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Tips on Classroom Management

Six classroom management tips for new teachers:

Smile, be consistent and add some fun – teacher and blogger Michael Linsin explains his behaviour management basics [Link ⇒]

As a new teacher facing their first classroom experience, you will have no doubt been bombarded with information.
It’s hard to know what’s important and what can go to the bottom of your priority list. Well here’s the straight scoop: everything takes a back seat to classroom management because if you can’t effectively control your classroom, nothing will work as it should. You must master this one area first otherwise teaching can be especially unforgiving.
While there are hundreds of possible strategies at your disposal, a few are absolutely critical. Stick with the following cornerstone principles from the first day of school to the last and you’ll have a successful year of teaching.

The oft-repeated recommendation that you should never smile in the first two months of the school year is hogwash. A smile sends a subtle but powerful message to your class that kindness and politeness are expected. It also calms nervous energy and builds instant rapport and likability. This is critically important because when your students like you and are comfortable around you, they’ll want to please you, listen to you and behave for you. As you meet your class, look them in the eye, say hello and smile.

Have clear rules:
Classroom rules protect every student’s right to learn and enjoy school – and your right to teach. They must cover every possible disruption, interruption and misbehaviour – and there should be no misunderstanding regarding what constitutes breaking them.
Define each rule explicitly during the first few days at a school. Modelling is key here; show your students examples of the precise behaviours that transgress your rules. For example, if you were teaching children to raise their hand before speaking, sit in a student’s seat and demonstrate what following the rule does and doesn’t look like.

Have clear consequences:
Consequences hold students to account without having to lecture or berate them. Maintaining a positive relationship is crucial in reaching and inspiring your students to mature socially and academically.
Walk your class through the steps of misbehaving, from initial warning to parent contact. Model the exact words and body language you’ll use when you give a warning, send a student for time out, or inform them that you must call home. This way, there are no surprises, no arguments and no anger when it goes wrong. This prompts the offending student to reflect on their misbehaviour, take responsibility for it and vow to never do it again.

Follow through:
Inconsistency is the fastest way to lose control of your class. When you let misbehaviour go, yell and admonish instead of calmly enforcing consequences, you essentially tell your students that you can’t be trusted – this causes disappointment, resentment and ultimately more misbehaviour. The key to consistency is to continually remind yourself that your very success depends on it. The moment they learn that you’re not a person of your word, the floodgates will open. When you witness a transgression of your rules, your response should be automatic, even robot-like. Simply approach the misbehaving student, tell them what rule was broken and the consequence, and then turn and walk away.

Teach detailed routines:
Routines are the lifeblood of a well-run classroom. They save time, keep students focused on learning and reduce misbehaviour. Anything and everything you do repeatedly – such as lining up for lunch, turning in work or circling into groups – should be made into a routine.
The key is to teach children in a detailed way. Pretend you’re a student and guide them through the steps you want them to take. For example, if you’re teaching how to enter the classroom in the morning, throw on a backpack, start outside your classroom door and create a memory map for your students to follow. After checking for understanding, choose a student as a model then practise as a class until perfected.

Add a dose of fun:
It’s easy to get so caught up in teaching your objectives that you forget the importance of making school fun for students. If there is a secret to classroom management, this is it. When your students are happy, engaged and look forward to your class, you have powerful leverage to curb misbehaviour because your consequences mean something to them. It is this combination of fun and accountability that will transform even the most difficult students. This doesn’t mean you always have to have an interactive game at the ready or spend extra time planning, just be open to sharing a laugh with your students. Be yourself and never be afraid to show your personality. Tell hard-luck stories of your youth, take attendance in a funny accent, answer a question as an opera singer. Enjoy your job. Your students will love you for it.

Tried and true:
Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad advice bouncing around the halls and staff lounges of schools. Some of the most commonly recommended strategies are dishonest and manipulative. Some may work in the moment, but cause more problems down the line. And some are just plain harmful to students.
You’ll do well to filter everything you hear through the six tried-and-true tips above. If it doesn’t build influential relationships, if it doesn’t entail honesty, consistency and doing what’s best for students, if it doesn’t help create a learning environment your students enjoy being part of, then let it go in one ear and out the other.

