Some important orders regarding tender & e tender :

আমাদের বিভিন্ন ডিপার্টমেন্ট আছে যারা প্রতিনিয়ত tender /e tender invite করে। যেমন , NBDD, PHE, WRIDD, PWD, PWD( ELECTRICAL), হেলথ ডিপার্টমেন্ট, WBSRDA, বিভিন্ন ডেভলপমেন্ট অথরিটি, KMDA , বিভিন্ন পঞ্চায়ত সমিতি, জেলা পরিষদ, বিভিন্ন ULB ইত্যাদি। এরা ছাড়াও অনান্য ডিপার্টমেন্ট ও TENDER INVITE করে।TENDER এর অনেক নিয়ম ও সেই সংক্রান্ত অনেক ORDER রয়েছে। বিভিন্ন নিয়মের জন্য আলাদা আলাদা ORDER ও বেরিয়েছে ফিনান্স ডিপার্টমেন্ট থেকে । তার মধ্যে important কিছু ORDER নম্বর ও বিষয়গুলো mention করছি। এখানে TIA= TENDER INVITING AUTHORITY.
1. Rules of Tender, quotation, publication in leading dailies, a minimum period for submission of tender from last date of submission , opening of technical & financial bid by TIA – 5400- F(Y) 25.6.12
2. Clarification regarding engagement of ‘agency’ mentioned in G.O no 5400 – F(Y) : 8183- F(Y) 26.9.12
3. Procedure of re tender : 9754- F(Y) 3.12.12
4.Mandatory e tender for procurement, construction above 5 lakhs : 6932- F(Y) 29.8.13
5. Mandatory publication of e tender on e tender portal ( : 3739- F(Y) 3.5.12 & 1160-F(Y) 28.2.14
6. Revised norms for acceptance if L1 bidder when no of qualified bidder during 2nd call is less than 3 : 925-F(Y) 14.2.17 & 6989- F(Y) 19.11.18
7. Rule of limited tender inquiry , single tender during emergency: 1956- F(Y) 4.4.14
8. Role of departmental tender committee: 5965- F(Y) 14.9.18
9. Online receipt and refund of EMD through state govt e tender portal under work & supply contract: 1526- F(Y) 18.3.14 & 3975- F(Y) 28.7.16
10. Procedure of transfer of EMD received online through the e tender portal to the security deposit HOA( 8443)maintained at PAO/ Treasury: 5688- F(Y) 3.11.16
11.Procedure of e Auction : 3836- F(Y) 19.6.17
12. Exemption of SSI units from EMD/SD applicable for supply contracts : 4245- F(Y) 28.5.13
13. Pohibition of splitting of works in order avoid e tender/ increase the scope of work : 4609- F(Y) 18.7.18
14.Additional performance security in case when bid rate is 80% or less of the estimated value put to tender: 4608- F(Y) 18.7.18
15. Modalities of market value assessment in the state: 1355- FT, 14.9.18
16.Abolition of enlistment of contractors : 1177- F(Y) 28.2.14 & 2254-F(Y) 24.4.14
17.Mandatory submission of hard copy of EMD document to TIA for L1 bidder: 1592- F(Y) 20.3.14
18. Maximum 3% contigency is allowed on the Tender Value : 6427- F(Y) 25.7.12
19. Amendment of procedure of procurement, e tender document available free of cost from e tender portal for the bidders, minimum period for submission of tender from last date of publication: 2254- F(Y) 24.4.14
20. Refund of security deposit basing on defect liability period: 5784- PW/L&A/2M-175/2017 ,12.9.17
21. Mandatory use of tender register for TIA: 9754- F(Y) 3.12.12
22. Provision for extension of last date of bid submission : 3661- F(Y) 7.6.18
23.Applicability of wb financial rule for all procurement and works in all parastatals including procurement & works from their own source: 7415- F(Y) 4.12.17
24.Amendment of rule 47(9)(b) of WBFR upon introduction of GST: 4374-F(Y) 13.7.17
25.Modalities of engagement of consultants in State Govt projects : 8385- F(Y) 22.11.13
26.Delegation of power of engineers to accord technical sanction and accept works tender: 5458- F(Y) 27.6.12
27. Drawal of fund in phased manner for the agencies having requisite engineering set up under capital outlay under the detailed head V-53 & V-60 : 3626- F(Y) 10.7.14 & subsequent amendment by 1033- F(Y) 20.2.18
28. Publication of brief referral of advertisement of tender of each state govt offices through respective dept. : 1234- F(Y) 12.3.20
29. Revised provision for publication of brief referral advt in daily newspaper: 2391- F(Y) 10.8.20 [ Amendment of 5400- F(Y) 25.6.12]
30. Revised norms for payment of labour cess : 4519 -F(Y) 7.8.19
31. Revision of form no 2911( Tender form) : 5696- F(Y) 1.10.19
32. Execution of different development project of state govt by PSU and accounting procedure in this regard: 1240- F(Y) 18.2.13
33. Vetting of estimates for the works above 5 CR and performed by PSU should be done mandatorily by Chief engg. PWD : 3007- F(Y) 12.4.13
34. Labour cooperative exempted from paying EMD but not for SD : 6718- F(Y) 8.9.15
35. Permission of finance dept is mandatory before direct purchase of land : 862- FB 14.10.15
37. Transfer of EMD received online to the SD account at Treasury: 5688- F(Y) 3.11.16
38. Submission of performance bank guarantee( except statutory, autonomous bodies, local bodies) : 2691- F(Y) 2.5.17

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