cadres of the West Bengal Sub-ordinate Service of Engineers (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical) and the posts of Junior Engineers (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical).
West Bengal Medical Education Service, West Bengal Health Service and West Bengal Public Health-cum-Administrative Service (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2015
These rules may be called the West Bengal Medical Education Service, the West Bengal Health Service and the West Bengal Public Health-cum-Administrative Service (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2015.
West Bengal State Dental Service (Option) Rules, 2010
Provided that the persons holding posts of Readers and Lecturers in the teaching group of the former West Bengal (Basic Grade) Dental Service shall also be eligible to exercise option under these rules.
West Bengal State Dental Service (Cadre and Age of Retirement) Rules, 2010
West Bengal State Dental Service (Cadre and Age of Retirement) Rules, 2010 shall apply to the members of the West Bengal Dental Service and the West Bengal Dental Education Service.
West Bengal State Dental Service (Scale of Pay and Non-Practicing Allowances) Rules, 2010
West Bengal State Dental Service (Scale of Pay and Non-Practicing Allowances) Rules, 2010 shall apply to the members of the West Bengal Dental Service and the West Bengal Dental Education Service.
West Bengal Judicial Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 2007
These rules shall apply to the members of the West Bengal Judicial Service including erstwhile members of the West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service.
West Bengal Services (Recruitment of Forest Rangers) Rules, 2014
The method of recruitment to the post of Forest Rangers in the West Bengal Subordinate Forest Service under Directorate of Forests, Government of West Bengal.
WBSSC SLST for Appointment to Posts of Teachers Rules, 2015
West Bengal School Service Commission (State Level Selection Test for Appointment to the posts of Teachers) Rules, 2015 published vide No. 165-SE dated 03.03.2015.
West Bengal Dental Education Service and West Bengal Dental Service (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2013
These rules may be called the West Bengal Dental Education Service and the West Bengal Dental Service (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2013.
West Bengal Electricity (Manner of Service of Order of Provisional Assessment and Appellate Authority) Rules, 2003
These rules may be called the West Bengal Electricity (Manner of Service of Order of Provisional Assessment and Appellate Authority) Rules, 2003.
West Bengal Forest Service Recruitment and Training Rules, 2014
West Bengal Forest Service (Recruitment and Training) Rules, 2014 regulate recruitment and training to the post of Assistant Divisional Forest Officer in the West Bengal Forest Service under Forest Department.
Departmental Promotion in West Bengal Medical Education Service, 2015
Principal/ Director of the Institution need to verify and authenticate the filled in proforma from the Service Book and original mark sheets as submitted by candidate in triplicate.
West Bengal Medical Education Service (Recruitment to Teaching Posts) Rules, 2010
Demonstrators and Resident Medical Officer-cum-Clinical Tutors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors under the cadre of the West Bengal Medical Education Service.
Permission from CM’s Office to Attend Meeting outside State
With a view to restrict the expenditure towards travelling and other expenditure thereon as well as to minimize dislocation of work due to absence of such officers from the State.
West Bengal Services Classification Control & Appeal Rules – Amendment
The disciplinary authority shall, in all cases of enquiry, appoint a Presenting Officer either from officers in service under the Government or a retired Government officer or a legal practitioner as deem fit.
Amendment of Rule 75 of West Bengal Service Rules
Sub-rules (aa) and (aaa) of rule 75 of West Bengal Service Rules Part I (Compulsory Retirement) shall not be admissible to holder of the West Bengal Health Services, the West Bengal Medical Education Services, the West Bengal Public Health-cum-Administrative Services, the West Bengal Dental Services and the West Bengal Dental Education Services.
West Bengal Fire Services Act, 1950 with all Amendments
West Bengal Fire Services Act is to provide for the maintenance of a fire brigade, for the licensing of warehouses and for certain other matters.
West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres of Deputy Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries) Rules, 1984 – an amendment
Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect the following amendments in the West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres of Deputy Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries) Rules, 1984.