Michael Linsin is the bestselling author of three books about classroom management. His ideas can also be found on his blog, Smart Classroom Management.

                                        © (2023)


  Information for the Govt. Sponsored School & RMSA

Members of the MC of the Govt. Sponsord Schools

  • President (nominated by the State Government)
  • Secretary (Head of Institution)
  • Member [Person Interested in Education (PIE) nominated by the State Government]
  • Member [Person Interested in Education (PIE) nominated by the State Government]
  • Member (Medical Practitioner of the locality)
  • Member (Govt. Official)
  • Guardian Member (nominated by President in consultation with Secretary)
  • Guardian Member (nominated by President in consultation with Secretary)
  • 3 (Three) Teacher Representatives
  • 1 (One) Non-Teaching Representative





PAB REPORT (2023-24)



 PAB REPORT (2023-24)                            
PAB REPORT (2022-23)
PAB REPORT (2021-22)
PAB REPORT -(2020-21)

Shikshabandhu & Voluntery Resourse Person’s  Nomination Time Extended

Shikshabandhu can contest Panchayet election order by Kolkatta High Court




Enhancement of Remuneration by 40% of the Shikshabandhu  of  PBSSM in the Circle Level Resource  Centers Will take effect from 01/01/2019 restrospectively

Enhancement of Remuneration by 40% of the Project Management Staff of  PBSSM in the State Project Office,District Project Offices and Circle Level Resource  Centers Will take effect from 01/03/2018 restrospectively

Annual Enhancement of Remuneration @3% and one time terminal benefit of Rs 3 lakh on attaining the age of 60 years for PARA TEACHERS , SHIKSHABANDHUS, SPECIAL EDUCATORS & MANAGEMENT STAFF  of PBSSM and for SHAHAYAKS/SAHAYIKAYS and SAMPRASARAK/SAMPRASARIKAS of SSK and MSK

Annual Enhancement of Remuneration @ 3% for Para Teachers, Shikshabandhu, Special Educators & Management Staff of PBSSM



Shikshabandhu Deputation to Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Govt. of WB

Shikshabandhu Deputation to Education Minister,Govt. of WB

Remunaration In Respect of  workers service condition  Memo- 3998-F(P2), Dated-15.07.2019


Project DIPANKAR – The Child Tracking System

40% Enhancement of Remuneration of Siksha Bandhu

Employees Provident Fund for Para-Teachers, Shiksha Bandhus

UTKARSHA ABHIJAN – Quality of Education in Primary Schools of WB

Duties and Responsibilities of Para Teacher, VRP, Siksha Bandhu

Para Teacher, VRP, Siksha Bandhu under Sarba Siksha Abhijan

Salary Increment of Para Teachers, Siksha Bandhus

Re-engaged for a period of 1(one) year subject to renewal till 60 years of age  all existing employees of State Project Office,District Project Office & CLRC Office

Remuneration of Different Contractual Employees of PBSSM

Revised Remuneration of Contractual Employee under SSA



Ref. No.:                                                                                             Date:


  1. The State of West Bengal

Service through the Chief Secretary;

Government of West Bengal;

At: “Nabanna”; 325, Sarat Chatterjee Street;

Shibpur; Howrah-711102.


  1. The Secretary/Jt. Secretary,

School Education Department (Primary/Elementary Education Branch);

Government of West Bengal;

Bikash Bhawan; 6th Floor; Salt Lake City; Kolkata-700091.


  1. The Director of School Education;

Government of West Bengal;

Bikash Bhawan 2nd Floor;

Salt Lake City; Kolkata-700091.


  1. The State Project Director;

Paschim Banga Sarba Shiksha Mission (Now Samagra Shiksha);

Government of West Bengal;

Bikash Bhawan 2nd Floor;

Salt Lake City; Kolkata-700091.


