Family Pension

Family Pension is 30% of the last pay. Maximum ceiling of family pension is Rs. 21,000/-. The amount of pension increases with the increase of the age of the family pensioner.

Application for Leave through HRMS is Mandatory

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Ad-hoc Family Pension

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Family Pension

Family pension of unmarried, widowed, or divorced daughters upon reaching the age of 25 .

Issuance of Uniform Format of Certification in favour of Pensioners

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of (Pre-01.01.2016) Pensioners

Medical Benefits for Pensioner/ Family Pensioner

Minimum Service Required for Admissibility of Family Pension

An increase in the “dependent” income ceiling for family pension purposes

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension – Revised Format

Pension/Family pension in respect of the employees who retired or died in harness prior to 01.04.1981

West Bengal Service (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1971

Death-cum-Retirement Benefit Rules (After ROPA, 2019)

West Bengal Primary Education (Teachers and Employees DCRB) Rules, 2008

Forwarding Pension Cases to the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal

Proforma/ Forms for Approval of Family Pension under WBS(DCRB) Rules

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