Amendment of West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres) Rules, 1984
PAR shall have the authority to transfer any Government employee belonging to the Common Cadre to foreign service or on deputation, or to utilize the services of a Government employee on detailment.
Foreign Service, Deputation & Detailment – WBSR Amendment
In case of transfer to foreign service or on deputation outside India, the consent of the Government employee shall be necessary to his transfer to such foreign service or on such deputation outside India.
West Bengal Right to Public Services Rules, 2013
Department concerned or the authority or body or institution of self government or any other Public Authority, shall maintain the current status of the applications on its website and shall update it on a daily basis.
West Bengal Correctional Services (Amendment) Act, 2013
Any person arrested or convicted on a charge of having committed or attempting to commit or aiding or abetting the commission of any offence, in furtherance of any political or democratic movement or public agitation, shall be classified as political prisoner.
West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administration) Rules, 2009
West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing), West Bengal Higher Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing), Ex-cadre posts of Additional Directors and Project Co-coordinator & ex officio Additional Director (Administrative Wing) under the Department of Agriculture.
West Bengal Right to Public Services Bill, 2013
The West Bengal Right to Public Services Bill 2013 was unanimously passed in the state Assembly to improve public service delivery mechanism and to reduce corruption.
Amendment of West Bengal Biological Diversity Rules, 2005
Chairperson shall prepare annual report of Biodiversity Management Committee giving full account of its activities during the previous year and submit a copy to concerned local body by 30th September of each year.
West Bengal Nursing Personnel (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2009
West Bengal Nursing Personnel (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2009 shall be applicable for all categories of nursing personnel employed in the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal, and borne in the cadres of the West Bengal Nursing Service, the West Bengal General Service.
West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres of Deputy Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries) Rules, 1984
West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres of Deputy Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries) Rules, 1984 shall apply to all Government employees holding in the Secretariat Departments and Offices mentioned in the Schedule the posts borne in the Secretariat Common Cadres formed under rule 4.
West Bengal Services (Training and Examination) Rules – Part II
The Commission shall thereafter prepare a complete list of all officers liable to appear at the examination and forward copies thereof to the Heads of Departments and Directorates concerned.
Departmental Promotion in West Bengal Medical Education Service, 2013
Eligible Medical Teachers of the WBMES are required to apply for departmental promotion in different disciplines of WBMES as per the instructions and schedule annexed here with for departmental promotion to the higher academic posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.
West Bengal Biological Diversity Rules, 2005
West Bengal Biodiversity Board will advise the State Government on all matters relating to the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of biological resources.
West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Group C Employees) Rules, 2013
During the period of probation only the entry point pay i.e. Basic Pay plus Grade Pay shall be allowed with annual increment @ 3% per annum and medical allowance, if any.
Functions of Review Committee for Suspension of Govt. Employee
The Review Committee shall submit a detailed report clearly stating its recommendations including variation of the amount of subsistence allowance and the reasons for arriving at such recommendations to the appointing authority concerned for considering further course of action.
West Bengal Services (Recruitment to Clerical Cadre) Rules – Amendment
Amendments in the West Bengal Services (Recruitment to Clerical Cadre) Rules, 2010, issued by the Finance Department Notification No. 7165-F(P), dated 01.07.2010.
Amendment in Conduct Rules of Secondary School Teachers
Every teacher or non-teaching staff shall submit an application for appearing at any examination to the appointing authority and seek prior approval of the concerned DI.
WBBSE (Conduct and Discipline of Teachers and Non-teaching staff) Regulations, 2004
These regulations may be called the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (Conduct and Discipline of Teachers and Non-teaching staff) Regulations, 2004.