  1. The President;

West Bengal Board of Primary Education;

Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan;

DK 7/1; Sector-II; Salt Lake; Kolkata – 700091


  1. The Union of India;

Service through the Joint Secretary to the Government of India;

Ministry of Education;

Department of School Education and Literacy; (IS.8 Section);

107A-D, Shastri Bhawan; New Delhi-110001.



  1. Shri Rajib Kumar Sen

Sr.  Advisor (WCD & Education)

Niti Aayog; Government of India;

Room No. 264; Sansad Marg Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110001



Subject: Legal Notice


RE: Amelioration from all financial disputes & deprivation and absorption/regularization of the BRC/CLRC Coordinators and CRC Coordinators (Shiksha Bandhus) in the regular cadre/employment of Education Department, Government of West Bengal, ending the SUBTERFUGE status of “Contractual Employee” – a long felt legitimate demand.


My Clients:  Shri Sankar Sarkar, aged about 50 years, Son of Late Sourendranath Sarkar,   resident of Village: Nowpara; Post Office: Basuri; P.S. Haripal; District: Hooghly; West Bengal; PIN Code-713403, employed as SHIKSHA BANDHU (BRC/CLRC/CRC Coordinator as per Government of India nomenclature of Designation) in the Upper Primary level of __________ CLRC, Hooghly,


And                 Shri Nanda Dulal Mukhopadhyay,  aged about 52 years, Son of Late Bibhabasu Mukhopadhyay,   resident of Village: Moutorh; Post Office: Moutorh; P.S. Raghunathpur; District: Purulia; West Bengal; PIN Code-723145, employed as SHIKSHA BANDHU (BRC/CLRC/CRC Coordinator as per Government of India nomenclature of Designation) in the Primary level of __________ CLRC, Purulia.


Dear Madam(s)/Sir(s),


Having gone through the issues being faced by my clients captioned as above, who actually represent a few others of themselves belonging in their class suffering from the common cause of action, I address you as under through this notice of “Demand for Justice” on behalf of and under instruction from my above said clients:


  1. That my clients have been engaged/appointed directly by the Government of West Bengal through due selection process comprising of Written Tests and Viva-voce/Interview against sanctioned vacant posts of Shiksha Bandhu (in other state known by other befitting designations) for augmenting and achieving Universalization of Elementary Education as mandated by the 86th amendment to the Constitution of India ensuring free and compulsory education to the children of 6 to 14 years age group as their fundamental right and to eradicate illiteracy from the country.


  1. That my clients were engaged in different times/dates following the first such engagement of Shiksha Bandhus in April 2007, initiated by an order No. 452-SE(Pry)/(P)SSA-7/2002 dated the 13th July, 2006 of the School Education Department (Primary Branch), Government of West Bengal.


  1. That initially the duties and responsibilities to be discharged by a Shiksha Bandhu were elaborated in 15-point list under an Order issued by the District Project Officer, Sarva Shiksha Mission, Purba Medinipur, vide Memo No. 1501/SSM dated 12.10.2007, accompanied with an Hand Book for Shiksha Bandhus issued by the State Project Director, as available in hand, and the same was true for all other Shiksha Bandhus in other districts also as evident from many of them which need not be elaborated further for the sake of brevity.


  1. That over the years for last sixteen years the duties, roles & responsibilities, workload, integrity and belongingness of the Shiksha Bandhus have increased manifold the extent of which is available in Annexure-I of the Order No. 886-SE(Pry)/PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 (Pt.II) dated 16.11.2010, a one-and-half decade ago visualization of the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal.


  1. That with the present number of 1 Crore 62 Lakh 17 Thousand 7 hundred and 74 students enrolled as on 15.02.2023,  [Source: Memo No. 51/PBSSM-17011/4/2022-MIS SEC (Part-1) Dated: 15 /02/2023, issued by the State Project Director, Paschim Banga Samagra Shiksha Mission], the Shiksha Bandhus, dwindled from 4200 to 2039 numbers only, take the responsibility of approximately 8000 (eight thousand) students on an average per head and this is no mean task. A draft report in the form of a composite comparative study submitted in June 2011 by the Committee  to Suggest Indicative Operational and Revitalization of Sub-District Level Resource Centers (BRCs and CRCs) to the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India [available at]  is an eye-opener to the sordid state of affairs pertaining to the remuneration status of Shiksha Bandhus in West Bengal in particular.


