
Full pension @ 50% of last pay is admissible to the employees on superannuation having completed full qualifying service of more than 20 years.



Submission of Pension Cases to AG(A&E), WB with proper Stamp

Issuance of Uniform Format of Certification in favour of Pensioners

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of (Pre-01.01.2016) Pensioners

An increase in the “dependent” income ceiling for family pension purposes

Revision of Pension of pre-01.01.2016 Pensioners under ROPA, 2019

Pension/ Family Pension (Pre-2016) – 6th Pay Commission

Pension/Family pension in respect of the employees who retired or died in harness prior to 01.04.1981

West Bengal Service (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1971

Death-cum-Retirement Benefit Rules (After ROPA, 2019)

West Bengal Primary Education (Teachers and Employees DCRB) Rules, 2008

Forwarding Pension Cases to the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal

Guidelines for processing Pension Papers by AGWB

Counting of Past Service for Retiring Benefit, Leave etc.

·          Submission of Pension Cases to AG(A&E), WB with proper Stamp

During the scrutiny of pension cases received from different Pension sanctioning Authorities (PSA) it is noticed that some of the cases are being sent under the signature of PSA but without proper stamp/ seal.

·         Issuance of Uniform Format of Certification in favour of Pensioners

Governor is pleased to accord the issuance of the Uniform Format of Certification to the pensioners/ family pensioners by the Head of Office/ Drawing and Disbursing Authority at the time of superannuation/ death in harness.

·         Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of (Pre-01.01.2016) Pensioners

Clarification in respect of cases of Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of Pre-01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioner, where pay structure has been upgraded subsequent to retirement/ death of Ex-Govt. Employee.

·         Revision of Pension of pre-01.01.2016 Pensioners under ROPA, 2019

Pension of the pre-01.01.2016 pensioners, in no case, shall be lower than 50% of the corresponding minimum of the revised pay structure under W.B.S. (ROPA) Rules, 2019.

·         Disbursement of Pension/ Family pension through Private Banks

Private Sector banks are hereby included in the list of authorised banks to disburse Government Pensions and Family Pensions in KMC area and also to disburse Government as well as Non-Government Pension drawn by Treasuries and PD Cell.

·         Withdrawal of Pension using ATM/ Debit Card/ Net Banking

Pensioners and Family Pensioners will be able to draw their pensions from the respective pension disbursing banks by using the facilities of ATM/ Debit Card or through Net Banking portal of the bank.

·         Pension of College Staffs on Compulsory Retirement as a Penalty

A College teaching staff compulsorily retired from service as a penalty may be granted by an authority, pension at a rate not less than two-thirds and not more than full invalid pension and special additional pension, if any.

·         Raising of Income Ceiling for Entitlement of Family Pension

Governor has been pleased to raise the Income Ceiling of mother/ father and unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughter for entitlement of family pension to Rs. 9000/- only per month.

·         Commutation of Pension by Employees of Three Tier Panchayat Bodies

Revised procedure for submission of Application for Commutation of Pension by the employees of three tier Panchayat Bodies.

·         Verification of Pension Cases for Employees of Three Tier Panchayat Bodies

Verification of the Pension cases for the employees of the three tier Panchayat Bodies by the Financial Controller and Chief Accounts Officer of Zilla Parishad/ Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad.


·         Simple Superannuation Pension Calculator, 2021

This utility prepare Modified Single Comprehensive Form + all other pension papers including forwarding letter as per the latest memorandum No. 40-F(Pen) dated 02.02.2021.

·         Guidelines for processing Pension Papers by AGWB

The retiring Government employee should submit Formal Application for pension in the prescribed form i.e. Form No. 5 to the Head of Office (HOO)/ Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) not less than one year in advance from the date of his/her date of retirement.

·         Modified Single Comprehensive Form for Pension, 2021

Governor has now been pleased to prescribe a modified ‘Single Comprehensive Form’ which is enclosed. This Form will replace the existing Single Comprehensive Form introduced under Finance Department Memo No. 416-F (Pen) dated 09.08.2019.

·         Manabik under the “Jai Bangla Scheme, 2020”

Governor is pleased to notify that the Guidelines of the Manabik Pension Scheme stands modified to the extent that percentage of disability necessary to be eligible for the benefit will now be “40% & above” instead of 50% previously.

·         Basic Retirement Benefits Calculator for West Bengal Govt. Employees

Basic Retirement Benefits Calculator for West Bengal Govt. Employees, is about calculation of retiring pension (including family pension), retiring and death gratuity and leave salary in one single app.

·         Counting of Past Service rendered by University Employees

He/ She shall be serving as on regular basis in approved and /or substantial post and /or regular in nature in any of the aforementioned institutions continuously and satisfactorily prior to such movement to State Aided University.

·         Easy Pension Calculator

Easy Pension Calculator is mainly for the people who is serving Govt. job especially in the Govt. of West Bengal, Govt. sponsored/ aided school & College, local bodies, Govt. Undertakings and in the verge of retirement or expired while in service.