West Bengal Services (Recruitment to Clerical Cadre) Rules, 2010
Governor is pleased to make the rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Lower Division Assistant or Lower Division Clerk and posts similar to that of Lower Division Assistant or Lower Division Clerk in the Secretariat, Directorates, other District Offices and similar posts in Regional Offices (including Kolkata)
Cash Equivalent of Leave Salary: New Definition of Family
As it is often experienced various difficulties in the matter of payment of the cash equivalent of leave salary to the family of a deceased employee, the question of modification of definition of family as envisaged in Note 1 below rule 168B of WBSR Part-I has been under consideration of the Government for some time…
West Bengal Services (Training and Examination) Rules, 1953
West Bengal Services (Training & Examination) Rules, 1953 regulates the probation and training of officers appointed on probation to IAS, IPS, West Bengal State Services, Civil Service (Executive, Judicial).
West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres) Rules, 1984
West Bengal Services (Secretariat Common Cadres) Rules shall apply to all Government employees holding, in the Secretariat Departments and Offices mentioned in the Schedule to these Rules, the posts borne in the Secretariat Common Cadres, as formed under rule 4.
Service Matters under Administrative Department’s Disposal
Regularisation of service due to unauthorized absence by granting leave within the ceiling as prescribed under the Rule. (Rule 34 of WBSR Part – I).
West Bengal Primary Education (Conduct of Service) Rules, 2001
Every teacher shall, in the discharge of his duties, rise above all prejudices and personal and other considerations and maintain integrity, impartiality and devotion to duty.
West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Confirmation) Rules, 1979
A Govt. employee shall be deemed to be on probation on completion of continuous temporary service for two years after his initial appointment in a post or cadre.
Foreign Service Rules as per West Bengal Service Rules
No Govt. employee shall be transferred to foreign service whether within or outside India, against his will, and all transfer to foreign service require the sanction of Govt.
West Bengal Services (Group D) Recruitment Rules, 2009
This rule shall apply to the recruitment of different categories of Group -D posts, namely peon, orderly peon, Night Guard, Darwan, Farash or other posts.
Dismissal, Removal and Suspension of Govt. Employee
Disciplinary authority issue a final order dismissing the charged officer from service. Any kind of leave may not be granted under suspension.
West Bengal Service (Duties, Rights and Obligations) Rules, 1980
No employee shall go on strike without giving notice of at least 14 days. For public utility services (running of hospitals, Fire brigades, Drinking water supply, Milk supply, Ration shops) the period is 30 days.
West Bengal Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules
West Bengal Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1971 govern the disciplinary action against the employees of West Bengal Government. A detailed procedure for holding enquiry and imposing penalty by the disciplinary authority is defined here.
West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules, 2009
Clarifications, Modification of West Bengal Revision of Pay and Allowance, 2009 for State Government Employees, Teachers of School Education Department.
West Bengal Service Rules Part – I and Part – II
General Conditions of Service, Appointment, Occupation of Government Residence, Pay Fixation, Joining Time, Leave Rules, Retirement, Pensionary Benefits etc. are described in West Bengal Service Rules.
West Bengal Services Driver, Grade-I and II Recruitment Rules, 2009
These rules shall apply to recruitment to the posts of Driver, Grade-I and Driver, Grade-II in the secretariat department, Directorates and in regional offices (in districts including Kolkata).
West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992
An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to prisons and persons detained therein in West Bengal. Establishment of different categories of correctional home, Functions of correctional homes.
West Bengal Services Recruitment of English Typists Rules, 2008
Governor is pleased to make the following amendments in the West Bengal Services Recruitment of English Typists (Basic Grade) Rules, 2008 issued with this Department notification No. 8135-F dated 03.11.2008.
West Bengal College Teachers (Security of Service) Act, 1975
An Act to provide for the security of service of teachers of affiliated, constituent and Government Sponsored Colleges in West Bengal.
West Bengal Service (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1971
WBS DCRB Rules, 1971. Short title and commencement, Application, Interpretation, Relaxation of these rules, Power to give directions, Pension regulated by rules in force