  1. That my clients and the members of the class they are appearing to represent do almost all the jobs regularly which are necessary to keep the Elementary Education activities of the government going. The jobs of the Shiksha Bandhus are routinely continuing daily round work insofar as the activities of the Elementary Education Department are also permanent process. The Shiksha Bandhus do very other special works which can be grouped in the following manner:


  1. Regular Clerical Jobs: Collection, preparation & cooking of Data which are latterly transmitted by MIS Coordinator to different higher-ups. In absence of any Gr.-C or Gr.-D staff in many CLRCs such clerical jobs are done by none other than Shiksha Bandhus only;


  1. Administrative and Statistical Jobs: In the Circle Level Resource Centres (CLRCs) or Rlock Resource Centers (where there is only one Circle in a Block, the said Unit is Block Resource Center – BRC, instead of CLRC), the Shiksha Bandhus (CLRC Coordinators) are just below the Sub-Inspector of Schools in matters of coordinations, Book Distributions, Keeping Teachers’ Leave Record, arrangement and conducting of various Trainings, Checking UDISE+ etc.


  • Inspection & Supervising: The CLRC/BRC Coordinators and the CRC Coordinators do Inspection and Supervising jobs to oversee & ensure the smooth functioning of Primary/Elementary Education activities as per Memo of their Job Description. The CRC Coordinators represent the Sub Inspector of School in the VEHC/School Managing Committee.


  1. Pedagogical: As per the Order under Memo No. 886-SE(Pry)/PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 (Pt.II) dated 16.11.2010, of the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal, the Shiksha Bandhus hold, organize and act as Resource Persons in Scholastic and Instructional jobs for Pedagogical Training for the Teachers. Shiksha Bandhus take Training from District Project Office (DPO), SSM and impart Training at CLRC to the Teachers. This is evident in Sub-head Teachers training (pedagogy) of the major head 3. Shiksha Bandhu incorporated in the aforementioned Annexure-I titled as Duties and responsibilities of the Para Teachers, VRPs and Shiksha Bandhus.


  1. Financial Powers and Responsibilities: CLRC Coordinator Shiksha Bandhus sign in the Note Sheets prepared and originated in the CLRC and they are the compulsory Signatories in the Bank Cheques of all values. The powers of Drawing and Disbursement Officer (DDO) given to Shiksha Bandhus distinguish them from other staff of the CLRC office. He or she operates Bank Account up to Rs. 10,000/- jointly with the Sub-Inspector of School (Circle Project Coordinator-CPC) and jointly with SI and Block Development Officers (BDO) for expenses above Rs. 10,000/-. Thus crores of rupees are disbursed/spent under the joint responsibility of the CLRC Coordinator Shiksha Bandhus in the State.


  1. Besides the important jobs done regularly, mentioned as above, the Shiksha Bandhus are trusted workforce of the government for implementing various peoples’ welfare oriented programs of the government, some of which are Student Credit Card Scheme, Sabuj Sathi, Kanyashri and Shikshashri projects to name a few. Even the Shiksha Bandhus are subjected to work with the Private or Non-government organizations also for the sake of bringing in positive change in Elementary Education in the State. They are entrusted with the work of Census. Election and Covid-19 Pandemic related duties also.