·         Revision of Pension/ Family Pension under French Pension Rules

The Pension/ Family Pension of the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners guided under French Pension Rules shall be consolidated w.e.f. 01.01.2020 by multiplying the existing Pension/ Family Pension due on 31.12.2019 with 2.57.

·         Consolidation of Restored Portion of Pro-rata Pension (ROPA, 2019)

The amount of Pro-rata pension already restored shall be further consolidated w.e.f. 01.01.2020 or from the date on which the amount is restorable whichever is later, by multiplying with 2.57.

·         e-Pension Portal for the Employees of three tier Panchayat Bodies

Following procedure to be followed by the various authorities for switching over to ‘e-Pension’ Portal and settlement of pensionary claims of the employees of the Panchayat Bodies.


·         Revision of Pension/ Family Pension (Post-01.01.2016) under SED

Revision of pension/ family pension, gratuity and commutation of pension of post 01.01.2016 pensioners implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission.

·         Revision of Pension/ Family Pension (Pre-01.01.2016) under SED

Revision of pension/ family pension of Pre-01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission.

·         Grant of Provisional Pension due to Lock-Down Situation

Grant of provisional pension for the State Govt. employees facing delayed process of pension due to Lock-down situation related to Covid-19 outbreak.

·         Revision of Pension (Pre-01.01.2016) of Non-Teaching Staffs of Non-Govt. Colleges

Revision of pension/ family pension of Pre-01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in respect of non-teaching employees of Non-Government Colleges, Day Students Homes and employees of West Bengal College Service Commission.

·         Revision of Pension (Post-01.01.2016) of Teaching Staff of Non-Govt. Colleges

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of post 01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in respect of Teaching Staff including Graduate Laboratory Instructors/ Instructresses, Librarians/ Assistant Librarians, Physical Instructors/ Instructresses and equivalent category of employees of State aided Non-Government Colleges including erstwhile Sponsored Colleges.

·         Simple Superannuation Pension (After ROPA, 2019)

Please note that this excel utility is based on up to date DCRB Rules and in view of Rules laid down in W.B.S. (ROPA), 2019 and it can calculate the pension before two years of retirement.

·         Revision of Pension (Post-01.01.2016) of Non-Teaching Staffs of Non-Govt. Colleges

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension, Gratuity and Commutation of Pension in respect of Post 01.01.2016 non-teaching employees of Non-Government Colleges, Day Students Homes and employees of West Bengal College Service Commission.

·         New Old Age Pension Schemes – Jai Bangla Scheme, 2020

Introduction of New Old Age Pension Schemes under the Jai Bangla Scheme 2020 namely Taposili Bandhu for Scheduled Caste and Jai Johar for Scheduled Tribe. All SC and ST persons above the age of 60 years are eligible under the scheme and shall receive a pension of Rs. 1,000 per month.

·         Revision of Pension (Post-01.01.2016) of Teaching Staffs of Govt. Colleges

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of post 01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in respect of Teaching Staff including Librarians/ Assistant Librarians, Physical Instructors/ Instructresses and equivalent category of employees of Government Colleges.

·         Revision of Pension (Pre-01.01.2016) of Teaching Staffs of Non-Govt. Colleges

Revision of pension/ family pension of Pre-01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in respect of Teaching Staff and equivalent category of employees of State aided Non-Government Colleges including erstwhile Sponsored Colleges.

·         Revised Guidelines for Revision of Pension under ROPA, 2019

Pension Sanctioning Authority shall fix the revised Pay as per WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 and authenticate the pay fixation particulars in the Service book. Duly updated Service book, IPF documents, attested photocopy of Annexures shall be sent to A.G (A&E) W.B.

·         Sanction and Disbursement of post 01.01.2016 Pensioners

Introduction of Revised Modalities of Sanction and disbursement of Revised Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity/ Commuted Value of Pension of Post- 01.01.2016 Pensioners.

·         Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity and Commutation

Who shall draw and disburse the Revised Gratuity/ Additional Commuted Value of Pension of the State Government employees who retired on or after 01.01.2016 and in whose case PPO has already been issued by AG (A&E) W.B.

·         Pension/ Family Pension (Pre-2016) – 6th Pay Commission

Regarding Implementation of Government decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Pay Commission – Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of Pre- 2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.

·         Commutation of Pension due to ROPA, 2019 – Clarification

The last date for submission of option for additional commutation is 31.12.2020 i.e. 1 (one) year from the actual date of effect of WBS ROPA, 2019. The Pensioner shall be entitled to commute upto 40% of the revised pension.

·         Revision of Pension/ Family Pension – Revised Format

Governor is pleased to introduce the revised format of Annexure-I, II, & III annexed herein for smooth functioning of all concerned viz. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners, Pension Sanctioning Authorities and Pension Disbursing Authorities.

·         Remuneration of Re-Employed Pensioner as per ROPA, 2019

Basic Pay (Band Pay + Gr. Pay) last drawn by him on the date of superannuation will be revised notionally w.e.f. 01.01.2020 under Rule 7 of WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 as if he were in service on 01.01.2020.

·         Revision of Pension/ Family Pension – 6th Pay Commission

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension, Gratuity and Commutation of Pension of of Pre‐01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners and Post 01.01.2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners

·         Modified Single Comprehensive Form for Pension, 2019

Governor has now been pleased to prescribe a modified Single Comprehensive Form which is enclosed. This Form will replace the existing Single Comprehensive Form introduced under Finance Department Memo No. 398-F (Pen) dated 13.09.2012.

·         West Bengal State-aided Universities (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme, 1999

This scheme will be called the “West Bengal State-aided Universities (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme, 1999”. It shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st May, 1999.

·         Modified West Bengal State-aided Universities (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme, 1986

The revised scheme shall be called “Modified West Bengal State-aided Universities (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme, 1986” hereafter called the modified old scheme.

·         West Bengal State-aided Universities (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit-Pre-1.1.96 pension/ family pension) Scheme, 1996

The revised scheme shall be called “West Bengal State-aided Universities (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit-Pre-1.1.96 pension/ family pension) Scheme, 1996”-hereinafter called the “Pre-1.1.96/ Pension Scheme”.

·         “MANABIK” Pension Scheme, 2018

“MANABIK” Pension Scheme, 2018 is applicable for the person having 50% or more disability and the annual family income of the person with disability does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000.00 (Rupees One lakh) per annum.

·         Transfer of Pension from Treasuries through IFMS

Treasury Officer shall select the Transferee Treasury’s name in CTS Module of IFMS and generate the “Last Pension Payment Certificate” showing the details of pension drawn at the Transferor Treasury.

·         Pension Adalat for resolving Grievances for Pensioners, 2018

On 18th September, 2018, Principal Accountant General (A & E), West Bengal office is going to organise ‘Pension Adalat’ in the Treasury Buildings Institute Hall from 11 A.M.

·         Minimum Pension of Principals of Govt. aided Colleges

Governor is pleased to revise the minimum pension of the Principals of Govt. aided Colleges who retired prior to 01.01.2006 at Rs. 26,695/-

·         Graduate Laboratory Instructors eligible for Leave Encashment

Graduate Laboratory Instructors (GLI) of Government-aided Colleges shall be allowed to enjoy Leave Encashment at their retirement by means of superannuation or otherwise.

·         Conferment of Hostel/ Mess Employees of University/ College

Conferment of the status of non-teaching Hostel/ Mess employees and the benefit of General Provident fund and Pension to the Hostel/ Mess employees of State-aided Universities, Government-aided Colleges.

·         Counting of Past Service for Retiring Benefit, Leave etc.

Governor has been pleased to order that in such cases where resignation is required to be tendered to take up another employment, continuity of service benefit should be allowed in the matter of leave also.

·         West Bengal Municipal Employee’s DCRB Rules, 2003

West Bengal Municipal (Employee’s Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 2003 is applicable to all the whole time permanent employees under the employment of the Municipalities and the Notified Area Authorities.

·         Simple Superannuation Pension

Simple Superannuation Pension calculates all related calculations for superannuation case only. This will also prepare Single Comprehensive Form including forwarding letter.

·         Timely Submission of Pension Papers of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff

College authorities are requested to submit pension papers before eight months from the date of retirement on superannuation of the concerned employee positively, so that, the same may be scrutinized and transmitted to the office of the Accountant General, W.B. in time.

·         West Bengal Legislature (Members’ Pension) (Amendment) Act, 1998

An Act to provide for the pension of the Members of the West Bengal Legislature.

·         Certificate for Qualifying Service for Voluntary Retirement

Governor is pleased to delete para 15 which relates to obtaining certificate for 20 years qualifying service from A.G. W.B. before voluntary retirement and to order that henceforth controlling officers would issue such certificate.

·         West Bengal Disability Pension Scheme, 2010

West Bengal Disability Pension Scheme, 2010 is applicable for the Disabled person who is a citizen of India and a resident of West Bengal and whose family income, if any, does not exceed Rs. 1000.00 (one thousand) per month;

·         Delayed Submission of Pension Papers in Non-Govt. Colleges

Submission of pension papers of the concerned persons before 6 months from the date of retirement on superannuation to sanctioning authority.

·         Forwarding Pension Cases to the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal

Service Book (Duly verified and up to date) along with statements of Pay Fixations under ROPA rules duly checked and verified by the competent authority.

·         West Bengal Primary Education (Teachers and Employees DCRB) Rules, 2008

West Bengal Primary Education (Teachers and Employees Death cum Retirement Benefit) Rules, 2008 applicable for approved teaching and non teaching staff of the Govt. or Govt. Aided or Sponsored Training Institutions.

·         Death-cum-Retirement Benefit Rules (After ROPA, 2019)

Minimum qualifying service for eligibility in pension is 10 years. Full Pension @ 50% of Last Pay is applicable for qualifying service of 20 years or more. It is the simplified pension matters.

·         West Bengal Service (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1971

WBS DCRB Rules, 1971. Short title and commencement, Application, Interpretation, Relaxation of these rules, Power to give directions, Pension regulated by rules in force.



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