  1. That the clients abovenamed and the class they are appearing to represent are actually Education Coordinators and they are known by such designation in other States. Their Designations are Assistant Sub-Inspector, BRC/CLRC/CRC Coordinators which are their true identity and they are worth of it. Memo No. 372/MIS/PBSSM/91/2010-11 dated 13.09.2010 issued to all District and Council Project Officers, SSM by the State Project Director, PBSSM the Master List certifying Shiksha Bandhus posted in CRCs and CLRCs have been assigned the designation of CRC Coordinator at CRC level and CLRC Coordinator at the respective CLRCs. Similarly, an Email dated 10.10.2013 from SPO, SSM, West Bengal < > to all the district heads have had given a clarification about CRC Coordinator by intimating & confirming that for the purpose of UDISE Shiksha Bandhus (are) treated as CRC Coordinator. It is objected that the Government cannot be opportunist in the use of Designation when it suits to its purpose only and deprive & demoralize the concerned employees by stripping out the correct designation.
  2. That
  3. Shiksha Bandhu – Good Worker Tag and holds Superior position in the hierarchy, PGI .
  4. No more Contractual Worker, not even a Project Staff. The Center has removed the Mission or Project tags.
  5. 60-40% absent. If 60% Central component is Rs.11270/- then with the 40% State Component or Rs. 7513/-, the total Payment comes to Rs. 18783/-.
  6. Gratuity back calculation. (x/26).15.15=300000. Therefore, x= 34666/-.(Monthly Salary). – Fund siphoning and/or Diversion.
  7. Several representations have not worked.
  8. No Affidavit-in-opposition to numerous court orders. Apathetic attitude.
  9. Late coverage of PF in violation of PF Act and Rules.
  10. 141



Arrears calculated on the basis of recalculated remuneration as per prevailing Center-State ratio starting from joining.

PF from the date of becoming permanent in 2010.

Change in Designation

Placement in proper Scale of Pay with Grade Pay

To bring under the Service Rule.

Enhancement of retirement age as per rule 76. (a) of the WB Service Rules, Part-I, Chapter 10, as applicable for a Gr.-D post.


Keep aside forthwith 60% component of Center’s contribution.



Now, therefore, consequent upon the facts & circumstances of the case I, through this humble notice, call upon you to immediately intervene & act in adherence of Article 14 and 16 of the Indian Constitution and resolve the matter positively by fulfilling the moral & legal requirements & obligation as mentioned hereinabove and doing the needful to enable my clients get a permanent status in their employment being regularized with Pay Scale and Grade Pay as per norms. I, on behalf of my clients and under instruction from them like to emphasize that going for a strenuous legalistic solution is not at all warranted. You are, therefore, requested to do the needful within fifteen days reckoned from the date of receiving this notice, failing which, please note, my clients would most reluctantly be compelled to adhere to the process of law against you and concerned Government Authorities / Departments / Ministries without any further reference and in that unwarranted event the cost, consequences and liabilities will lie upon you.

Yours faithfully,

(Harisankar Chattopadhyay)










Para Teacher (Rules & G.O.)

Pay hike @3%new

The Governor has been pleased to sanction pay increment @ 3% for the ward teachers who have been brought under the School Education Department and the employees of other departments engaged under SSM, SSK and MSK teachers in the recent past.

Deploying Para Teachers on Invigilation Duty of MP 2020 new

As directed, you are requested to inform all the venue supervisors to depute Para-Teachers in charge of inspection in Madhyamik Examination (SE), 2020. 

 Offline form fill by NC and CC candidates for D.ED.ED

NC and CC candidates will be directed by the concerned SI of School/Circle Project Coordinator to submit the filled forms along with relevant documents and bank draft by 06.08.2018  .

1st Year D.EL.ED Term End Exam Application.2015-17

Two years d. Online applications are invited for appearing in the final (theoretical) examination of the first year of L. Ed. Course (ODL), Session: 2015-2017.

1st Year D.EL.ED Term End Examination Schedule, 2015-17

First Year End Exam Schedule 2015-17 for Two Year DLed Exam for Para Teachers and Remaining Teachers.

Register for D.EL.ED Course. 2015-17 by 30.09.2017

(1) (2)

Allotment of study centers and distribution of study materials to registered PTs and remaining teachers

Para Teachers and Remaining Teachers registered for Two Year D.El.Ed Course (ODL Mode) will know their Study Centers allotted online from 05.00 18.07.2017

 Neighborhood Teacher’s Study Center – Contact the SI of the school

Registered Para-Teachers of all districts to positively contact Sub-Inspectors of their respective schools on 08/05/2017 at 12 noon to know about their allotted study centers.


Applicants have to apply online through their registration number and date of birth. After providing valid information applicant has to select five study centers in order of preference.

 Study Center of D.EL.ED for In-Service Para Teachers

Registered Para-Teachers of all districts to positively contact Sub-Inspectors of their respective schools on 08/05/2017 at 12 noon to know about their allotted study centers.

10% horizontal reservation for para teachers

The Governor is pleased to direct that 10% of the existing vacant posts be filled up by para-teachers currently working in various primary schools of the state  .

 Amendment of Primary Teacher Recruitment Rules

Educational qualification, training, performance in TET, extra curricular activities, viva kantha or interview and teaching experience in case of Eligibility Test or Para-Teacher will be counted.

 Primary Teacher Recruitment from TET,2014

Application form will be available online at websites:, from 30.09.2016 to 07.10.2016 up to 6 PM.

 Primary Teacher Recruitment from TET 2014

Applications are invited from TET-2014 eligible candidates to fill up 41,559 vacancies for the post of Assistant Teacher under West Bengal District Primary School Council.

Children with Special Needs – Policy Guidelines

Front row and window seating can be arranged for visually impaired children. Braille text books should also be provided for them.

 Applicants Download Registration Certificate of Para Teachers

Applicant para teachers who could not download their registration certificate, are requested to download from on 04/04/2016 and from 1 PM.

Guidelines for Curriculum Adaptation for Children

If children have mobility problems, the school should have ramps and HM will try to arrange classes for the particular student on the ground floor as far as possible.

Registration certificate of applicant para teachers

Applicants-Para-Teachers are requested to log on to to download and print Registration Certificate of D.El.Ed. Course for PBSSM-approved para teachers.

 Date of Online Registration in D.EL.ED for Para Teachers

Online Registration in Two Year D. El Ed. Course through ODL Mode for Eligible Untrained In-Service Para Teachers, 2015-17 to commence on 8th January, 2016 at 11 AM

 Online Registration for D.EL.ED Courses for Para Teachers

Para Teacher (Rules & Geo)


This page was last updated on: Monday 20 January 2024 at 16:14 IST




  © (2023) 






WBBPE প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়, 2001-এর শিক্ষকদের পরিষেবার আচরণ [906-SE(Pry) তারিখ 9th July, 2001]
WBBPE  |  প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের তালিকা (এসএসকে, এমএসকে সহ)  |  ROPA 2019 অনুযায়ী এন্ট্রি পে  |  NIOS (ইন-সার্ভিস শিক্ষকদের জন্য D.El.Ed.)WBBPE থেকে সর্বশেষ অর্ডারের জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করুন নতুন 


এসএসকে, প্যারা শিক্ষক এবং নিয়মিত শিক্ষকদের শিক্ষাদানকারী ব্যক্তিত্বদের শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার উন্নীতকরণ (আরটিই আইন অনুসারে):

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা বিষয়ে ছয় মাসের বিশেষ প্রশিক্ষণ কর্মসূচি (ODL মোড):

ডি. এল. এড.

বিবিধ বিজ্ঞপ্তি:

এই পৃষ্ঠাটি শেষবার আপডেট করা হয়েছে: Sun 12 Nov 2023 IST 20:50 এ




Information regarding B. Ed. Training

B. Ed. on Deputation (Regular B.Ed.)

Important Info:

B. Ed. Admission Notification:

Important Orders:

Distance Mode B.Ed.

Open Distance Learning (ODL) B.Ed.


WBNSOU | ODL Notice (AJCB) | ODL Notice (BJNS) | RKMSM Notice Board


2nd Phase:

1st Phase:

This page was last updated on: Wed 6 Jul 2023 at 19:59 IST





ePension Portal of Finance Dept., GoWB | ePension User Manual | e-Pension FAQ for HOI & APPLICANT | Pension related G.O.s by WBFinDept

Documents on PF

GPF Rules in Text

This page was last updated on: Wed 10 Jan 2024 at 9:19 IST



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